

Rael, a teenager killed due to excessive bullying wakes up as a vampire. In a world full of magic his life starts fresh. With looming evil in the distant horizon what will Rael face in his adventures? Join him in his action packed new life! . . . Will be updated atleast once a week. . Enjoy the story :^

frostfall · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs

Episode #4

Tingling...I feel something...

My eyes shoot open, taking in the warm scene before me. A hot fire, a coffee cup just within reach, two blankets wrapped around me giving me warmth I've yet to feel since I got here.

Two children laughing in the corner of the room catches my eye. They look over to me and we lock eyes for a split second. Their eyes shoot wide open and they immediately run out of their room.

"Mama! Papa! The slave is awake!" They shout as they exit my view veering into a hallway.

I hear footsteps slowly coming my way, and the couple come in to view shortly after. They have big smiles on their faces.

They surprisingly turn out to be better 'Owners' then the man in the mask. Giving me decent meals and a bed to sleep in.

If I mess up any of the tasks they give me I'd get whipped. The whip had metal at the end to cause more pain, and it did. Whenever they whipped me they always had clean strokes, deep lacerations, almost like it was done with a knife.

I could tell they'd done this plenty of times before.

Sometimes though. I'd get whipped on my chest or my legs. Which was the most painful.

Even though I got whipped I still counted myself as lucky, and became content.

However the couple had other plans for me. I went to the dinner table just like every other night and quickly after taking a drink from my glass I knew it was spiked.

I just sat there. Knowing that I couldn't really do anything about it, I just had to accept the fact that I was drugged.

I rested my head on the table as the couples smiles grew larger.




I feel a sharp pain jolt through my leg. Waking me from my sleep. I gasp and look down to see the husbands hand wrapped around the handle of a knife. With the blade no longer visible because it was buried deep into my thigh.

I scream out in pain and try to get away but quickly realize I'm tied down by rope to a wooden chair. I struggle with all my might to try and rip the ropes to no avail.

My body is thin and frail having not much meat on my bones, almost like a true vampire.

After an hour of torture from the couple my hope is finally gone. I have finally lost my hope of getting away from the pain.


I sit there with my head down, tied to a chair, tears falling down my face and onto my bloody legs.

The couple left to give me a break and will be back soon.

"It seems that I'm late."

it's a high pitched voice, slightly angelic. I new voice I hadn't heard before. It was almost calming.

I raise my head to see a woman dressed in a almost pure black outfit. With red trimmings popping out in several places. With black hair reaching past her shoulders with a pale face and eyes with a slight tint of red.

I'm not amused, and I don't trust her. "Who are you?"

She smiles, "I don't have a name yet. I'm here to help you though, I assure you."

I laugh, "Yeah right."

She frowns, "I can't make you believe me, but just listen to my advice. You're a lot stronger than you think. This world has many powers and you are unique. You're the only one to possess the power of blood manipulation."

I just blankly stare at her, "Why are you telling me this?"

She crosses her arms and frowns even more. "Because you can use your power to escape this place. No need to rely on your physical traits. It should come to you quickly as you're the original 'vampire' you should adapt quickly. Just try to manipulate your blood." She gives me a bright smile to encourage me.

I look down at my legs again, blood still oozing out of my wounds. I Imagine the blood floating and to my surprise the blood does exactly what I think it to.

I imagine all of the blood condensing into a tiny ball and the blood collects together in a tiny ball.

I turn the ball into many shapes. Even trying to pick up the knife that the husband used to stab me with my blood. It works, the blood wraps around the knife handle in the shape of a hand.

I move the knife to my bound arms and start cutting the rope.

The woman whistles, "Wow you adapt REALLY quickly. I knew I chose the right one." She says the last part quietly. Intriguing me to say, "What'd you say?"

She just smiles, "Nothing nothing."

I grow suspicious and create another tiny ball of blood with the remaining blood in the floor and plant it in the collar of her shirt without her seeing.

The ropes finally fall and I grab the knife with my actual hands and start furiously cutting the rope tying my legs and feet still. The ropes are cut within seconds as my strength is stronger than the blood hands strength.

I feel grateful towards the woman for helping me but I still don't give her my trust.

I hear footsteps coming towards us and the woman looks completely fine. I tense up however, knowing full well that those people wont just let me leave.

I turn the blood balls into multiple floating spears of blood.

As soon as they see me they seem pleased. They smile and pull knives out of their sleeves almost as if they were expecting this.