
chapter 2

" My name is Valeria and you are in a hospital" she replied.

His eyes searched around the room and his hands reached for his chest and belly.

He rose from the bed and stood in front of a mirror. He touched his face and a frown settled on his face.

" Nooo" he shouted and punched the mirror with his clenched fist.

Valeria was shocked by his reaction. ' wait a minute could he have reincarnated' she thought.

That was the only explanation she could find. She could not understand why he would be so angry on seeing his face.

" Is that your face?" she asked . The guy glared at her coldly and went back to rest on the bed.

" It's my body and face but the eyes are not mine" he replied calmly.

Valeria felt like she had been frozen. The only thing she could bring herself to say was a what!

It was not logical at all. How could his eyes not be his if the face was his. " What do you mean?" she asked softly.

" My eyes are blue like the ocean. But now...now they...are...dark than the black hole" he said bitterly.

" What is your name " she asked. The guy gazed at her intently. " Draven" he said faintly.

Valeria could not find a logical explanation to his eyes turning black all over sudden. " I guess it has something to do with your resurrection" she said unsure of her own answer.

" Did I come back to life?" Draven asked with raised brows.

Valeria shook her head slightly. " I guess you did" came the reply.

Draven was quiet as if he was brainstorming about something. Valeria felt foolish for saying that he had resurrected.

' It must have been a problem with the machines' she thought.

" Maybe you are right" he said without looking at her " Are you the one who saved me ?" he stared at her waiting for an answer.

Valeria nodded while avoiding eye contact. " Why did you do such a foolish thing? You should have left me to die. Do you have any idea that you have ruined me completely" he blurted.

" Humans are meant to aid each other when needed. I had no idea that you would rebuke me for saving your life" she said calmly.

Draven clenched his hands into fists. He held the bedsheets tightly.

" I am sorry. It's not your fault I shouldn't have yelled at you" he said sadly.

Valeria could see pain in his eyes. She could not tell if he was pained by been alive or by something else.

" Do you have any one whom I can call to come for you" she asked.

Draven's face turned dull. He looked at her sadly. " She's dead. She is no more" tears ran down his face.

" Do you have your parents number" she asked hopefully.

" My father... he died in my hands. As for my mother she committed suicide to be with him" he said with a sad smile on his face.

Valeria could feel his pain. A person like that had no will to live. " I suppose you have a sibling" she asked without any hope in her voice.

" Yes. My elder brother" he said faintly. Valeria smiled slightly. At least he had someone.

" Should I call him?" she asked. Draven shook his head and chuckled.

" He hates me. He left me and started life in a place far away that I am not aware of" came the reply.

Valeria felt her eyes becoming teary. She could not imagine that someone could ever be that lonely in life.

Without parents and relatives he was no different from dead.

" They will come looking for me once they find out that I am alive. They will kill me again" he said as tears streamed down his cheeks.

" They have seized my house and all my bank accounts" he added " Now I can't even afford to pay the hospital bill"

Valeria felt a sharp pain in her chest seeing him in such a condition. His pain was too much to bear.

" Don't worry about the hospital bill I will sort it out." she assured.

" It makes no difference to me " he said simply.

She walked out of the door feeling bad that there was nothing she could do to help him.

She was glad that he survived though he seemed sad about it.

She prayed to the heavens that he may find his path and walk on it instead of lamenting and wishing for death for the rest of his life.

She settled the bill and went back to see him. " Do you need any help with settling or something?" she asked.

His eyes were fuming in anger. " Just leave me alone and forget that you ever saw me" he said coldly.

She felt like insisting and trying to give him hope but she found herself walking out of the door instead.

' I am just being kind to him but he talks to me rudely ' she thought.

If he didn't need her help then so be it. She was not going to beg him to accept her helping hand.

Maybe it would be for the best if she went back to her normal life and forgot that she ever met him.

He was a very strange man and based on his words Valeria could tell that danger followed him wherever he went.

No matter how much she felt pity for him she could not just stand him talking to her however he pleased.

She walked to her car and drove away.

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