
Walking Calamity

On the 31st December, 2025. Earth was no more. It all began and ended with one man, *Gregory Arthur*, solely responsible for the total wipeout of all life on the planet Earth including himself all because of a single person!! This is the story of a brat on a journey to rediscover himself and to seek for himself redemption....... Hopefully...... _______________________ Guys I'm broke so I decided to share my own unique imaginations to you all and hopefully earn something from it.please your support will be greatly appreciated #No yuri #No NTR #Villian through and through not some hypocrite anti hero Bullshit!!!!

Bk_Vybez · Hiện thực
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Boy Alone

In the end,it's just me .

Gregory Arthur, son of ... ,born on April 30th,2001.

Ever since I can remember, I've always questioned my existence.

I always had this feeling that I was meant for more,like I was destined for something far greater, more complex ,more interesting, and....and more.....urghhh!! Who am I kidding, in the end I was just another ordinary part of society fulfilling my role of adding to the numbers.

In the end, we all gotta face reality.

And right now as I face mine,I can't help but regret not doing this sooner.

Some might call me coward,some would call me crazy, some would say "hey you should have tried harder,it's all part of the process". Well I don't know what could have or might have happened, but one thing I do know is that I'm miserable and I hate that,

But I have no clue on how to change that nor do I have anyone to seek guidance from so I did what would make the pain go away,

I ended it all...


Thursday 20th December 2025





"Excuse me is this Mr Arthur"

"Yes..uhh..that'll be me, how can I help?"

"Uhhm can you come to ST. Michael's hospital right now?, there's been an accident involving a relative of yours. "


""Hello?...Sir...are you there?"



"...... I'll be there"

On his way to the hospital, Greg couldn't help but worry about his little sister Anna.

Even though both his parents were alive, he never sensed the usual love a parent had for their child,it was as if they saw him as nothing more than commodity which can be used and discarded as they pleased.

So after leaving alone by himself for the last eight years,he honestly stopped caring about them.

Anna is four years younger than him but they both shared a bond akin to twins,and it was because of her that Greg hadn't completely severed ties with his parents.

Thinking of this,he arrived at the hospital and after asking out a bit,he came face to face with Anna lying on the hospital bed.At first he became confused after seeing his beloved sister in this state.

She was wrapped around with a bandages from her face down all the way to her neckline which meant that her skin was burnt by something hot be it hot water or oil.

Arriving at this conjecture, Greg's face hardened and his became extremely sharp because if he was right,then he might have an idea about who the culprit is.

Just then...

"Greg...is..is that you?"

"Shhh..I'm here Anna don't worry. "

"I..sobs..I'm afraid brother, it's really itchy and hurts a lot brother,please..please make the pain go away brother"

Hearing his little sister's cracked voice and seeing the wet bandage on her face seemingly due to her tears,Greg couldn't help but clench his fist and suppress his turbulent emotions because he knew that if he allows his emotions to consume him,that would be the end of the world.


hello guys , I was just smoking the other day and this idea just came to my mind.

hope you can enjoy it and follow me on this journey with Greg.

Bk_Vybezcreators' thoughts