
Vampire and Werewolve

He was a vampire prince and she was a princess a Werewolves... She was rejected by her mate and disowned by her family was broken. Determined her survived she keeps her identity a secret while pretending to be a human and attending high school! On the other hand, a vampire prince attending the same school in disguise notice her and fall in love with her! Will she take a leap of faith in love?! *Where is she..?! John asked. Adam got panic when he didn't find her. Bella...! He shouts. Seeing Adam worrying for Bella because he wasn't feeling well these days and now she is not here John also got worried and said to himself, *I should have to tell him before. *Adam I have something to say, John said to Adam. *Listen Diana please don't even try to lie. Please..! At least not this time. After trying a lot they search the place where Bella is and the place is "The World Of Fantasy". And they have "The King" also. * Where is my Bella..! Adam asked the king. On which king replied, *Your Bella is now my.........

Sumbal · Kỳ huyễn
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242 Chs

Adam heard a voice again.

After he left Adam entered his room and lay on his bed. He was about to fall into a deep doze when he heard that voice that woke him up. "This voice of music!" He stood up and stepped out of the house. "It is the same voice yes it is that," he said.

He can hear that voice coming from the forest. He trekked toward the tree and sat on it by climbing it. He could feel the music and it seemed that even woodland is parading on the melody. "Why is this so satisfying to hear," said Adam.

Adam sitting on the trunk of the tree closed his eyes and felt the wind touching his face and passing through his hair. A face materialized in his sight and it was the face of Bella. After, he opened his eyes as he felt a strange feeling, and thought about what had just arisen. Then a smile appeared on his face and he whispered her name. He was there until the music stopped. After, he entered home and fell asleep.

At next day he woke up early and got ready for school. He went to Bella's house and gave a knocked on the door and yes she was surprised to see him.

"Adam! you here!" Bella rattled.

"Good morning," in a confused manner he said.

"Good morning," she strode her head. "What are you doing here?"

"Actually, I was on my way to school and then I thought that I should pick you up because your foot is injured and much walking is not good for you. So I am here," showing some hand texture he spoke.

With wide eyes and confused mind she mumbled, "Ok give me a minute."

Adam nodded in response. Bella went in, took her bag and went out of the house.

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