
Wandering Love

akilee · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 16

It has been a month after Tao noticed something he shouldn't. It must be caused by overthinking, especially when Tao became extra protective of Nao. However, it believably wasn't a random intuition when Tao, with his own eyes, met face-to-face with a stalker he never thought of confronting.

Stalker? An admirer was more appropriate, perhaps.

The uncanny teenager, tall and pallid, quite built and walked coolly like an actual adult, has been visibly following Tao. Tao could say that the 'boy' walked him to the bus stop everyday, as if they have promised to pace together from school. He never recognized who the boy was, let alone knowing the name and where he lived, but the latter didn't intimidate him at all.

Instead of a stalker, Tao could call the boy as a bodyguard. A volunteering one.

As the curiosity grew unbounded, Tao made up his mind to actually meet the boy and get to know his real identity. Probably the boy was too shy to accost Tao. Judging from the appearance, they might be at the same age.

Tao even guessed the boy was either a recessive Alpha or a Beta, depending on his behaviour once they have begun chatting.

"Who are you? Do I know you beforehand?"

Tao ensured and secured the surrounding before stopping the boy, so that no one would get humiliated or such, yet they were still at an open space. The boy flinched, but his expression didn't change. In fact, he willingly confronted Tao as well.

This boy surely has something in his mind!

"My name is Shizu. I think we're at the same age," not only that he had followed Tao, they also had the same mind. "I would like to know you better."

Tao raised a brow. "You're so straightforward, the most honest person it seems. But, I should be the one inquiring you. I know you've been following me for a few weeks till today. Since you never pounce at me or yell or trick me, I guess you aren't a bad guy."

The expressionless face somehow lit a smile thanks to Tao's indirect compliment. "Thank you very much for believing in me. I didn't mean harm. I... I like you since the first time I saw you," the boy paused for mere seconds before confessing his heart out. "You're beautiful though you're a boy. Even if you're an Omega, I will still like you, or maybe I have already loved you wholeheartedly."

Tao's blushing face was undeniably portrayed. This boy was unfathomable.

"I want to be with you. Though we're at the same age, you're smaller, more fragile than me. I want to have you by my side so that I could protect you with my own two hands," he added.

Sensing no ill intention in his words, Tao averted to hide his flushed face. This Shizu boy wasn't shy at all! In fact, he continuously voiced out his desire, which Tao found it as passionate more than lustful. Since his face was getting hot, he turned speechless.

"So, can I know your name? Where do you live? What is your liking? What kind of partner do you like, or do you have any characteristics for your ideal partner? I want to know everything about you," Shizu calmly stated, displaying apart of his white teeth, which Tao found them attractive.

Hold on, Tao! This guy must be an Alpha. He was too brave to be a Beta, let alone an Omega.

"My name is Tao. I'm 18 this year. I have a brother, and our parents have passed away long ago," Tao carefully shared his identity to Shizu. He peeped over his fringe to watch Shizu's reaction, just to figure out the latter was listening to him with a wide grin. His heart skipped a beat. "I have a lot of question to ask you. You see," he fidgeted, "I never have any of this. I mean, admirer, stalker, or being idolized, any of those. I never imagine myself being a center in someone else's mind."

From a broad grin, Shizu ogled at the trembling Tao. "Are you serious? You're beautiful, but no one likes you? You must be kidding me, right?"

"No, no, no. I don't know where you heard that from, but no. I'm shy, as you can see. I barely talk to guys, especially an Alpha like you."

Shizu's expression changed again. He blinked in slight surprise. "How do you know I'm an Alpha?"

Tao felt a lump accumulating in his throat. There was a fact that he couldn't divulge just casually but he had to make people clear, including Shizu. "You're right, Shizu-san. I'm an Omega. We Omegas are so perceptive because it's one of our defence. Due to pheromone, heat and Alpha's rut, we take extra care of ourselves so that people won't find us as nuisance. Hence, we could always tell who is Alpha and who isn't."

There was a pause in their chat. Awkwardly Tao scratched the back of his head and averted. Shizu's eyes drooped, fixated at Tao's expressed insecurity. "I told you earlier. I'll still like you even if you're an Omega. Besides, there's one thing about our second gender that I like."

Their gap became closer. Shizu purposely drew his face nearer to Tao, indirectly as a sign that he would willingly share his personal space with the Omega. Their distance was only a length of index finger; one careless movement, and Shizu would be able to kiss Tao. Tao was taken aback, but he didn't stop Shizu.

Perhaps, deep inside, he did want to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Perhaps he wanted to be like his twin brother Nao who has a loving Alpha as his lover. Kazu has already loved the child in Nao's baby wholeheartedly, whereas they haven't caught who the father was.

Kazu was an Alpha every Omega ever dreamt on. Nao was the most fortunate Omega if Kazu was set as a baseline for the best Alpha ever existed. Putting aside his wealth, Kazu's faithfulness shouldn't be questioned since it was purely from his own feeling.

All those qualities, Tao has wished his own Alpha would have them as well.

"What do you like about our second gender?" Tao asked while sharing the same air as Shizu.

Shizu's dimples showing themselves as he smiled really sweetly, only for Tao. "I could love you eternally."