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"Apologize to her. Why can't you just do that?"

"But I didn't push her down the slide, it wasn't me."


"Why are you keep telling lies?"

"But I swear I didn't take her badge."


"Why can't you be more like your sister?"




No one gets me.

Why can't they understand me?

Is it my fault they can't understand me?

Mom said it's my fault, Miyu said it's my fault, everyone says it's my fault.

Why do they keep saying that it's my fault?

Why can't they believe me?









A 'THUD' follows as the alarm blares, and the boy gazes at the ceiling with half-opened eyes.

"That's the third time already."

He rises and draws back the curtains, letting sunlight lance through his drowsy gaze.

"It stings a bit." He blinks repeatedly, then gazes outside and stares the surroundings for a few minutes then starts to get ready.


1 hour later


He looks himself in the mirror. His uniform is immaculate, devoid of creases, fitting him perfectly.

"Kid, it's time for breakfast." An old voice came from downstaires.

"Comimg, and heat the coffe, Grandpa."

He then took his bag and walks downstairs.


In the Kitchen

An old man in his 70s was pouring coffe in a mug. He age hasn't dimmed his charm.

"Come qucikly, your breakfast is getting cold."

The boy ran down the stairs, puts his bag at beside the chair and starts eating.

"Finish it quickly, you should go early on your 1st day of school, it puts good impression on teachers." The grandfather said with a eager expreesion.


He finishes his breakfast and starts to put on his shoes at the entrance.

The door opens, revealing a muscular man with a sweat-drenched shirt, holding an axe.

They both stared at each other and the man smiled at him, "Try not to play the villian."

"Quite the irony, coming from you." The boy's retort is accompanied by a challenging grin.

The man's face twicthes, his expression becomes more serious, "Look's like I didn't beat enough sense into you last time."

The boy smirks, his tone lacedd with amusemnet,"It looks like you are getting old, old man. It starts to weaken your memory of our last bout."

Laughter erupts from the man's chest."You're getting late, don't miss your train."

With a nod, he picks up the train card from the cabinet and leaves without looking back.

As he watches the boy's departure, the old man asks, "Kazuki, do you think it was a good idea to send him to School this early?"

The big sweaty man 'Kazuki' replies with a stern tone, "For how long do you think we could keep him confiend here, Father?"

The man frowned and said with a concerned tone,"I know that but he just barely started to trust us and I can't see him getting hurt anymore from the people he care, it will sink him into a deeper darkness. You saw that right?"

"Saw what?" Kazuki started frowning.

The old man's tone gets a little colder," The Facade, when he was talking to you."

Kazuki frowns deepens,"If we tried to hasten the process, it could backfire. It's the curse of being a Kurogane, we all went through it, me, you, him and everyone else."


The boy reached the school after a total of 15 mins.

Students were flooding from the train station to the school, some in groups while some alone, some reading books, some were yawning, some were lot in their thoughts.


The bell rang and the students in the classroom starts to arrange on their seats as the teacher enters the classroom.

She's a striking woman in her 20s, her dress coat blending professionalism and style seamlessly. A tailored navy blazer rests over a fitted white V-neck blouse, the blazer's notched lapel framing a single row of buttons. A black belt cinches her waist, paired with a knee-length skirt and sleek high heels. Her hair is neatly arranged, accentuating her elegance.

The classroom's murmurings subside as she arrives.

"Did you see the boy outside?" A girl whispers.

"Which one?" Another girl queries.


The teacher slams her register on the table, immediately capturing everyone's attention.

She surveys the room before speaking, "As you've all quieted down, I have an announcement to make."

"We have a transfer student joining us today."

"Come in, Yami."

The door opens, and the boy steps in, facing the curious gazes of his classmates. He makes his way to the teacher's desk and picks up a piece of chalk, writing his name on the board.

Yami Kurogane

He turns to the teacher, their eyes locking briefly, before she prompts him to introduce himself.

He turns toward the class. "My name is Yami Kurogane. It's a pleasure to meet all of you."

The students stare at him, their reactions varying.

The girls blush, some gaze dreamily at him, while boys harbor jealousy, curiosity, or simply interest.

The teacher's gaze remains on him, waiting for him to say more.

Seconds pass, ten of them, as he gazes around the room.

"Don't you have more to say?" The teacher inquires.

"No," Yami replies tersely.

"Well done" Saying this she started clapping, with her taking the lead rest of the class also clapped.

"Now, take the seat next to Tachibana, near the window at the back."

He moves to his seat beneath the scrutiny of his peers.

The class proceeds as usual, with occasional glances directed at Yami.

Forty minutes later, the teacher speaks again. "Kurogane, meet me at the start of lunch in the Teacher's Lounge."

With that, she exits, moving on to her next class.

Many students begin swarming around Yami.

"What school did you transfer from, Kurogane-kun? How was it there?" A girl inquires.

"Why did you transfer here?" Another asks.

Amidst the chatter, a voice rises above the others.

"Excuse me."

All eyes turn to the source of the voice—Tachibana, seated next to Yami.

"Yami-chan, is that you?"

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