
Chapter 1: The Point of No Return\Prologue

Alex sat alone in his room, staring blankly at the ceiling. He had always been an easy target for bullies, with his small frame and shy demeanor. But today, something snapped. The physical and emotional abuse he had suffered for years had finally reached a boiling point. He could no longer take the constant taunts, the cruel jokes, and the constant fear of what would happen to him next. He was done being the victim.

He remembered the incident that had set him over the edge, the final straw that had broken the camel's back. He had been walking home from school when a group of his classmates, led by the school's resident bully, had jumped him. They had beaten him mercilessly, leaving him bruised and bloodied on the side of the road. As he lay there, barely conscious, he had made a decision. He was done being the victim. He was going to take matters into his own hands.

Alex began to meticulously plan his retaliation. He used his intelligence and determination to outsmart his tormentors, carefully plotting his revenge. He knew that his bullies were a group of arrogant and entitled individuals who thought they were above the rules. He would use that to his advantage. He would make them pay for what they had done to him. He spent hours researching and gathering information on each of his tormentors, learning about their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. He would use this information to his advantage, to make them pay for what they had done to him.

As he thought out his plan, Alex discovered a newfound strength within himself. He felt empowered and in control, something he had never felt before. He was no longer the scared, timid boy he had always been. The bullying and abuse he had suffered had hardened him, and he was determined to make those who had hurt him pay.