
Waiting Time Rewrite!

"I was told and directed to follow a fixed path throughout my life. Yet, I failed and was discarded, but was that a bad thing? I've obtained something in return..."

ImBoredSoMehl · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Oh, Fuck My Life: Chapter 1

A very slim, tall young man with messy black hair and dark eyes. One of his most noticeable features is the shadow below each of his eyes, resulting from him being an insomniac and wearing a pair of blue jeans, a long-sleeved white shirt, and white sneakers.

This is Lawliet. Just Lawliet, since having the name L Lawliet would make things difficult for Lawliet. Due to having adopted parents who are extreme in anime and manga. That alone would have been great and all, but having parents to expert one to grow up like a character in those anime and manga made it a bizarre yet interesting childhood.

Being given the name Lawliet due to its meaning. "Lost One, Last One" is just another factor for his adopted parents to pick it. Ironically enough, he has many adoptive siblings who somehow succeed in their careers. Yet, for him here. He barely meets the abnormal standards his adopted parents set up to meet while growing up to have the right to carry the full name: L Lawliet. The world-renowned detective who has taken on the challenge of catching the mass murderer known as Kira. In the anime/manga of Death Note.

Sadly, Lawliet didn't live up to his adoptive parents' expectations due to not being smart enough to be considered a world-renowned detective. In fact, the only things worth being world-renowned about him are for having weird but successful parents for training kids to be like their name's anime/manga characters, or at least close to it. Yet, he had failed to become L Lawliet.

Honestly, Lawliet wonders if that's why his adoptive parents decided to push him in front of a moving truck, hoping to have him isekai. Ironically enough, it did work. But he didn't meet any god or goddess, devils, or evil creatures before being sent to the next world. Maybe because he was pushed to his death instead of being run over by accident? Either way, at the very least, he is free from his adoptive parents' crazy control. But he is willing to keep his name. After all, he wasn't bothered about carrying the name of one of the essential characters in Death Note.

Also to somewhat honor his adoptive parents. Say what you must. Lawliet lives a better life compared to other people, mainly orphans. He learned how it felt to be unwanted at a young age. So even in their twisted way, his adoptive parents cared for him even if it wasn't the best and normal way.

In fact, it has been eight years now since then. Lawliet had plenty of time to conclude that his adoptive parents were crazy but loving parents to pick him out of the other orphans. So he will forgive them for murdering him. Not like he can do anything else, nor does he feel like trying to find a way to return to his original world.

Over time, Lawliet mainly just trains every day and enjoys a relaxing life. No point in traveling since he later found out he was in the central location for future events. It's good enough he would train in the backyard daily. Working on his own schedule instead of following others. Something he loves so much to be able to do whatever he wants on his own time compared to the time he was living under his adoptive parents.

So upsides and downsides. Another upside, in the beginning, is Lawliet appearing in this world with the clothes he was wearing before being run over along with his own body. Otherwise, he would have to deal with being naked out in the open on the first day of his new life and not having to grow up as a baby again, which he rather not go through at all. Experiencing the crazy way he had grown up has already trauma him badly, and no need to have a second go at it.

Lucky for Lawliet, that didn't happen, nor was his memory of his past life erased upon death. Honestly, he doesn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Not that it matters since there's no point in thinking about something out of his control. He is free to do whatever he wants now instead of following everything his adoptive parents tell him to do, many of which he doesn't like.

Although, there are many cases of him enjoying them. Especially being allowed to watch all the anime he desires and read manga. As a way to develop his own unique views and think about how to solve the problems in those stories whenever he wasn't being personally trained by his adoptive parents.

As for Lawliet's golden finger, aka plot armor. Thanks to the small mercy for having that since he wasn't trained in any form of self-defense or survival skills. Made his early days in this world a whole lot easier without them.

Lawliet's golden finger is originally from the webtoon: The God of Highschool, which is Charyeok.

Charyeok literally means the act of borrowing strength from a 'god' (can also refer to demons and human ghosts, not just literal gods). Charyeok is when someone makes a contract with a supernatural entity in which the contractor is able to borrow their power. Most Charyeok are gained by the user proactively making the contract, and a 'baptism' from another person with close contact with the gods may accelerate the process. A few forms of Charyeok, though, are implanted into the user or gifted from others.

Upon accessing that god's powers, they are able to shape it (through their imagination and empathy) as their own unique ability. It appears that whenever Charyeok or divine power is used, it draws from the user's life/biological energy, which appears as violet-colored energy. Hence, if someone uses their Charyeok too long, they experience intense fatigue and other physical drawbacks.

