
Urban Lord VS fantasy world

a young man suffers a heart attack while closing his shop he thought it was his end only to find himself in another world between shock and fear he slowly start exploring and interacting with the new world

Noble_Devil · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

only the worthy one deserves rewards

<p>Aslan went to the well and saw a long line of people waiting for their turn while passing by them through the well he could hear them complain and curse <br/>" how long do I need to stand in line my old knees can't handle by the time I reach the well I won't have any strength to pull some water"<br/><br/>"AAA I'm done i rather risk going to the river than standing here all day"<br/>"don't be reckless young man the lord ordered us to stay in the village for our own safety my nephew is a guard he told me that they went in patrol near the river however as soon as they set foot at the river side they discovered monsters lurking under water if not for the lords sharp senses my nephew who tried to fill his water bag would've died"<br/><br/>after getting scolded by the elderly man and few other concerned villagers the youth lowered his head in defeat and embarrassment <br/>Aslan watched the scene display and felt powerless he wanted to help but he can't face Monsters he looked at the well and saw a middle aged woman struggling to pull water he decided to go and help her<br/>the women noticed Aslan and greeted him<br/>"greetings young lord are you thirsty just wait a minute i will pour you some water" she thought he was thirsty and wanted water<br/>"no need aunty let me give you a hand "<br/>Aslan took the liver and started rotating it he was expecting some resisting but it didn't come he almost broke the handle <br/>" apparently I underestimated this body strength although he was only peak beginner stage he is way stronger than normal man "<br/>Aslan adjusted his strength and continued pulling water after helping the woman Aslan didn't stop he continued helping people fill their jars he even tied more buckets to the rope in order to increase the efficiency <br/><br/>after few hours of hard work he couldn't help bu yearn for modern technology this would be way simpler if he have an electric pump <br/>few hours all the villagers went back after getting water<br/>drenched in sweat Aslan pored a bucket on top of his head to wash himself he was thinking about introducing a manual water pump however he only remembers the doesn't know the design while exhaling a long breath of defeat a sound resound in his mind<br/>"ding"<br/>" congratulations you earned the respect of more than a hundred subject you unlocked the emperor system and received a beginner gift "<br/> <br/>" host open the system interface to access system function"<br/>Aslan was flabbergasted before leaving his home he tried to summoning the classic cheat to no avail but apparently there was a a hidden condition before activation<br/><br/>"system interface?" Aslan whispered to himself<br/>a bright holographic panel appeared in his sight <br/>_status<br/>_inventory<br/>_missions<br/>_gacha<br/>_shop(locked)<br/>_workshop(locked)<br/>_laboratory(locked)<br/>"open status"<br/>_ name: Aslan Volonternell <br/>_ race : human<br/>_ bloodline : human (sealed)<br/>_ stats : - strength : 30<br/> - stamina : 10<br/> - agility : 8<br/> - intelligence : 45<br/>_ power level : advanced bronze<br/>_ marital path cultivation: foundation building peak third level<br/>_skills:basic swordsmanship (97% efficiency )<br/>_ titles: (none)<br/>_ equipment: - weapon: long sword (grade normal) durabilité 89 %<br/> - secondary weapon : (none)<br/> - chest piece : (none)<br/> - head piece : (none)<br/> - legs piece: ( none)<br/> - shoes: (none)<br/> - accessories: (none)<br/>_pets: (none)<br/>Aslan remembered the beginners gift and quickly opened his inventory and found 1000 merit point - 500 gold coins - one weapon lucky draw ticket - one skill lucky draw ticket - lightning bolt magic skill book( grade: special)<br/>he clicked the skill book and it appeared in his hand with a new panel popping up<br/>" ding skill book detected do you want to learn the lightning bolt magic yes/no"<br/>Aslan clicked yes with no hesitation , immediately a lot of information started appearing in his mind and waves of refreshing energy started rushing to his body<br/>he felt lighter than before and could feel a new energy flowing in his body and the heart as the center he focused on this energy until 3 stars appeared <br/>Aslan opened his stats again and saw multiple changes first his intelligence has risen to 110 and new status appeared<br/>_ magician: 3 stars <br/>" i become a magician and skipped 2stages !<br/> is special grade skills that good?"<br/>" ding special grade are skills that grow with the user and raising the proficiency will increase the reassurance with the laws and elements "<br/><br/>" oh my god that means I could gain the ability to summon and manipulate lightning at will in the future I wonder what will happen if I learned another special grade "<br/>Aslan used the skill lucky draw ticket a bright light appeared in his hands and a new book appeared in his hands <br/>" ding skill book detected do you want to learn the illusion breaking eye yes/no "<br/>this Aslan didn't quickly chose yes he looked at the skill information first<br/>_ illusion breaking eye (grade legendary): after learning this skill the user can see the truth of the world and won't be affected by illusion and charms<br/> - 1st skill effect : immunity against all charms , illusions and brainwaching skills<br/> - 2nd skill effect : you can see others status and hidden info <br/> - 3rd skill effect : you can see items origin, grade , stats , special effects and skills<br/><br/>this is amazing with this alone I can become a famous appraiser even in the capital let's see what kind of weapon i get<br/>after using the ticket a golden flash appeared and a floating spear with long black handle decorated with golden dragon spiraling around and the big white blade almost like a short sword<br/>Aslan tried catching the spear but as soon as he tried that the spear fallen to the ground with a loud band leaving a crater and spider web like kraks around it he tried picking up the spear of the ground with no success <br/>he couldn't even move it<br/>Aslan used his new Appraisal skill on the spear and texts appeared<br/>name : golden dragon slayer<br/>length: 2 m<br/>weight: 5 000 000 tons <br/>Aslan "?????"<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>