
Waiting Time Rewrite!

"I was told and directed to follow a fixed path throughout my life. Yet, I failed and was discarded, but was that a bad thing? I've obtained something in return..."

ImBoredSoMehl · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 6

A few hours later*

Lawliet stares out the night, thinking deeply about what changes have been made and what needs to be changed for better or worse.

The question is: Is it better for him or better for others?

Many questions pour out of Lawliet, so many that he can't even bother to do any last-minute training in the unique breathing method.

Lawliet has already seen the results of his influence in Nabiki and slowly in Ranma, but by the extent of Nabiki's doings. And if going by what happens in the afternoon, Nabiki has already got her claws on Ryoga before he could do anything about it—further proving that allowing Nabiki to get any dirt on him is a bad idea—a big one, which he needs to be careful with.

Sometimes, Lawliet nearly wished his adoptive parents had raised him to become a villain, or maybe Light Yagami, which should easily push him to have an easier time killing others. Well, not like he wasn't reaching that point soon.

For now, he just has to bait Nabiki with the knowledge she desires, little by little, until she no longer focuses on finding anything to use to control him or risk pushing him to the edge of just outright killing her to be done over with.

Lawliet wonders how long until Nabiki's luck runs out before she gets kidnapped by someone who becomes too desperate and snaps under the pressure of Nabiki's control, maybe killed at worst.

In addition, Ranma of this world is already different from the canon version. There's a high chance of him snapping too, and discarding the concept of honor to gain his freedom from all the problems he is bound to go through.

Lawliet begins to wonder because Ranma's existence being so close by has triggered chaotic events. Be it in public or the shadow.

Because, for one thing, he wasn't expecting a beautiful woman with long bubble gum pink hair, emerald green eyes, and a slender, voluptuous figure with fair skin to appear before him. Also, she is naked.

Oh yeah, she also has a tail extending down from her back's base. Her tail is long and thin, with the ends having a heart-shaped tip.

Lawliet has an idea of who this naked pink hair woman could be. Well, just to be sure and not end up with a misunderstanding.

A transparent purple cube covered the naked pink hair woman before she could do anything.

This is the Charyeok: Cube. It has two abilities: Imprisonment and Information Analysis.

Great for figuring out things that can't be figured out normally without a long research time.

And done, Lawliet got the information from the Cube.


Lawliet scowled once he had gone through all the information twice to be sure if what he got from Cube was true or not, which it always is.

To think this naked pink hair woman happens to be the adult version of Lala Satalin Deviluke from the To Love Ru series. The main female protagonist, with one important thing that is changed and makes things complicated.

Instead of Lala running away from home as she didn't want to get married to any of her suitors at a young age, 15 to be precise, her arriving at Ruto's bathroom due to an accident with her device teleporting her there. She is now 25 years old, a year younger than Lawliet. And unlike her 15-year-old version. This Lala specialized more in warfare invention to deal with her problems than inventing those childish devices in the series. She was no longer in her childish phase and knew how difficult things got as she got older.

Of course, that doesn't mean Lala didn't invent any of her series of devices. She has them to remind her how innocent and childish she was in the past. Plus, some of them are still useful for her to use to this day. Like, the one she used to escape from her world, or to be more specific, she left her universe and somehow ended up here after she upgraded the Pyon-Pyon Warp-Kun.

Lala's earliest introduced and probably most infamous invention. This bracelet-like invention allows any living person (or 'unit', as used by Lala) to warp a short distance to a random destination, as the user cannot specify the destination. Lala explained that it was only used in emergency situations, such as being chased. After being used once, recharging its energy for another time's use will take a whole day. Another infamous setback is that the invention can only warp living things and not anything artificial, including their clothing, meaning that when the person warps to a random place, they will be completely naked.

As for the upgrade version done by the adult version of Lala, it has massively increased its distance range, but Lala didn't know as she was in a rush, and by the time she was finished. She is now in this world of Ranma 1/2, which just happens to be the one Lawliet is in.

Lawliet blames this on Ranma's luck. Something that's out of Ranma's control, but the pigtail martial artist is just a magnet for chaotic things to happen around him and those around him.

It just happens that Ranma's time here would bring an adult Lala that specialized more in warfare inventions than anything else into this world and in his backyard. Not the canon version of Lala, but one that hates being taken advantage of by others and only cares about inventing what is on her mind. Just great.

Lawliet scratched the back of his head in frustration.

