
Vampire Queen and Her Poisonous Alpha Pet

Update every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday! WARNING! MATURE CONTENT! --- Genevieve Morana Bancroft is a vampire who lives among humans, and she is the vampire queen of the Bancroft clan after her father died. She has a perfect life when she disguises herself as a human, and she even becomes a top actress in the country. But, she has a problem, and that's how she started to age after she turned one hundred years old. To stop aging, she needs to drink werewolf blood, and that's when she finally meets Treznor Lucian Maccon, a werewolf who ends up becoming her blood slave. Werewolves are vampires' enemies, but everything starts to change because of the werewolf's 'poisonous' blood. That's when hatred starts to change into something else in the vampire's heart. As she begins to fall in love with the werewolf, the werewolf still can't forget his childhood sweetheart, and the vampire queen finally begins to feel misery. What will happen to the vampire queen? Will the werewolf's heart finally melt for her and forget his first love? Will it still be a forbidden love between the two creatures until the end?

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While Evie Bancroft could be arrogant in front of the staff behind the curtains, she was known as a superstar with a great attitude in front of her fans. Perhaps some of the staff who witnessed her bitchy attitude backstage would think that she was a hypocritical character, but the actress probably didn't care about that.

Of course, there were several anonymous articles about her actual bratty attitude circulating online, and some of the staff might have posted them because they weren't happy with her attitude behind the scene. However, since there was no valid proof of that, her fans still saw her as a goddess with a soft heart, and that was why those fans immediately accepted the actress' apology when she finally stood on stage to greet her fans.

Her condition was better now. She could speak normally, and she could also move her limbs like usual. And the reason behind the quick change was that she had taken the 'medicine.'

Of course, the medicine here couldn't be found in any pharmacy because she drank human blood to neutralize the mysterious drug in her body. Thankfully, Simon always had a few blood bags ready in secret whenever the actress had a schedule, and caution often paid off in these situations.

"Hello, My Life. I apologize for being late to greet you when you have been waiting for me since so early in the morning. I wasn't careful enough when I was in the restroom, and that's why I slipped and sprained my ankle a bit. I sincerely apologize for the careless behavior that made you wait for me longer."

Evie and her sweet mouth had once again won the hearts of her fans. She was the one who named her fandom. She said her name meant "life," and even if Dana was against it at first, the CEO of D.E. Entertainment finally agreed to use "My Life" as Evie's fandom name in the end.

Evie always told her fans that the meaning behind the fandom name was that her fans were her life. The simple declaration managed to touch the hearts of her fans, but Evie actually had two other meanings when she decided to use that name for her fandom. The first reason was that her fans were her source of money that supported her life in recent years, and the second reason was that humans were literally her source of life. After all, she did drink human blood to continue living, right?

That's why Evie insisted on using the lame name for her fandom, and Dana couldn't even say anything and let the vampire do what she wanted.

After Evie looked so sincere when apologizing to her fans, the fans in unison said it was okay, and Evie was able to smile broadly when she got the answer.

Right now, she looked like a goddess standing on the stage. Her pink dress was damaged by the previous incident, and she had no choice but to change into a white dress that her staff had prepared for emergencies.

Evie even scolded her staff for not preparing another pink dress for her when the theme of her fan meeting today was pink, and the poor staff could only lower their heads in defense.

It might have been predictable when Evie would scold them, but they were still lucky that the actress didn't cause any more trouble and agreed to wear the white dress in the end.

"Even if you all say that I don't need to apologize, I will still compensate for the time you guys waited for me by telling you my personal story. I rarely talk about my private life in front of cameras, so you probably don't know much about me, do you? Do you want to hear more about me?" With a microphone in her right hand, Evie continued to speak on stage, and she could see how her fans' faces colored with enthusiasm after hearing what she had just said.

Things related to Evie's personal life were indeed a big secret even among fans because the actress was very secretive about her life. After all, she was a vampire, and her identity was supposed to be kept secret to protect herself and her kind. That was the reason why she never let the paparazzi get any further information about her.

But, she just said that she would tell her fans more about her personal life, right? Even Simon looked dumbfounded and couldn't believe what he had just heard, and he also glanced nervously at the actress from backstage.

"This is a story that happened between me and my father years ago," Evie spoke again with a nostalgic smile on her face. "You all know that my parents passed away years ago, right? They are no longer here with me, but I still remember when my father told me that I would meet someone who would take care of me for the rest of my life, and he also said that that person would be the place where I can rest my head when I'm tired. My father isn't even a psychic or anything, so I didn't really believe what he said back then. However, I suddenly remembered what he said when I stood here to meet you today. Do you think I will be able to find that person?"

Evie did say that she would tell her fans some personal stories, but what she just said actually sounds more like a random story. However, it seemed that her fans were completely enthralled by whatever she had to say, and they eagerly answered her question with: "YES! YOU WILL!"

Evie felt like laughing when she witnessed how excited her fans were, but then she couldn't even form a smile on her face when she noticed something out of her peripheral vision. She immediately turned her head to look at the object, and she was stunned when she found that it was the unknown werewolf staring at her from afar.