
Vampires Legacy

Chifuyu’s life is flipped upside down when he’s brought into the world of hunters and vampires. His tale will bring happiness, laughter, sadness, and pain to himself as well as those around him. A new journey begins. *** Hello to all those reading and thank you for taking the time to check out my series. This is my first story that I'm posting online and I am serious about writing Vampire Legacy to be the best it can be. Though I do need to make clear that the first 100-200 chapters will be a mix of comedy and serious arcs. This will be a fantasy action story just as much as a comedy/slice of life story until the true plot kicks in. I plan to go all in with the comedy, then when we get to a certain turning point, the breaks will not stop with 13 long continuous serious arcs that will go until the finale. This novel will definitely be at least 500 chapters. I hope you all stay and see what I have to offer. *The cover is fanart for the anime The Case Study of Vanitas. I’m using it instead of the basic book cover until I draw the key visual myself.*

wavyesper · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs

First Friend

"Yippee! The 5 of us are the same rank now." Kagura jumps in joy hearing the good news when the others returned.

"Looks like you guys are making waves."

"Hey, you're a part of our group too y'know."

"Congratulations." Nailah gives her compliment. "Looks like Shoyo's trained you well, Iris and Chifuyu. You've also surprised me, Shinatsu. Well done."

"Thanks.." The praise embarrasses Shinatsu just a bit.


The following day, Chifuyu, Ariel, and Iris went out. Ariel wanted a special something, and Chifuyu asked Iris to tag along.

"I should've known you were leading us here."

"I've gotta reward myself for the amazing fight I won."

"Yeah but you eat donuts all the time."

"These will be special donuts."

Ariel brought them to the donut shop she's become a regular at. At least once a week, Chifuyu brings her here do snack on donuts.

"Well if isn't Ariel! It's been a couple weeks since I last saw you. Well, you are a Hunter. I'm surprised you're able to come so much considering. Thanks for all your hard work!" The manager welcomes one of his most loyal customer.

"Don't mention it Donut Master, today I'll be having a feast."

"That's music to my ears. How many we talkin?"


"What?!" Everyone in the shop reacts in unison with their jaws dropped.

Chifuyu smacks Ariel upside the head for being outrageous.

"What Master? Surely you won't reject me this?!" Ariel whispers to him.

'Been a while since she called me that.' "Don't be ridiculous, 500 donuts is overdoing it no matter how you look at it." Chifuyu whispers back.


"100. No more than that."

Ariel sighs, "Fine."

30 minutes later, Chifuyu has to carry Ariel on his back due to her absolutely stuffing herself.

"I feel sick… Brmmm—" She quickly covers her mouth with her hands.

"Don't you dare throw up on me!"

"I guess vampires can eat too much."

"She tried to do this before, and I told her she needs to eat in moderation. Though I guess it's better that she did this so she can learn."

"I can't take it.. I'm going in."

"Wha— Wait!"

Ariel slides down into Chifuyu's shadow literally not being able to stomach what she just ate.

"Did anybody see that?"

"I-I don't think so."


The two continue walking.

"Uh.. Where are we going, Chifuyu? This isn't the way back."

"We're heading over to a ramen place."

"Eh? Ju-Just us two?"

"Yeah. I figured this could be our own little celebration. We did train together for a year after all. We survived our first big battle, plus I always wanted to take you to a ramen place since I know you've never tried it. Unless you don't want to?"

"N-No, I do! It's just kind of sudden…"

"Haha. Sorry about that."

"It's fine. Um.. So is ramen one of your favorites foods?"

"Not only one of mine, it's MY favorite food."


"What's yours?"

"It's pasta. I guess our favorites aren't that different."

"Hell yeah, I love pasta too."

Iris smiles. She hasn't really thought about it, but for the past year, Chifuyu's been the best friend she could ask for. When they got to the ramen place, he showed her the best way to eat it to maximize its flavor to the limit.

"Sorry, it must be inconvenient to eat it with one hand."

"No, no, it's no trouble."

"I see you're saving most of the broth to drink at the end, I'll help you with that."


In synchronization, they slurp up their remaining noodles with great form. The ramen masters would be proud.

"Thank you, Chifuyu.."

"No problem, Iris."

"Not just for this, but for being so great to me the past year. You're my first friend. I-I'm glad I met you."

"I'm happy I met you too, Iris! If we were drinking right now, I'd say cheers to many more years to come."


"The bowls will have to do."

"Oh, okay."

Chifuyu picks up his empty bowl and helps Iris pick hers up.



"You ready to finish this."


With Chifuyu's assistance, the rest of her broth goes down the hatch, Iris not missing a single drop.


"What'd you think, good wasn't it?"

"It was really good."

"We can come here whenever you want."


Chifuyu and Iris grow closer together, becoming best friends.