Bali, 2021 Saturnus Alexius Gyama. Saturnus is a man who is very handsome even almost perfect, a genius with an above-average IQ, ambitious, basketball captain, student council president, cold and talkless. Until the arrival of a new student at SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar. The student's name was Mutiara Valerie Violeta. Valerie has a sweet, cute, funny, and beautiful face of course. But Valerie likes to throw tantrums at her new school. "Hurry up and clean it up, I'm hungry!" "What if I don't want to?" "Quick! Or…?" "Or ?" "Or I'll kiss you right now!" DEG! Is there anything more beautiful than reciprocated love? Without even realizing it, Saturnus had entered Valerie's circle of pain.
"Sorry, madam, the school's decision has been made, Valerie can't go to school here anymore. If Valerie stays at this school, then we from the school are forced to make Valerie stay in class, stay in the tenth grade." said the Counseling Guidance teacher at SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar with a regretful look on his face.
"I will pay whatever madam so that my daughter Valerie can still go to school here and go to class." said the middle-aged woman, who was known to be Valerie's mother.
"I'm sorry again, madam, the school doesn't accept any bribes. Valerie doesn't deserve to be at this school. Your daughter is very stubborn, we from the school have felt very overwhelmed giving her punishment every day. But your child has never been deterred or afraid at all." said the teacher who was known to be a Counseling Guidance teacher at SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar.
"Isn't there one more chance for my daughter?" asked Valerie's mother pleadingly. It's not like how Valerie's mother just keeps her family's image so that it looks good to outsiders. What do the clients say if their only child has to change schools because she always creates problems and has to be expelled by SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar and look for another school? Not! It could destroy her family's reputation.
"Sorry madam, we can't help at all. Sorry, we can't give you one more chance. Your child needs to be educated better, it seems that your child is lonely, so she is trying to get attention at school in the wrong way." said the Guidance Counseling teacher after opening the notes about Mutiara Valerie Violeta
"Okay, thank you for one year, madam, thank you for guiding my child. Then how about the transfer letter, madam? Is the school taking care of it, or am I alone?" asked Valerie's mother in her resigned tone. This daughter's school is indeed very strict, and can not be bribed with money. Valerie's mother also couldn't understand why her stubborn daughter could be accepted at this famous school in Bali, SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar. Yes, she admits that her daughter is intelligent, but Valerie is stubborn and unruly. She as her mother found it difficult to persuade Valerie.
"For the transfer letter, the mother's school will take care of it, you just accept it. If you may know, would you choose your child to be transferred to SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar or SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar?" asked the Counseling Guidance teacher who was ready to take notes in the book she was holding.
"Why? Isn't that also a favorite school in Bali? Can my child be accepted in one of those schools?" asked Valerie's mother confused.
Valerie just sat quietly staring straight ahead with blank stare. Her heart ached, why did she have to change schools? In his current school, she is very comfortable. At least she no longer needs to adjust to her environment. She hated the new world. She hates when she has to be shunned by her friends at school. She hates the disgusted stares of those who stare at her as if she is a virus that must be shunned. What's wrong with Valerie?
"Valerie has been accepted at the two schools, ma'am. We from the school do not divulge how Valerie behaves at this school. We think that keeping it a secret is much better. We think it is more useful for Valerie so that Valerie is not difficult to get to her new school. Values Valerie was also always above average at this school. So there is no reason for the two schools to refuse Valerie's transfer there." said the Counseling Guidance teacher again to Valerie's mother. She glanced at her students, Valerie was just daydreaming. This might be hard for her, but the Guidance Counseling teacher knows this is for the best for Valerie. Valerie was considered her child.
"Thank you, madam. Thank you for your cooperation. If I was allowed to choose... just let my daughter choose it, ma'am, Valerie will do it later, not me. So the choice is only in Valerie's hands, " Valerie's mother smiled with relief. Her heart calmed a little, at least her reputation wouldn't be tarnished if Valerie was transferred to one of those schools.
"Okay, then the decision. Valerie, which school do you want to choose? SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar or SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar?" asked the Counseling Guidance teacher, turning to look at Valerie who was still silent and lowered her face.
"Isn't it possible to just go to private schools, ma'am?" asked Valerie suddenly looking up at her Guidance Counseling teacher with an innocent look on her face.
"No Valerie! Why do you want to go to a private school? Mom didn't permit you. You choose one of the pre-determined schools, okay?" said Valerie's mother interrupting the conversation. Can't be left, this daughter is always weird. Valerie has been given a choice of a favorite school by the school, but Valerie instead wants to go to a private school.
"Then, a mother will choose a school for Valerie. Valerie accepts. After all, it was also her mother who asked Valerie to enroll in this school, even though Valerie wanted a private school." Valerie said in an indifferent tone. She is tired, her life is always controlled by her mother, when was she given the trust to choose his path? Valerie is not a child anymore, Mom!, she said to herself. Valerie can never be angry with her mother, and Valerie can never complain about her dislike. Protest? Valerie didn't dare to do that.
Valerie's mother was silent. She felt embarrassed when Valerie spoke like that in front of her Guidance Counseling teacher. she looked at the Guidance Counseling teacher who smiled at her, and reflexively Valerie's mother also smiled back. "Okay then, let's just transfer Valerie to SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar, ma'am, is that possible?" asked Valerie's mother hopefully. The two schools are equal favorites. There's nothing to worry about anymore.
"Yes, ma'am, I have recorded this. Later when the transfer letter is in order, we will contact you again." said the Counseling Guidance teacher with a short smile. She looked at Valerie's mother and Valerie in turn. What's with these two people in front of her? Why don't you just get along? Aren't mother and daughter supposed to get along? Oh well, that's none of his business right now. The important thing is that the task is almost done for Valerie's transfer.
"Okay, thank you, ma'am," said Valerie's mother, nodding her head briefly and smiling awkwardly. I don't know why it's suddenly awkward. Valerie's mother was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.
"Thank you again, ma'am," said the Counseling Guidance teacher, looking at Valerie's mother kindly. "Valerie, you'll be fine at your new school. Don't make trouble again, okay? I know you're a good student. I'm proud, even though you're famous for your stubbornness at school, at least your achievements are very satisfying." The Counseling Guidance teacher gave her students a short message. The hope is that Valerie can adapt to her new environment later. Hopefully, when Valerie is at her new school, she can be a better child.
"Yes ma'am, thank you. Thank you for caring for me. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm all this time. I will never forget you." said Valerie, forcing the corners of her lips to lift. Valerie didn't know what to say anymore. She didn't know whether to be happy or sad now. What's clear is her heart hurts, she doesn't know why.
"Then we say goodbye, teacher. Once again, thank you for helping my child," said Valerie's mother, smiling briefly and getting up from her seat, as well as Valerie who also got up from her seat.
"Okay, please mom, yes, it's my job as a Counseling Guidance teacher at this school, no need to thank me much," said the Counseling Guidance teacher and smiled kindly at Valerie and Valerie's mother in turn.
"Come on Valerie, we're going home," asked Valerie's mother to take Valerie's hand,
But unexpectedly Valerie just nodded and walked ahead of her mother out of the room, ignoring her mother's call who told her to walk not in a hurry. Once again she didn't care, she was fed up with her mother's image.
"Valerie! You should be ashamed of always being a naughty child at school. Don't you have any intention of changing into a better child? I'm ashamed to have a child like you Valerie!" said Valerie's mother when the two of them were already in the car.
Valerie looked at her mother who was also looking at her, "What do you care about? Don't you care about Valerie?" Valerie said indifferently and turned her gaze to the side of the car window. See the streets of Denpasar which are always busy.