

stuffing himself with food using the money he get, Ren fill a sense of fulfillment in him.

" ah what a great day today" clearly oblivious to the weather which getting cloudy and darker he strive forward the street but then suddenly he heard a huge uproar cause by the people standing beside a certain area of the street.

" I wonder what are the folks doing??" arriving at the scene without even asking he already know the cause of the uproar.

It seems like the mage apprentice who are supposed to serve the noble are arriving today. In this world, mage are one of the most powerful being to live. Everywhere they went people will show praise to them no matter what, it is a very respected occupation because even most people can use magic only mage or wizard are able to fully master them.

Losing interest watching the mage apprentice who currently full of pride of himself he started to turning back before a voice shout at him.

"you, young man with ragged cloth over there!!"

Turning around Ren see a fat guy in butler uniform who are currently standing beside not far from the mage apprentice clearly he was his butler.

"how dare you show your lack of enthusiasm against our great levy household apprentice mage don't you know you need to show his respect"

Then the people who are currently bootlicking the mage turn around and after noticing it was just a slump boy from the street they evilly grin to theirselves.

"That's right you dirty slump brat show some manner"

"what a dirty child he even doesn't pay respect to the great mage"

Hearing the insult Ren was boiling in anger is his heart 'what the hell it have to do with me'

seeing the situation the mage apprentice then intervened "Alright alright I think we should be magnanimous and just let the little boy go"

"oh what an amazing figure!!"

"as expected of great mage so kind and forgiveful"

"Please marry me great mage"

as people continued to cheer him Ren couldn't help but notice the contempt in the eye while the apprentice mage look at him, a realization struck him that everything was an act to humiliate him.

Ren was about to charge forward ignoring his life, when suddenly a hand grab him. Turning around he saw the old man who he greeted this morning shaking his head at him.

"let's get out of here first Ren!"

with reluctant he nod his head.

arriving at the place he use to stay in the slum he ask the old man "what the hell is wrong with those people I don't even do anything"

"It was a ploy the noble commonly used in order to elevate their standing, listen to my advice Ren in the future never go near them less you will become the victim of their act."

"how could they be so despicable aren't the noble job to protect the town? yes they are scum I admit that but how can they use their own people like this?"

the old man could only just shake his head "This is how the world work Ren the noble are by far not the worst because you will find someone who is far more evil in this world and I hope when the time come you will not become like me.

it's already late go rest first Ren"

Seeing the little boy still thinking and appeared more confused as time goes by the old man could only lamenting and pity the child who was force to face the cold truth of the reality.

On the way back to place where he use to sleep Ren has no idea that he was follow by 2 men wearing the hood.

" is he our next target "

" yes he is one of the candidate"

" I see then let's move on "

sneaking behind in the shadow the man prepared to made a move but unfortunately for them even though Ren seem thin with no strength or any ability to use magic because of his daily life stealing from someone he learned to be sneaky and aware of the presence from his surrounding.

The moment the hood man move to knock him out he already evade the attack. Seeing this the hood man was suprised but did not lose his compose.

"heh never thought your attack to be dodge huh, who are you people and what do you want from me!" Ren warily observe the hood man reaction hoping to get more information.

SMACK' suddenly he conciousness began to fade but before that he could see another hood man was standing behind him 'damn it I was careless.....'

" " is for dialogue

' ' is for monologue

[ ] is for special conversation

MikadzukiAAfieqcreators' thoughts