
Waiting Time Rewrite!

"I was told and directed to follow a fixed path throughout my life. Yet, I failed and was discarded, but was that a bad thing? I've obtained something in return..."

ImBoredSoMehl · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 5

2 days later*

Lawliet is doing his best not to laugh, causing his face to turn red.

"It isn't funny!" Ranma shouted, with his head angled to the left side.

Dr. Tofu causes this just like in the canon.

"Oh, trust me, it's hilarious." Nabiki giggles at Ranma, causing him to growl in rage. "That's what you get for not listening to me when someone decided to take you to Dr. Tofu to be treated instead of coming here."

"I don't think he can treat a baseball bruise." Ranma argues. "Also, wasn't it your friend who was trying to be nice to me? Even though the bruise has already disappeared by now." He points at his left cheek, where no bruise is in sight.

"Oh, that's great and all. But did you forget that Dr. Tofu was the one that bent your neck in the opposite direction?" Nabiki give Ranma a smug look.

Lawliet grabs Ranma's head and then snaps it back to its original angle.

"Thanks, Dr. Lawliet." Ranma rubs the back of his neck.

"No problem." Lawliet replied.

"Hey, Dr. Lawliet. I have a question on my mind for a long time." Nabiki gives Dr. Lawliet a serious look.

"And that is?" Lawliet looks at Nabiki after he puts away some important paperwork he needs to do later.

"How do you manage to perform acupuncture without any needles and only with your index fingers?" Nabiki asks Lawliet, causing Ranma to look in interest now. "I mean, if you had something else that pointy enough to act as a needle to hit the pressure points temporarily. I would understand, but more than enough time, I'd seen you use your index fingers instead."

"Special training methods." Lawliet replied right away. Of course, he did no such things and cheated to obtain the same results as someone who trained their fingers to be like needles or had strong fingers to brute force to get similar results. "And yes, I can teach it to you, but at the same time, I can't due to many reasons. One of them is because you're from a martial arts family infamous for its founder's actions. So I'll teach you other things but not the most important ones."

"What do you mean by that?" Nabiki wasn't mad; she was annoyed but mostly not mad and more curious about what Dr. Lawliet said.

Lawliet debates telling Nabiki about her and Ranma's school of martial arts founded by Happosai. Then, he decided why not. They will find out about him sooner or later.

"Well, you two must remember the whole points of the arranged marriage, right? The whole merging of the two families?" Lawliet sees both Nabiki and Ranma nod. "Both schools of martial arts are originally a single school." He starts telling them about their school of martial arts history, which technically wasn't that big as there are only three generations at this point.

Hapoosai is the founder, who is still alive to this day. Genma and Soun as the second generation. Ranma and somewhat Akane as the third generation.

In addition, even though not many people know about Anything Goes Martial Arts. It doesn't mean no one knows about it, for those who do. Does not have a favorable opinion about it, far from it. In fact, even though this school of martial arts is only gone for three generations and has a short number of users. It is still an old martial art to this day. Going over a hundred or so years since its creation.

"Honestly, those that do know the Anything Goes Martial Arts history and its founder. Many won't look down on those that learn and use it, but it still won't change how infamous it is among those that know about it." Lawliet finished explaining to Nabiki and Ranma.

"I'm in an honorless school of martial arts?!" Ranma feels lightheaded and finds his worldview turned upside down. "I-I...!"

"Huh, so that's why I don't see many people wanting to learn under my father over the years." Nabiki wasn't surprised if her family's martial arts weren't well-liked.

"That or your father isn't that great of a teacher." Lawliet points this out to Nabiki.

"Well, you're not wrong." Nabiki nods, "He barely even manage to teach Akane the basics of the basics. Plus, I haven't seen my father train Akane for years after my mother's death."

"Something wrong with him?" Lawliet looks at Ranma, who is almost about to faint.

"No idea, but it might be because he found out the martial arts he has been training all his life is considered honorless among the groups of martial artists." Nabiki does pity Ranma somewhat, even with the short time of knowing him. She understood Ranma's personality has a significant focus on honor itself.

"Anyway, I'll keep teaching you about acupuncture, but not everything else will be available for you to learn, Nabiki." Lawliet got back to the main topic at hand. "Of course, you could always stop learning under me and be on your merry way."

Nabiki raises an eyebrow, "Yeah, not happening. I've already paid and will continue learning under you, Dr. Lawliet. It doesn't matter if you don't teach me other things."

"That's fine." Lawliet secretly curses that Nabiki still wants to learn under him, even when he outright tells her that he wouldn't teach her his main core skills. Well, the main core training methods of Na Bongchim's acupuncture skills. He still doesn't like Nabiki around him much, no matter how much she tries to change herself.

It still doesn't change the fact that in the past, Nabiki had tried multiple times to blackmail him into being under her control. That doesn't disappear out of the blue, no matter what.

Plus, Lawliet didn't get an apology from Nabiki is another reason. He might be willing to help her out more if she had. But, nothing. Not a hint of trying to act like she didn't do anything wrong to him.

It didn't matter if he was an adult and Nabiki was a child in public.

