
Vigilante in Detective Conan

Haruto a boy reborn in the world of detective conan works hard in both academics and martial arts to become a successful person. He avoids the canon troupe and his friends as he has no intent of becoming a detective nor does he have a strong sense of justice. However this world of detective conan seems to be a bit different. "Who is this Vigilante who kills every criminal left and right".

azazel1708 · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Chapter 18 The man within

"Kacchan I know the situation I am currently in. I know I am desperate but I don't really have any other way to tackle this, so I'll do anything to get another chance for my company".

"Ok Gato, I think I can feel your resolve. You know who I am working for right?"

"Yeah I do, the next would be leader of opposition. There are lot of rumours about him being outstanding and had even been under the tetluge of current opposition leader Minagawa. While there are other claims of him having ties with the underworld, evidence have not been found".

"Correct. Well I'll give you this inside information. Things are going to change in Japan in the near future. The leader will be Kashi-sama (short for Kashima Ryoto) and soon the Japan will have a change in its ruling party. When these changes happen you need to be on the right side of the things.

The Job will be for you to be our front for our future operations. We will provide you with money and contacts for our work and you will work as our front for our interests.

The first will be something like that of test run. You will be contacting the people we will ask you to and using the money we provide and buy certain explosives".

"Wait in other words you want a Patsy to take all the blame if you fail and I am that Patsy".

"Well you are not wrong. However we will give you the plan for everything and also our resources. So normally you would not be caught so long you act competently. Don't think that you could get out of your predicament by not taking any risk.

In return for your work we will provide you the contract for latest railway construction. You should know how much it can earn you".

Gato thought of all his option and without giving Kacchan (short for Katsuhiko) he accepted the offer and proceeded to ask what will he be involved in after the test run for which he was answered with a smile saying that he would know once the first part of the plan gets completed.

With that Kacchan shared with him an email address along with order to purchase 50 sticks of Binetex for 300 million yen. As a owner of construction company Gato knew that with this much explosives it was enough to blast out an entire city block, yet he didn't care. All he cared was about money and Kacchan was waiting for this kind of man. Someone who wouldn't care about consequences and only cared about profits. He knew that they would be long time partners.

With that he secretly sent his message to Kashimoto.

The two parted ways while Kacchan reminding him to make the order by midnight as they had to move to the next phase of the plan.

With Gato's assurance Kacchan made a call to Kashimoto and explained everything and got praised for a job well done by Kashimoto.

Meanwhile Haruto reached his home by slipping inside via balcony. Throwing out the hoodie and mask Haruto cursed his bad luck. The plan went to drain and now he had to investigate who was the person who secretly monitored Sudo's room.

"Calm down Haruto".

A voice cold, familiar yet completely strange sounded from Haruto himself.

"You talk like this isn't any your concern. Someone had been monitoring Sudo Akira and we didn't know of this. Though we didn't show our face it isn't difficult to draw inference from the fact that we were with Kudo Shinichi and could end up as the possible suspect. If they were careful enough to scour the surveillance and know who they are looking for, they will be able to figure out that we are the masked man".

"Like I said Haruto, calm down and go back. All we have to do is investigate this matter more deeply. I think this entire issue stemmed from Miki and most likely even we were used as pawn in that person's game".

"What do you mean?".

"I'll explain in detail. For now we have to figure out who killed the Akira's".

"You mean the unknown person who was surveilling Sudo's room is t the killer?".

"Of course not. Though I don't have evidence, I am pretty sure that the person who has been surveilling Sudo is behind this entire event, the executioner was someone like us. Just like we acted as a puppet in his play, this executioner was also a puppet".

"Us, puppet! What do you mean?".

"Just think about it. Why would Miki even think of bullying me? Even if she did, why now and not before? She is someone who would think who she is dealing with before actually dealing with them. Yet she acted rashly when she tried to bully me. She even brought some local thugs inside the cram school which would get her expelled if the management comes to know of this.

They were rash and idiotic actions. Then there is murder of Miki. The video showed Sudo raping and killing her but he was so high as fuck. Though Sudo was a junkie he wouldn't be consuming drugs at such high quantity on a weekday.

Then there is the unknown criminal who helped Sudo in disposing off the body. Who is he and how did he come to know that Sudo would kill Miki. Sudo wouldn't call the guy, he wasn't thinking straight because of the drugs and they wouldn't flush out of his system for the next 24 hours.

In other words there are too many inconsistencies and we need answers for everything".

"So what do you plan on doing Michael".

"Me, nothing. I'll leave the murder investigation to Kudo Shinichi while keeping close tabs on him. Kudo will also figure out the presence of a dark hand and he will be the perfect bait for me to draw out this person".

Though it seemed like two people had a conversation it was Haruto talking in two voices. Michael the reincarnator found the presence of Haruto. At first he thought he was sleep walking when he started to wake up at different places and with the help of nanny cams he found that he was awake when he walked inside his room. Thinking he had split personality he damn near decided to consult his father to apply him into a psychiatric facility until he, one day obtained access to this person.

When he had reincarnated the soul which had already occupied the new born baby had somehow survived and went into a deep slumber and had awakened at the age of 5 and co-existed with Michael inside the body without experiencing any rejection.

His martial arts training had strengthened his willpower and trained his mind to access the deeper state of mind called the zone and he had started to regularly talk with Haruto's soul and with their persona co-existing and Michael not knowing how to destroy the soul had decided to let the soul have access to his body.

Soon he found that this soul had better talent when it came to combat and the skill of using the physique. However nothing comes without a price. This soul unlike Michael's had a strong sense of justice and Michael found it difficult to contain.

Knowing that this soul would only grow stronger with time decided to give the soul more control over the body while setting some ground rules.