1 Prologue

The end of everything was not an explosion, was not silence; it was just like every other fight. Veshin had fought millions of monsters, experienced thousands of trials just for the sake of his universe.

Alas, all of his fights up to this point were for naught. All of his sacrifices, all of his gains, ALL OF THE PAIN THAT HE HAD SUFFERED... all amounted to nothing.

Veshin stared at the monster he was fighting... no, not fighting. He was delaying, delaying for no reason, delaying for the hope of something, delaying the inevitable death that will befall him.

The monster was massive, thousands of humanoid arms poked out of its centipede-like body, each holding a weapon, a book, a staff, or casting dark abysmal like magic. The eyes of the monster gleamed with hunger, intelligence. They refracted the sight of a tall, robust man with fluttering pitch-black hair holding a sword in one hand and the other casting the annoying defensive spell, which was the only reason Veshin was still alive.

Veshin opened his cracked lips and asked the monster a question, "Are you the last monster? The last being in this apocalypse?"

Veshin just wanted to know how close he had gotten to the end. Even if this was the last monster, he had no hopes of defeating it. He knew his power, his limits, and this monster was above it all.

The monster opened its mouth, a disturbing sight on the centipede-like terror. The mouth was like a human's aligned shining white teeth and a tongue the stretched onwards beyond Veshin's eyesight.

"Not even close, human. Not even halfway there to the end of the 'apocalypse.' You have gotten far, though, human. I'll tell you a little secret before you die."

The monster smiled, a sight which stretched its chitin face like rubber, cracking the shells on its face. Some of the chitin fell off its face, falling into the void that stood below them; however, the lost chitin was instantly regenerated.

"The last human in the apocalypse is always granted a wish. No fancy reincarnation, give me a second chance bullshit, though." The monster sneered, somehow blowing air into the void of space.

Veshin looked defeated, lost, destroyed. His hopes got raised only to fall back down in the span of a second. He laughed bitterly.

"I probably can't wish for the end of the apocalypse, right?"

The monster rolled its eyes, an appalling gesture, "You have five seconds before I kill you, nulling your wish."

Truthfully the monster could've killed the human the instant he attacked. However, he was bound by the apocalypse to let the last human make a wish before it died. He was trying to force the human to kill itself because it didn't like the thought of giving it a wish.

Veshin didn't have to think too hard about what he wanted. He despised the apocalypse with every fiber of his being. He wasn't nearsighted enough to wish for the monster's death, leaving him with a stronger monster to kill.

"I wish to aid the next universe that gets invaded by the apocalypse!"

[Wish granted]

The system that led Veshin to give him power and guide him, responded in its monotone female robotic voice.

[Calculating most efficient way to aid the next universe]



[Transporting user's consciousness into a unique system]

Veshin felt nothing in that instant. His body appeared in his sight, but he could feel no touch, hear no sound. He felt nothing. In the next moment, everything went, and he lost his 3rd person sight as well.

The monster sighed and disappeared, leaving nothing except the ever-expanding vastness of space. There was no conscious life anywhere, some stars were losing their luster, and anything and everything that had been handmade was in shambles.

At some point in the future, life would come back, reach new heights, discover relics of the humans before them, and dismiss the drawings of monsters and aliens in caves and plaques as fiction and fantasy.

The apocalypse is ever consuming.

It is ever-destroying.

It is ever-growing.

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