Honestly, it was just his luck he had to deal with a deadly alien warfare inventor. More so, she doesn't belong to this world like him.

Well, with Lala pretty much unarmed. Lawliet's only concern is that Lala can potentially kill him due to her being physically stronger due to her race. And the way she is glaring at him with murderous rage inside the Cube is not making him feel safe.

Luckily, that is all Lala doing. However, the moment he releases her. He has no idea if she would outright attack him or not.

Hopefully, she doesn't and he can ask her to create something to help him train.

So, Lawliet made things easier on him by making Cube download all the important knowledge into Lala's brain so she could understand her situation. This includes making it so the Cube would generate a new set of clothes for Lala, which she did straight away and now is wearing a white bodysuit that is almost like her canon outfit but more military fashion.

Seeing this, Lawliet secretly sighs in relief that Lala is no longer glaring at him and staring at him with curiosity instead.

So in the meantime, as Lala gains all the important knowledge while staying in this world, Lawliet will continue his training and surpass his limit like he has done over the past years being in this world.

The next day*

Lawliet made a huge mistake in not doing a thorough background check on Lala instead of just getting the important information while ignoring the useless ones.

Lawliet calmly watches Lala dismantle his TV for parts and other things around the house to make her own tools for future usage.

As he eats his breakfast, Lawliet honestly doesn't know if he should have stopped Lala early on. But, at the same time, he is too curious in wanting to know what Lala could make with the materials available around her.

Although, that doesn't mean he likes having his things broken down for materials. He likes watching TV sometimes. Oh well, he can get Lala to make him a new TV later. Among other things, to make his life easier. In fact, Lala might be happy to follow his requests since none of the things he wants her to make for him won't be used for battles. All for daily usage to make his life smoother and more relaxing.

But still, Lawliet will have to use up a lot of his money to get more materials for Lala to use. He can feel his wallet and bank account being emptied out faster than he could spend on himself.

"Excuse me, Dr. Lawliet, are you home?" Someone called outside while knocking on the front door.

"Lala, hide your tail if you could." Lawliet said to Lala, where she is currently doing the finishing touches on her new prototype tools.

Lala just nodded as she wrapped her tail around her waist, making it look like a belt.

"Hello, Akane. Do you need something? It's pretty early in the morning." Lawliet asks Akane, someone out of the Tendo family he surprisingly finds likable in the early years of this world, and she is pretty nice compared to her canon version.

"Um. I'm just here to apologize for my absence for the past few days." Akane said nervously, afraid she had caused Lawliet to be disappointed in her for not showing up for tutoring in subjects she is weak in at school and helping her fix her form in martial arts on the side.

"It's fine. By the way, I don't know if Nabiki told you and everyone else in your family. I've finally accepted her as my student in teaching her acupuncture, excluding my family secrets." Lawliet didn't have to know that Nabiki wanted to keep this information a secret from her family, including her sisters, who pushed her into the position to be the one to marry Ranma in the future.

"No, I didn't." Akane's eyes widen in shock. "Did my sister get something on you, Dr. Lawliet?! Do you need me to find it and destroy it?!" She begins to panic and starts hyperventilating.

"Calm down." Lawliet still finds it amusing that due to his past actions with Akane. She is willing to go far as to go against her older sister for his sake. Then again, Akane in the canon didn't have the best role model nor had anyone to help her when she needed them the most in her critical time of growth.

"B-But, the things she could do to you if she has something on you isn't good!" Akane looks ready to burst into tears.

"She doesn't have anything on me, but I have something on her and can bring her lots of trouble if she doesn't follow my reasonable demands." Lawliet briefly informs Akane about what has occurred for the past few days since he last saw her.

Akane shook her head in disbelief, "Honestly, I thought Nabiki would at least figure out by now she has been stepping on a thin line with all the blackmailing she does. It's a good thing she doesn't have much on me."

"Yup, so is there anything else you need, or would you like me to look at your forms to see where you have improved and where you need to fix?" Lawliet raises an eyebrow, ignoring the noise Lala is making.

"Uh, yes. I would like you to check on my form and—is there someone in your house, Dr. Lawliet?" Akane blinks a few times before furrowing her eyebrows.

"Just my roommate. No need to worry about her." Lawliet replied calmly, not fazed by how loud it was getting now. "She is an inventor, so ignore the noise. How about you show me your forms in the front yard?"

Akane seems to want to meet Lala but decides otherwise and just nods at Lawliet.