

What a sunny day it is, shining through the lightest of the blue sky. The sun warming up the day once again.

The sound of the waves crashing to the shore along with the kids' childish laughs was muffled together, while some were swimming in the sea. Enjoying the climate, as some would say.

Perverted men looking at girls that were wearing two pieced bikinis, unaware of the perverted eyes watching them as they kept on playing volleyball.

" Hey! Haruu~! " One of the girls stated as she spotted a brown-haired boy who was making his way toward the girls.

" Yeah?" the boy asked, making himself comfortable on the bench near the Volleyball court. Slumping tiredly on the bench while man spreading his legs in the process.

" Can you bring me my sunscreen? It's in my bag."


"C'mon! I'll buy you ice cream or something if you do it!"

"Ugh, okay!"


"Now where's her sunscreen?" the brunette boy mumbled to himself as he looked around the area, only to notice that his best friend's sunscreen was close to the shore.

"How did it end up there?" he grumbled, annoyed by the fact that the sunscreen was able to go that far away from its actual place with no wind around. He found it strange indeed.

' someone picked it up and forgot to put it back in its place?'

So without him thinking much about why would someone else pick up a stranger's sun cream, he ran towards the shore, thinking that the waves would steal it away from him as he picked up his pace. He indeed didn't want to face the consequences of losing his best friend's stuff, since he loved his life more than anything.

Finally, he reached his hand out to grab the sunscreen before the wave would steal it away from him. Smiling victoriously to himself as he pridefully picked up the sun cream, celebrating his victory while grinning like a silly little child.

... however, that's when he noticed it...

The waves didn't reach the shore, in fact, the wave that was supposed to come was receding quickly.

He was perplexed by seeing such a thing, if someone told him the same thing he was witnessing at the moment, he would not believe them, heck, he would even think that they were crazy, or bluffing.

But this----

His train of thought was stopped abruptly when he heard the screams of terror. Realizing that something was wrong, he looked up and his eyes widened when he saw the scene which was lying before his eyes.

"Tsunami! Run away, people!"

One of them screamed in terror as they started running away, the brunette boy doing the same as everyone...

Running away, in fear of losing their life...

People running away, some tripping on their way while doing so. Pushing each other in the process of running. No one cared about anyone at the moment because right now they were in the type of a situation where they were the most important.

Because they didn't want to die...

Ah, how hilarious it must have looked. People were running away from the tsunami as if they would survive.

Desperate to live.

How pitiful.

The boy looked around him, only to be met with chaos.

Complete chaos.

To say the least, it was a nightmare. Although, the saddest part of it was that he was not dreaming. It was all real. He had seen these moments in anime, movies, or at the cinema, but not in real life. This moment was much more terrifying than anything...

" Run as fast as you can!"

People screamed yet another time. Most of them shield their friends from seeing a terrifying scene such as this. However, if they all knew that they would die right here...then, why were most of them running away from the shore?

...Why were they screaming in the process?...

...Were they this desperate to live?...

Although, some are protecting their friends in their ways. And not selfishly running away from the shore.

Seeing a scene such as this, made the brunette remember his friends, they wouldn't know about the tsunami...

...He had to save them...

They wouldn't know about the life-threatening wave,

It's not like anyone would even try to warn them about it.

Why would they?


Why should they?

It's not like society would care about others when their life is in danger.

First-POV comes first before any other does.

No one would go to them and warn them about the tsunami. Because they all knew that they wouldn't have time to save themselves.

Oh, how desperate these " people " must have felt at the moment.

Just seeing something like this made the boy realize that no one would even try to warn his friends, so many horrific thoughts and questions filled his head. So much so, that he couldn't stand it, and started sprinting towards the Volleyball court.

However, the brunette froze to the spot when he heard a child's loud cries coming from under the bench.

The child was injured!

It was a sunny day, yet, the sky was gloomy, as a shadow had appeared under the tsunami that was making its way toward the shore.

' I don't have time!'

He thought as he ignored the child. He wanted to save his friends, and he wanted to save that child as well, but he just couldn't save both of them. He knew he had a minute or so, and for the sake of wanting to save his friends, kept him moving. Ignoring the child in the process. He began running away while panting harshly as his lungs thrived for more oxygen, but due to so much running he was unable to breathe properly. He could feel it coming, the tsunami, and the darkness.

That being said, he was choking for more air, wanting to breathe, but he somehow was unable to do so. As if something was doing it to him on purpose. As if this was his end.

And as a result of not being able to breathe, he passed out of the lack of oxygen.

The tsunami got bigger and bigger as the seconds went by. People started to scream in horror, realizing the fact that they would die right there, although, they still kept on going, getting their hopes high.

How chaotic, it is, people, running away, desperately wanting to leave the place...

Knowing the fact that they would die any second. However, they still kept on running, how selfish...

In all this chaos, where everyone is dressed in bikinis, shorts, etc. Where everyone is running in the same direction, which is far, far away from the shore. If you look closer, you can notice a girl with long dark lavender hair, wearing all black. Her face was not shown due to her wearing a large coat that had a hood attached to it, which was covering her face, giving her face a shadow, the girl's eyes glowed orchid purple when she slowly started to raise her hand towards the tsunami that was threatening to crash to the beach.

Her palm faced the tsunami that at any second would come down crashing towards her.

She stood there, fearlessly, as if knowing that she could do something against the raging wave. While her raised hand started to get surrounded by dark lavender flame.

She once again looked up at the giant wave that was about to hit the land, while mumbling words that were muffled due to people screaming in panic.

" Go back from where you came from"

She said out loud, causing the flames that were surrounding her hand, to crash toward the tsunami—which caused the giant wave to recede.


" Breaking news! I am Shin Inuzuka!

" The latest news is spotted only here on Info Flow, giving you the latest and most credible news for today. In The Legendary Island, around 2:47 PM, a tsunami was reported by one of the bystanders, although, when the lifeguards went to the destination it seemed that it was a fake report, even though, 99% of the people interviewed claimed that the tsunami was going to attack. It is confusing as well as mysterious, because if the tsunami was about to attack and it was recorded by the witnesses, then why were there no traces of the tsunami----"

Turning the TV off, the blonde-haired girl threw the remote on the couch, sighing tiredly as she looked at the time. It was around 03:30 AM, yet, the girl didn't seem like she wanted to sleep...

*Step* *Step* * Step*

The blonde looked towards the direction where the stairs were located, hearing lazy yet fastened footsteps going down. The step's rhythm was familiar to the blonde and she widened her eyes when the realization began to hit her.

She quickly closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep, but the person has already caught her red-handed. Which caused the person who was walking down the stairs to get more irritated at witnessing such an act.

" Don't tell me you aren't sleeping!?"


Hello! :)


Have a nice day!

bunnix03creators' thoughts
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