
Vampire and Werewolve

He was a vampire prince and she was a princess a Werewolves... She was rejected by her mate and disowned by her family was broken. Determined her survived she keeps her identity a secret while pretending to be a human and attending high school! On the other hand, a vampire prince attending the same school in disguise notice her and fall in love with her! Will she take a leap of faith in love?! *Where is she..?! John asked. Adam got panic when he didn't find her. Bella...! He shouts. Seeing Adam worrying for Bella because he wasn't feeling well these days and now she is not here John also got worried and said to himself, *I should have to tell him before. *Adam I have something to say, John said to Adam. *Listen Diana please don't even try to lie. Please..! At least not this time. After trying a lot they search the place where Bella is and the place is "The World Of Fantasy". And they have "The King" also. * Where is my Bella..! Adam asked the king. On which king replied, *Your Bella is now my.........

Sumbal · Kỳ huyễn
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242 Chs

Adam's insecurity.

The next morning, everyone went to school. As usual, they were taking classes. And after school, Adam was holding the hand of Bella and they went to his car and he opened the door of his car for her.

She then said, Adam, I think you forgot something.

No, I am not. Everything is in its right place. Look you are with me and today's day is also romantic. We have this car too. We could go on a long drive.

then he bend in front of her and said, ok tell me now what do you think about this?

She smiled and said, Ok then I think that .... Yes, you think what Bella .....

Adam, I think that This is so good idea but wrong Time because I have to go with Tin.

Hearing this Adam's face smile disappeared within a second.

She then said him to look at his right side. And when he turned his face, he saw Tin waiting for her and watching them.

Adam than with a sad face said, O yes I... I forgot this and then he shut the door.

Bella knew that he is sad but she also couldn't do anything.

She just said Goodbye to him. He also answered her by saying goodbye and then she left.

Adam was standing there and was looking at her. She went to Tin. Tin wished her afternoon. She also wished him Afternoon and then Tin said,

Shall we, she nodded on this, and then both Tin and Bella both sat in the car, and Tin's car went in front of Adam.

Bella was looking at Adam through the window, Adam was also looking at her and then they left from there. He was standing there and was looking at her.

He then opened the door of his car and sat inside. He closed his eyes while holding the steering wheel. Then he remembered the words of John,

"You should trust her, You should trust your love."

Then he opened his eyes took a deep breath and went on his way to the house.

On the other hand, Bella and Tin were on their way to Tin's house. Bella asked Tin about his dad.

He said, he is very serious, I don't know what happened to him suddenly. Seeing his Sad face Bella said, don't worry everything will be fine soon.

Tin thanked her for her condolences.