
Victim turned villain

Growing up in a not so good environment, Jane vowed to do anything to escape her horrible family. She managed to swap identity with a girl who looks exactly like her. Jane replaced Ivy, and started a new life living as lvy. She grew up spoilt, arrogant, successful, beautiful and rich, all thanks to her parents. She lives every day of her life in fear of her deepest secret being discovered. On her 25th birthday, she met that girl who looks exactly like her again. Shock, fear and surprise caught her at the same time. Are her happy days coming to an abrupt end? Is her deepest secret about to be found out? Is nemesis catching up on her? Will she be able to handle the consequences of her actions? Read on to find out how Jane as lvy ended up.

Christiana_Ezekiel · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Brian, the blind date guy.

Ivy called her mom to let the driver come pick her up, she got in her car and waited for the driver. Not quite long, the driver arrived and drove her home.

Ivy adjusted her mood as usual before getting home, she hugged her mom the moment she got home and then rushed to her room to freshen up.

In the shower, the scene from earlier flashed across her mind. She shaked with anger at the thought of what transpired between Alfred and that dainty looking lady. Ivy closed her eyes and tried to erase the memories of earlier.

Few minutes later, she came out of the shower and dried her hair with the hairdryer. After changing into her pajamas, she lied lifeless on her soft bed staring blankly outside the window.

She remembered when she first met Alfred, he was so loving and faithful. Though her mom didn't really liked him, she still put up with him for her sake.

He's such a jerk, no wonder her mom doesn't like the sight of him.

I should have just listened to mom and go on a blind date with that guy she wanted to set me up with.

Well, it's not too late to do that. I can always ask mom for his contacts information and try to see if I still stand a chance with him.

If things doesn't work out with Alfred, that shouldn't be the end of the world for me. I'm a spec, and I deserve to be treated well with love, respect and attention. I don't need or want a cheat as my partner.

Ivy stood up from her bed and went in search of her mom to ask for the blind date guy contact. "Mom, mind sharing me that guy's contact information?"

Her mom looked questionly at her, "Which guy could that be?"

"The blind date guy, mom. You were so happy the other time to pair us together, so I decided to make you happy and see if things could work between us." Ivy explained indifferently.

Oh! You mean Brian..... He's such a darling, you'll definitely love him. He actually grew up together with you before he went abroad to study.

"Brian?" That name sounds familiar though.

"It's no surprise if you can't remember him, because you were still very small when he left for Canada. Her mom explained while sending Brian's contact information to Ivy.

Ivy opened the message her mom sent her, clicked on the picture and was surprised to see that familiar handsome face staring at her.

Ivy hid her surprise and smiled her at mom. "He's not bad, and he's my type. You can set up a date with him and I will show up. He had better not reject me or I won't be nice towards him."

Jasmine laughed softly at the sight of her daughter trying to sound feisty. "He won't try that, my princess. Don't worry. Everything will go smoothly, all you need to do is just to show up and look pretty as always. Leave the remaining matters to me, I'll take care of the rest."

"Alright mom. I trust you on that."

"One more thing. Mom, can you please ask dad to notify them at the office that I won't be able to make it to work tomorrow. I feel so stressed and fatigued." Ivy requested pleadingly.

Jasmine looked pitifully at her daughter. She could see the tiredness on her face, she felt so sorry for her poor daughter. "It's all your father's fault for asking you to intern at his company. I don't see any reason why he's making you go through all that stress. You're even hiding your identity from the other staffs, that's why they have the audacity to disrespect you. When he's back, I'll make sure to plead with him to let you stay at home and enjoy the princess treatment you deserve. Look at you, you can't even go to the spa or leisure house to relax. I feel so sorry for you, darling daughter."

Ivy hugged her mom and consoled her, "Mom, it's fine. You should know dad is doing all this for my own benefit. He wants me to have general idea about how to run the company, so that when I become the successor I won't have any difficulties. You should try to understand dad. Don't worry about me, I'm a strong girl and a fast learner."

Jasmine rubbed her hair dotingly and kissed her forehead, "Look at you. You're so sweet and understanding. Your dad and I are so lucky to have you as our daughter."

'Mom, you flatter me. I'm the lucky one to have you both as my parents." Ivy replied coyly.

After some few minutes of discussing, they both said their goodbyes and retired to their respective rooms to sleep.