Most characters in G.O.H. have reached the level where they can materialize their Charyeok as a distinct yet connected living entity they can control.

Charyeok varies greatly, seeing as how it appears depends on the entity giving power, the user's imagination and personality, and their own innate power/energy.

Furthermore, there are rare cases of one person forming contracts with multiple supernatural entities, making them stronger than the average Charyeok users.

In Lawliet's case. He is the latter, but so much more, because he has the contracts with ALL the characters of The God of High School, including the original Charyeok. From the beginning to the end.

Of course, there is a downside to this whole thing. For one thing, there are certain Charyeok that put too much of a strain on Lawliet's body, even for a few seconds; therefore, he is required to train his body in order to use these powerful Charyeok. Otherwise, he might end up a cripple or dead at worst after a few seconds.

And that's precisely what Lawliet has been doing nearly all his time. Train like no tomorrow and keep his head low until he deemed himself strong enough.

Even with this limitation of Lawliet's physique. He can still use his imagination to shape his Charyeok in a way he likes.

For example, Na Bongchim, who is very strong—being a master martial artist, intelligent and creative enough to make a fighting style out of his knowledge of acupuncture, called the Nabong Needle Ryu. A martial art emphasized strong, fast attacks with the fingers functioning like needles to puncture pressure points and vital points on the body.

Lawliet made use of Na Bongchim by using his imagination to make it so he could access Na Bongchim's lifetime experience without the need to practice and study to use the Nabong Needle Ryu or use acupuncture to help himself and others. The latter reduced the cost rate of using Na Bongchim, which made things easier for him. Of course, if he used the former, then the rate of energy consumption would increase massively. Leading to a few minutes of energy to work with before he collapses out of fatigue.

Thanks to this. Lawliet became a famous acupuncturist for helping people to earn money for a living.

Honestly, it took some time before Lawliet found out what world he was in. He has mixed feelings even to this day, but he lives in this world now unless he finds a way to leave this world for another. He just has to deal with it and live the rest of his life here instead of complaining that wouldn't do anything to change it.

Although, Lawliet wasn't even trying that hard to find what world he was in. He was too busy focusing on training his body and getting better at using all the Charyeok he could handle, and once he found out what world he was in. He trains even harder.

Many times there were terrible days involved with crazy people that wanted to mess with him, but Lawliet easily beat them off and made sure to send a message if they continued.

Honestly, Lawliet almost thought he would have to deal with numerous thugs coming at him for going against them or whatever, but it seems he was overthinking it as none bothered him after the first encounter. Which he found weird, but he wasn't that worried. Then again, he might have overdone what is needed to deliver a message to those in public and those in the shadow.

Anyway, right now, Lawliet is in his backyard, practicing a unique breathing method to develop his body fitness. He used something he picked among the Charyeok over time to find any hidden knowledge to help him expand his base power in case he couldn't use Charyeok for whatever reason.

This unique breathing method isn't really special but more of a subconscious breathing pattern used by many powerful supernatural entities while growing up. They did not develop it as it's an innate instinct to develop their strong body and consume resources until it no longer has an effect. Of course, Lawliet has yet to master this breathing pattern on a subconscious level like those powerful supernatural entities. Therefore, it will be years before this unique breathing method becomes useless due to his body being human. Let alone reach the point of using it subconsciously, even relying on powerful resources to consume on the side to work together with the unique breathing method.

Lawliet stops as he gets tired and hungry from using this unique breathing method for hours. One of the downsides of using this unique breathing method is increased hunger and making him feel like he ran for miles nonstop. Very tiring, and his body felt very sore too afterward.

It's a good thing he knows how to treat his sore body. Otherwise, he does not want to use this unique breathing method. By no means is he a masochist. He wants and likes to be strong, but that doesn't mean he goes cultivation style like those masochist main characters that can experience so much pain through sheer willpower. Which he calls bullshit, for they are masochists. Pain is equal to gain of power, which means power is equal to pleasure in a way that makes one feel good because of said pain.

Quite honestly, Lawliet pushes himself hard early on so he won't deal with the fact he is too weak to deal with future dangerous foes, and there is a whole lot of them he is bound to face in the end. So using the unique breathing method together with using the old fashion workout. Bringing in more results than normal.

Lawliet wipes the sweats off his forehead, then heads back inside after a tedious, tiring workout yet a productive day. Time to make dinner and hit the bed afterward. Each day being able to sleep peacefully is another day of living without having to think too many depressing thoughts about living in such a world for his second chance at life. Cheat or not.