
Villainess's Love: A Boon Or A Curse

Destiny plays the biggest role in one’s life! It could take you to heaven from hell or throw you down from heaven to hell, and when it comes to Love, It plays the biggest role in one’s life. If destiny is in your favor, then love will become a boon but… If it’s against you, the same love in the form of a boon would become the biggest curse in the form of a wound in one’s heart. The same thing happened to Neel Singh Rathore! He belongs to one of the richest families in the world and had everything he needed but he still felt empty in his heart until one day he saw a girl in the rain, trying to hold onto her umbrella! The moment he saw her, He lost his most precious thing to her: His heart! It was love at first sight and now all he wanted was to be with her and spend all his life with her till the last breath he had in his body. He loved her, she loved him back! “Saranya! If there is no you, there is no meaning of my existence in this universe!” “I know! It’s the same for me! I might become a walking dead without you!” Everything was going well but who would have thought that she would trample on his dignity to the point where he couldn’t understand if he should be with her like a loyal dog or save his dignity? But in the end, all he wanted was to be with her! Either she hates him or loves him, he would never leave her! Because he knew that, she could never leave him! If he was in pain then she must be in double the pain he was feeling at that moment! He decided to wait for her to come back and one day, she did come back with a little baby girl claiming to be her father and making him happy to the point where they fought against the cruel destiny, being one together once again and fighting with all the hurdles that might come between them! - - - - - - - - - “No! Don’t look at me! My body is full of scars, which might make you feel disgusted and you might end up hating me!” Saranya said while trying to hide her back which was full of wounded scars. “What are you saying?” Neel said as he kissed her back lightly, “You have nothing which I would hate! Even the ugliest scar is the most beautiful treasure for me!” He said and made her look at his face and wiped her tears away with his lips and then started kissing her softly, making her heart go all soft and full of fuzzy and warm feelings! ------ Disclaimer:- The story travels from present to past, so please don’t be confused! You will eventually understand!

ARU · Thành thị
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30 Chs


"Yes! Tell me, why are you doing this to me? I have told you that living my life without you is nothing but a hellish fire to go through, each and every moment!"

Neel said as he looked at her with his begging eyes as if it was saying: 'Kill me if you want to, but don't leave me alone!'

"Seriously? Hellish Fire? My life has become a hell, the moment I got married to you and you became the biggest burden of my life which I don't want to carry anymore!"

Saranya said with a stern and mocking tone, making Neel stand rooted in his place.

He couldn't believe it, he was being a burden to her!

His head started spinning as he looked down, "Burden? Yes, You are right! But I will tell you what, Sara!"

He said and ran to the bed room and came with some papers in his hands, "See, look at this! I just got what I wanted and… and you know what… Our life will be changing from here on!"

"Keep the change to you! I just don't want to be with you anymore!"

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? Have I done something wrong to you? Why are you doing this to me…"

He looked all broken and devastated.

"Why? Because I am bored of you and I can't bear being with you… You know… you know what… living with you… it… it suffocates me! It makes me feel like I am dying each and every moment whenever I am with you and… look at you!"

She said and looked at him from head to toe, "You are a useless piece of trash which has got nothing to serve me anymore!"

Neel was stunned when he heard this, He couldn't believe all this thing, and she was right that he would really never be able to forget the kind of surprise she had given him!

"You… Do you really think of me like this? Are you saying that I am no use for you and… I… I am a piece of trash? For real?"

"If not, then what? I am tired of being with you and I can't handle it anymore! I just hate being with you! I had been tolerating it but now… I can't! You see, you do not even have money with you! How can I live with you anymore!?"

Saranya said as she smirked mockingly at him.

"Really, Sara? Are you saying that If I don't have money then I am a piece of trash and you can't bear living with me!"

Neel just wanted to run and bang his head on the wall to see if he was really dreaming. Because the Saranya he knew was not like this!

He had faith in her.

People might worship God but his love for her was his worship!

Anyone could see that his love for her was divine and it was a kind of love, where even if God appears in front of him and says that, she is not a good person and he should leave him but he would never do so!

He had deep faith in her, to the point where when she said all those things, his mind and heart were still unwilling to believe it! He just wanted it to be a worse nightmare!

After all, It was his Saranya he was talking about!

Anyone in this world can cheat on him and make him feel like trash but being with her, he always felt like the luckiest person alive on Earth.

"Yes! Really! I… I thought that you might have a lot of money to serve me and a lot of things you might be able to give me… But look at this? You are giving me this trash of a Saree and this… this stupid Roses? How cheap are they? Do you think I will be happy with all these things?"

She said and pinched between her brows, "I can't believe, I have been sleeping with a man like you! Hah! It's high time that I should go out and find a better man than you!"

"Wh… What the hell are you saying, Sara? Are you out of your mind!?"

He couldn't take it anymore!

How dare she talk about having another man in her life?

He held onto her shoulder and looked into her cold eyes, which didn't look deep anymore! Other than a kind of pain and tiredness, He could find nothing.

"No! It's not you! I can tell that there must be something wrong with you! My love can't be this wrong! No! You have to tell me! What are you going through? Is… Is there something that's bothering you? Tell me… I can take that thing away from your life!"

He said as his eyes couldn't hold his tears anymore which made his vision blurry. He couldn't see her facial expression at that moment.

"Yes, Neel! I… I am really being bothered by someone! And If you really do love me… then take it away from my life!"

Saranya said in a low and soft voice, making his heart thump and a ray of hope lit in his heart.

"Yes, Yes! Just tell me, ok? I will do anything that you want!? Just don't take all the pressure on you!"

He said and put his hand on her cheek, "You see, If you want, I can die for you but being alone without you… This is not possible at all!"

"Enough is enough! You are the thorn in my life! I can't take it anymore! Just get the hell out of my life! I can't live with a beggar like you anymore! Just why don't you accept the reality that… You are nothing but a piece of trash, who could do nothing in his entire life, and without money, I don't want to be with you!"

"No! Sara! What are you saying!"

Neel's hand froze on her cheeks as he still couldn't believe her words.

"What the hell Neel! Ok, Let me tell you! You disgust me to the point where I can't see your ugly face anymore! A beggar, a good for nothing, and a sore loser like you… I don't even want your money anymore!

To be honest, you don't even deserve to be with me!"

She said and pushed him away from her and picked up the divorce papers.

"Sign it!"

She said and threw it directly on Neel's face, who stood in his place, trembling.

The papers directly fell on his face making a little cut on his nose.

"Scram! I don't want to see the face of useless shit! You just don't deserve to be loved!"

- - - -

Author's note:- I know you guys might be feeling confused but trust me you will get to understand what's going on here, once you read it further!