
Vampire and Werewolve

He was a vampire prince and she was a princess a Werewolves... She was rejected by her mate and disowned by her family was broken. Determined her survived she keeps her identity a secret while pretending to be a human and attending high school! On the other hand, a vampire prince attending the same school in disguise notice her and fall in love with her! Will she take a leap of faith in love?! *Where is she..?! John asked. Adam got panic when he didn't find her. Bella...! He shouts. Seeing Adam worrying for Bella because he wasn't feeling well these days and now she is not here John also got worried and said to himself, *I should have to tell him before. *Adam I have something to say, John said to Adam. *Listen Diana please don't even try to lie. Please..! At least not this time. After trying a lot they search the place where Bella is and the place is "The World Of Fantasy". And they have "The King" also. * Where is my Bella..! Adam asked the king. On which king replied, *Your Bella is now my.........

Sumbal · Kỳ huyễn
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242 Chs

Manager saw her limping.

"Ok stop this nonsense and go and deliver this order," the manager on her weird behavior spoke.

She nodded yes and turned.

The manager added more, "And no mistake do you understand."

Bella turned around when the manager spoke and nodded again.

"You can go now," said the manager.

Bella turned around and start taking steps.

The manager was looking at her and saw that She is limping.

When she was out of the bakery, the manager was still looking at her and saw that she is still limping. Then the manager said the staff to call her in.

The staff person went to her and told her to come in because the manager is calling her.

She became scared and her fear appeared in her big eyes.

" But why is he calling me?" Bella asked with wide worried eyes.

"Well I don't know," replied the staff.

Bella then peeked into the bakery through the mirrored door and saw the manager looking at her.

"Come..." the staff person spoke.

Bella followed him and went in back.

" Yes sir..." she in a low fearful voice spoke. "Why are you limping?" the manager inquired.

"I told you that I had an accident today morning and due to that my foot got injured," Bella had a look at her foot and spoke.

"Ohh...! yes, I remember. Show me your foot." "What....! in a loud voice and surprised face she reacted.

On This manager looked at her with a bit of anger on his face. Seeing this she said, "ok ok."

Then she lift her foot a bit and showed it to the manager.

When she showed her foot to him, he was deeply inspecting her foot.

The manager was looking at her foot and Bella was looking at the manager's face.

She showed some head movements like she wanna say that "what is going on?"

The manager after inspecting her foot said, "Your foot is so injured. Why didn't you bandage it?"

On this she told, "I had no time. Because I was in hurry. First I was in hurry for school and then for here," with big nervous eyes she spoke.

"I see...!" the manager reacted.

Then the manager told another person of staff to take this order from her and deliver it. Manager these words got Bella panic and worry and she said,

"No sir I need this job. I will deliver this order please don't do this to me."