
Valhalla Kingdom

Follow the story of Abbadon Riddleblade as he enters Valhalla the school for wizards. Imagine growing up with magic as an integral part of your life. From your earliest memories, your parents' conversations have revolved around the mystical world of wizardry, enriched by their tales of adventures within the hallowed halls of the school. After Abbadon turns 11 years old he is invited to Vallhala the school for wizards. This school is not like any other school as it teaches you about magic and many magic-related things such as alchemy, spell casting, beast lore, and many more amusing subjects. (Currently will be posting 1 chapter per week till I get more support in the novel) ///// The cover is not mine if the owner wishes me to remove it please contact me.

Simpaii1x · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


The snowstorm began fierce and relentless as a man in a white robe walked through the chaotic snowstorm. Piles of snow joined to create impregnable paths of ice where water used to flow freely. 

As the man pushed forward the wind became stronger. Each step he took became more difficult for him. The snowflakes assaulted him from all angles penetrating his cheeks and latching into his white eyelashes.  As the man in white robes continued walking further into the storm he was able to encounter a village where the homes were and cars were covered in piles of snow.

As the man in white robes walked further into the village he sat between the small yards of two homes and waited there till the snow stopped falling.

A day had already passed the sun had risen and some of the snow that was seen in the last day's snowstorm was already melting. Finally able to walk through the whole village.

Many of the kids that lived in the village were looking outside their window to see who the man in the white robes was but when their parents found out they were looking outside they quickly closed teh curtains and forced their child to not go outside.

The man in the white robe arrived at a shabby-looking house. The house was made out of wood that seemed to be on the verge of falling. The man simply walked into the house. The floor of the house was completely covered in water as the snow that had entered the house was now melting. The man in the white robe simply sighted.

"Good thing no one lives in here." The voice of an old man came from the white-robed man.

The man in the white robe walked to the chimney as he walked near it he pulled out a small pouch containing some sort of ashes. Walking inside the chimney he quickly said. "ta meg dit jeg vil!"

Strange white flames appeared in the chimney and the old man was no longer seen.

The white-robed man appeared in a fancy chimney. Made with the finest brickwork, each brick is placed with precision forming a beautiful symmetrical pattern.

As the white-robed man walked out the chimney with some part of his robe getting dirty from the ashes he had used. Walking outside the chimney he found himself in a large living room with many moving portraits of two persons who lived together.

The vibe of the living room was extremely cozy with a large grey couch and a wooden table that stood in the middle of the living room. As he walked inside the living room he also found a shield and a sword hanging from the door that connected the living room with the kitchen.

However, before he could take another step a sudden burst of wind passed near him. A man with raven black hair at shoulder length, dressed in a white t-shirt and some pajama pants with brown colored eyes stared at the man in the white robe.

"Director Orin, what brings you here?" The man said with a serious tone.

Orin ignored the tone of the man and spoke with a calm voice. "Lucas Fenrir Riddleblade, I am here to talk with both you and youre wife about youre son Abbadon Riddleblade."

Lucas nodded. "Wait a moment I shall bring her here."

Lucas stood up from the couch and walked toward the kitchen where his wife Runa was cooking breakfast dressed in her pink pajamas.

As Lucas entered the beautiful kitchen made out of marble A beautiful blonde woman with beautiful green eyes glanced at him with a loving face. "Darling the breakfast is not ready yet."

"It's okay. I didn't come here for that. I came here because Director Orin is in our living room and wants to talk to both of us."

Runa glanced at Abbadon, a cute 3-year-old with dirty blonde hair and beautiful hazel-colored eyes, who was sitting at the dining table with a smile on his face as he patiently waited for his breakfast.

"Abbadon can you wait here for a moment Daddy and Mommy have to talk with an old professor of ours," Runa said putting a smile on her face.

Abbadon smiled back and nodded without saying any words.

Lucas and Runa left the kitchen and found Director Orin calmly waiting for them. As they sat Orin cleared his throat.

"I would like to invite Abbadon into my school."

Runa and Lucas both raised their eyebrows. "But why didn't you just send a letter instead of coming here?"

"I just felt like seeing some of my old students," Orin said with an indifferent face.

"Hm?" Runa raised her eyebrow. "Yeah right! tell us the real reason." 

Orin looked at the watch in his hands and said with a hurried tone."I shall tell you another time! I need to go somewhere else!" Orin entered the chimney. picking more ashes from a pouch and leaving.  After Orin left white flames that slowly burned down were left in the chimney.

Runa and Lucas both saw how the white flames extinguished thinking of many things and not uttering a single word.


8 years passed like the blink of an eye.

Abbadon has now turned 11 years old and is ready to enter Valhalla School made for Wizards.

Abbadon was getting packing some of the stuff needed. His school was no ordinary one as he had to sleep inside the school dorm rooms. Even if Abbadon found it strange he didn't ask much as his parents had told him that when they went there they also lived inside the school but every vacation they would visit their families.

Abbadon was ready to enter school and make friends. He felt extremely happy that he would be able to enter school especially one where he would learn magic. A subject that his parents talk about frequently in his household. 

Coming from a pure wizard family magic was talked about almost daily after the appearance of Orin in their living room 8 years ago.

Runa and Lucas both went with Abbadon to leave him at the train station where the special train made for Valhalla School was stationed. As they enter the train station they're surprised by the smell of steam and coal and the blend with the faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the nearby café.

Lucas carried the items for Abbadon while Runa held Abbadon's right hand. The three of them were seen smiling as they ventured into the train station which seemed to stretch as they walked inside it.

One could hear the distant whistles and sharp hiss of steam as they filled the air, mixed with the loud rattle of luggage and the enthusiastic conversation of travelers.

Before Abbadon knew it he was already in the station where his train was at. As he looked to see the station there was no number only a small billboard that said. "Train to Valhalla School of Wizards"

"This is youre train son," Lucas said as he squatted to get closer to Abbadon.

Abbadon's cheeks turned red as his father kissed his forehead. His mother waited for her moments and did the same. As Abbadon readied himself to enter the train he was stopped by his father who had a ring on his hands.

"This is your good luck amulet make sure to take good care of it son, I love you."

Abbadon smiled as bright as the sun. "Thank you Father I will make sure to take good care of this."

Chapters will be around 1200-1700 words each. If you guys want me to keep posting here make sure to use youre Power Stones!

Simpaii1xcreators' thoughts