
Chapter 076. Reunion

It had been a few days since Aiden had started working on 'Revolution'. After finalising a good enough hook for the song, he had started adding other instruments and sound effects on top of it.

Aside from that, he had also started writing the lyrics.

Unlike his previous songs, he wanted to give a clear meaning to this one. A powerful meaning that could shake people's souls when they listen to the song.

To better understand the concept of freedom and how once people used to fight just to not be treated as slaves, he was also reading up records of freedom fighters.

Thankfully, as he was from India, he already had a good enough Idea of freedom struggle as even to this day, freedom revolutionaries are very much respected in India and history books are filled with them.

As he was busy on the song, Wade on the other hand was busy looking up the people who Aiden wanted to be in the band and trying to convince them to be a part of it.

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