
Vessel of malevolance

Weak to strong? it wasn't that way for him. He was a genius, with a talent far surpassing peers. he was destined for greatness... until he lost it all. His talent was lost, but he got something in return. Something great, yet malevelont. He retained his destiny, but it was not a very bright one.

Inkedbymoonlight · Võ hiệp
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3 Chs

The hollow king

The voice was deep and powerful, enough to portray that the owner was not someone weak.

It held a tone of confidence and it was unperturbed, calm.

Slowly, I dared to look up.

My eyes landed on a grave, and than another... Than I saw another.

I realised, I was surrounded by these graves.

All around, human bones were scattered.

I'm the distance was a massive throne. It seemed to be carved from the bone of some giant creature, while it's curves were smooth, giving it a strange elegance.

However, what was more elegant, was the being who sat atop the throne.

A pale skinned man relaxed on the seat. This man, he had extremely dark purple hair that fell past his ears.

His eyes, they took were purple, and white they glowed more fiercely than the sun.

His facial features were sharp, and every edge seemed quite prominent.

The man seemed to don a robe which he loosely, revealing his perfect physique. The robe seemed to be woven from smoke, it was shadowy and misty.

The man clearly held a relaxed posture, his left hand resting on the armrest of his throne, his head resting on his right hand.

His calm, yet piercing gaze focused on me... Urging me to look elsewhere.

Yet, I pesisisted, looking straight into his eyes.

I couldn't show weakness, otherwise I wouldn't leave with what I want.

As if noticing my persistence, a corner of the man's mouth lifted.

"Hm, intriguing," He lifted his head and sat upright, now interwining his fingers. "An ant with some backbone."

At this point, I was trembling as sweat trickled down my face.

Unlike the sea Hollow, which released a pressure that seemed to crush me, this being was different.

The air around was calm yet, all of my senses seemed to scream out in fear. They sensed danger.

The simple movement he had made, caused me to flinch.

My body had already expected death.

"You're wasting time," the being said. "Speak."

Remembering what I had come for, I suppressed my fear, and began to speak.

I tried my utmost to make myself sound natural, and fearless but yet, I barely managed to keep my voice steady.

"Roho. I've come to request an agreement." I said, my gaze never leaving the man. I was trying so hard to look at him that I had even stopped blinking.

When he heard my words, the man's eyes widened. Silence permeated the air for a few torturous seconds before it was finally broken.

It was broken by a booming laugh, so filled with amusement and mockery that I could feel myself shrinking as I lost confidence.

Roho, the hollow king, looked at me with a expression of pure delight.

"You... insignificant being... What could you possibly offer me of interest? What makes you think I, would make an agreement with you as if we were on equal grounds?"

I stayed silent a few seconds, composing myself, before I spoke. I watched my every word, for if I was not careful it could be my last.

"My body." Two words were enough, I couldn't say too much. Not now.

Roho narrowed his eyes.

"I'm not interested in men..."

An awkward silence permeated the atmosphere, before it was once again broken by the Hollows booming laughter.

"Hahaha, I jest. You've peaked my interest, what's so special about your body?"

I was a little dumbfounded, but I answered nevertheless.

A confident smile came over my face, and for once I didn't have to force myself to look at Roho.

"Have you heard of the Million years golden physique?"

Just for a second, an expression of surprise came over the Hollow before it was replaced by an indifferent expression.

"Of course. However, you can't possibly have it. It's as rare as it's name suggests."

My smile widened.

"No, Hollow King Roho. I'm the gifted one of a million years. I am the perfect vessel," I spread out my arms."I offer you my body, in exchange, save me from the predicament which I currently face."

A tense silence hung in the air, before Roho closed his eyes and chuckled.

"My, my, my. What an interesting preposition we have here."

When he opened his eyes, a different gaze was found in them.

It sent shivers down my spine.


The veteran 3rd class adventurer, Leno Vivo helplessly looked at the behemoth before him. Despite how much he wanted to deny it, he knew all to well.

His fate, and the fate of every person on that ship was sealed.

Panicked screams filled the ship, many people had fell unconscious, or were petrified while the rest grew hysterical.

Leno however, took a deep breath in to fight against the pressure, before he let out a heavy breath.

"Well, if I'm going to go out. Let me go out fighting."

His eyes filled with determination, and he readied himself.

A bright aura began to surround him, and the ground beneath him began to tear apart. His veins grew evident, and his cloak began to fly.

"Specialized skill, overflow." Vivo muttered something, before his legs bent. He was ready to fly.

Suddenly, a calm, yet chilling voice filled his ears.

"Stay down here, human. Don't disturb me."

He turned his head to see his brightest student, Timothy Edgar.