
Void's Legacy

This is just another generic Isekai novel, where a random guy from Earth is killed and ends up in a fantasy world filled with magic and monsters. The protagonist is a power-hungry calm-minded person, who is also ruthless but isn't a total psychopath. He always seeks his own gain. If you want a protagonist who helps others then this novel isn't for you. If you are fine with the protagonist's personality then give this novel a try and see if you like it. Follow Noah on his journey to uncover the secrets of the new world he is in. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover page is not mine so if you want me to take it down then say so. This is my first actual novel so don't expect much. I hope you all enjoy my work.

Omega200 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


"What the hell happened here"

Cyrus said that out loud but no one heard him despite the silence, it looked like he is alone in this village.

'what happened to the villagers.' Is the question that first came to his mind.

While he was thinking that Cyrus suddenly fell to the ground, He tried to get up but then a huge pain assaulted his whole body, all of the bones in his body broke and blood came flowing from his nose.

Cyrus screamed the loudest he could as it is the most painful thing he has ever felt in his whole life but his screams echoed and came back to him in the silent night.

His bones broke and healed, his body heat up and muscles swelled, blood continued to flow from his nose, his eyes felt like they are on fire but he couldn't do a thing, he couldn't move a single muscle.

After screaming for hours the pain faded away and with that Cyrus lost his consciousness as well.


A light fell to Cyrus's face as he opened his eyes, the moon is gone and now the sun is shining over the lonely village in its full glory.

He stood up and looked at his feet, they were burning earlier but now they are fine, in perfect condition with not even a scratch let alone a burn mark, his clothes are totally burned to the point that they are negligible but the rest of his body is fine, there are no burn marks.

He clearly remembered that he was burning badly, his face was burning but here he is perfectly healed, but there is one problem, he became a child.

His body is now that of a six-year-old.

'How did this happen, what is going on, did I got transmigrated into the body of this kid.'

While thoughts like these were Cyrus's head when pain lanced through his head, but the pain also brought some memories with it.

The memories of this kid whose body inhabits.

The name of this kid is Noah. A normal Villager who was executed by his own fellow villagers.

By the memories of Noah, Cyrus learned that he is in a different world. This world is similar to the Medieval times on earth, he learned the language that is commonly spoken here but what surprised Cyrus the most is the presence of magic here.

Yes, Magic, this world is not advanced in technologically but it contains magic, people learn magic and that is what determines their future.

In this world, education is limited to just simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Nothing more, but what dominates the education department here is magic.

Magic is commonly taught to others, some have great potential in magic while some don't. Noah was a kid with great potential, a category beyond genius, a category where one is considered as a monster.

And so the villagers did what anyone would do to a monster, they burned him down.

It all happened after the awakening ceremony.

The awakening ceremony is the day when the children turn six years old, their parents take them to the church in the city. In the curch a ceremony is performed where the kids have to dive into a lake filled with magical water, the water increases the kid's current magic capacity and also gives them a magical skill.

The skill determines the kids potential, the skill is the manifestation of the kid's inner will or so they say, some kids have common skills while some have unique ones, the kids with unique skills are sought after and nobles would offer the parents to train them so that they could become the noble's knight in the future.

Noah was also the one with a Unique skill, a skill that is never seen before, but his skill is not sought after by others but was considered evil.

Only some people thought his skill was evil while most of them didn't but after the awakening, a drought occurred in the village later followed by a famine.

Ten days after the Awakening Ceremony two villagers arrived to kill Noah blaming him for the famine and drought.

His parents tried to defend Noah but one of the villagers managed to successfully attack him. Noah was on the verge of death when a shadow orb manifested near him and entered the left ear of the villager that attacked him and came out of the right ear, instantly killing him.

After that incident, even his own parents stopped protecting Noah.

Noah was deemed as the spawn of a demon and pubically executed.

"What a Bullshit" Cyrus, or now Noah said out loud

Bullshit indeed, Noah was executed just for having a dark skill, he never harmed anyone in his whole life that Cyrus has seen through his memories. He is the kindest person and that kindness is being repaired to him by his own parents throwing a substance similar to Gasoline at him.

Yes, the couple who threw Gasoline at Cyrus or Noah were the parents of Noah.

Right now, Cyrus or Noah is alone in this Village, He didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know what happened to everyone in this village.

His doubts were cleared the moment the ashes in front of him flew away revealing rags or the clothes of the villagers with huge holes in them.

The Ashes are those of the Villagers.

"It's because of my skill [Void]"

[Void], the skill that Noah got at the Awakening ceremony. Cyrus doesn't know about the details but from Noah's memories, it looks like it could create dark constructs.

It will evolve eventually.

Magic skills are also learned and created, they are also called spells that magicians learn but the skills gained at the awakening ceremony are different, those skills evolve with the user itself, these skills can not be used by others or learned by others.

Some people have similar skills but some don't, Noah is the latter.

His skill or now Cyrus's skill is called evil because if it were to evolve it would be more dangerous than ever, and considering the growth rate of Noah, it is possible.

Skill created by other magicians can not evolve with the user unless the magician creates a powerful version of the skill, but skills gained at the awakening ceremony can. They can evolve to the point where they could have multiple sub-skills of their own.

"Magic does sound Interesting" Cyrus muttered

Magic is indeed interesting, especially for someone like Cyrus who came from a place where magic exists just in fantasy.

He already died in his first life and the villagers here became the nourishment to keep him alive in this life.

"There is no way in hell that I am going to die again. I need to find out how I got transmigrated here, magic seems the only answer for now" Cyrus said.

Cyrus did get a second chance in life but right now he needs to know how he got this chance, the only possible way for his soul to travel from one world to another is magic, and so Cyrus have to learn magic to figure out why he is here in the first place.

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