Ah, he better stops this line of thoughts and focuses on what's happening around him.

"So, do you two need anything else? Because I got things to do, and you, Nabiki, got to do some work by getting Ranma to do some deliveries." Lawliet gives Nabiki a look, then look at Ranma. "Well, after you snap Ranma out of his trance."

Lawliet didn't say anything else and headed back to prepare to make more medical herb soaps to be sent off later today or tomorrow. Ignoring the conversations going on between Nabiki and Ranma.

The next day*

It's Thursday in the afternoon. Lawliet has finished calling for the next supply shipping and tripled the amount. Making the supplier a delightful person for the extra income.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something here..." Lawliet mumbles.

"Maybe it has something to do with the two numbskulls on the ground?" Nabiki points at the two badly injured Ranma and Ryoga lying on the ground. Bruises cover their bodies as they groan in pain.

"Nope, I don't think so." Lawliet steps over the two so-called numbskulls, accidentally bumping into a table and spilling cold water over the two, causing them to transform into their cursed forms. Ranma turns into a redhead girl and Ryoga into a small black pig.

Ranma and Nabiki stare at Ryoga in his cursed form with wide eyes in shock.

"Make sure the pig doesn't mess up anything in my clinic." Lawliet said to Nabiki and Ranma. "If any customers come in, let me know. I'll be in the back."

Afterward, Lawliet can hear the shouts coming from behind him as he enters one of the rooms in the back.

Locking the door behind him. Lawliet didn't move to work on anything, nor did he touch any of the medical herbs or anything in this room. Instead, he walks over to the left side of the room, where there is a large comfortable chair, and sits down.

This is Lawliet's thinking/relaxing chair to use whenever he needs to relax and think about anything. Like right now, he is trying to remember what he forgot before he had to beat down both Ranma and Ryoga right as they were about to fight inside his clinic.

Something that Lawliet won't allow to happen. He has seen the results of the destruction those two can cause when fighting each other. Sure, he can easily fix the clinic using his Charyeok, but that would cause unwanted attention. Not that he hasn't gained any already, but this would be different.

Lawliet still can't remember what was so important today that it's bugging him so much. Well, he has time to waste thinking about it while taking this time to use the unique breathing method until it's time for closing time unless a customer shows up.

Hours later*

Lawliet wonders if it was Akane. These two idiots would destroy his clinic and Akane would try to stop them by beating them, which she will fail, no doubt, and end up accidentally helping them destroy everything around them. Of course, that would be the case if this was the canon Akane. So maybe it might be different if she was here instead of Nabiki.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nabiki frowns at Dr. Lawliet, who stares at her like she has done the impossible.

"I'm a little surprised nothing is broken." Lawliet looked around, checking to see if anything was missing or broken.

"Like I'll let anyone do that under my watch." Nabiki said proudly, not wanting to reveal the fact that what Dr. Lawliet just said was very close to the truth. Both Ranma and Ryoga would have nearly destroyed almost everything in the clinic if she hadn't put her foot down on their heads. Literally. As to prevent any damage that might be placed on her. After all, she was appointed to watch over the two. Even though she technically only had to watch over Ranma. But, with Ryouga, she will exploit for her own gain.

"I see." Lawliet blankly stares at Nabiki. As he continues to read Nabiki's mind, finding himself baffled that she is already adapting to being Ranma's fiancee. Yet, she continues her way of manipulating others still.

Lawliet glances over to Ranma and Ryoga, both in their original form, standing on the side and facing the wall like they are on time out.

Now, he was really curious about what Nabiki did to Ranma to make him listen to her orders. Same with Ryoga since he wasn't going on a rampage and shouting about how miserable his life is, which he would blame on Ranma.

The only reason he hadn't used Marionette on Nabiki to get that answer. It's because the moment he does, he'd do it to everyone he meets. It's bad enough that he is already reading people's minds to check for any shady things they're planning against him.

"Well, since my clinic isn't destroyed or anything broken. Let me show you how to make some medical herbal soup. It can be used by itself and make acupuncture more effective." Lawliet said to Nabiki, causing her eyes to go wide in shock. "Yeah, you'll access some of my medical herbal soup recipes."

Nabiki stared at Lawliet without blinking for nearly a whole minute, causing Ranma and Ryoga to feel unnerved by this.

"Yes, you can sell them after you pay for the ingredients you used. You can set whatever price you want, but you'll be responsible for anything related to it. Since you've made it yourself." Lawliet said this now before Nabiki tried to drag him into her future problems related to her medical herbal soups.

Nabiki clicks her teeth, causing Lawliet to smirk.

"Anyway, Ranma. You're good for the day. I will close the clinic soon, so no more delivery needs to be made." Lawliet said to Ranma. "You can take your friend over there with you to do whatever. Come back to pick up Nabiki to take her home with you an hour from now. Nabiki, call your family to let them know you and Ranma will come home late today."

"Will do." Nabiki gives both Ranma and Ryoga a look to tell them to leave as she walks over to the side to use the phone. Neither of them argued and left straight away.

Lawliet's curiosity is getting the better of him and maybe will ask Nabiki while he teaches her about making the medical herbal soups.