

I myself thought he would love me, he did, and is doing. But I'm not constant, was he hiding something behind my back?

DaoistVs5GRf · Huyền huyễn
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2 Chs


The basis of our relationship was his eternal state of mind. It was all about his prospect, his opinion, his mood, his, his, and his. The few years that had passed between us and this relationship was a living torture, not only to him, but also for me. I was not daring, until he came up to his knees and proposed me, told all those desires, to repeat how I felt. I was not solid enough, but of course, I loved him, love him too. Up to the future, I have not uttered a single word against whatever he did, either or neither to impress or to depress me. Then, within the time, what I it was clear to me was that, he was passing by, ignoring me.


I know better than, anyone, that I majorly pissed Chanyeol off, which is a very rare occasion, considering the circumstances. I know I had to make it up to him, to find something to repay for what I said, but above all, I needed to apologize. However, that was the problem, I did not know exactly what to say or how for that matter. I sighed, back where I started, I honestly did not want to make matters worse for myself. I didn't want Chanyeol to be even more mad at me if I was to try and apologize—so instead of trying to fix things like I undoubtedly should of, laid low, kept my distance from the man in case I might madden him further.

Although as the rest of the day progressed, my so-called plan of avoiding Chanyeol only seemed to make the situation much worse than it already was.

'I came to talk…We need to talk." I spoke after a pause, unbolting my courage to face him. 'Which we should of, than this runs further to an end.' "I don't care about anything that you have to say, now get out, I can't even look at you right now." He replied coldly, looking back to his phone before putting the ear bud back in his ear, ignoring me completely. I flinched; I have never heard that type of tone from him before. He used to be sweet and gentle, but this was something altogether. I scowled.

"I'm not going anywhere; we need to fix this, Chanyeol!" I declared slamming the door behind me shut, before crossing my arms to show that I was dead serious. "Suck it up, I hate this side of you and I'll be damned if I lose our relationship over something so ridiculous."

Chanyeol noticed me, when I wasn't leaving he angrily pulled out his earphones and threw his phone halfway across the room, the device hitting the wall loudly as he nearly screamed, "Get the fuck out, (Y/N)!"

"No!" I yelled back, walking over towards the abused phone to pick it up, luckily, it had a case on it or else who knew how much damage it could have taken. When I made it across to Chanyeol I tossed it back to him, but not harshly, I did not want to complicate things further. "We are going to sort this out Chan! You, were right, okay, I get that now. Do you hear me? You. Were. Right! There I said it! I'm sorry!"

'What else would you need out of me? Do I embrace myself more than, I've been today. Okay?the fault is completely mine, and you don't have to bother. I don't care if you truly believe in me or not, but if I haven't kept faith in you through this whole damned years, I would never ever be tossing myself in front of you as right now I am, if I haven't loved you.' I furrowed my brows, leaning forward and grabbed his hand roughly, pulling him forward to look at me as I spoke. 'What else, Chanyeol? I won't be in this place, if I haven't trust you since the beginning, why would I carry your child in first place!? And for earlier, you just felt me there, dumbfounded and all those people kept asking me what was the matter between us, for that you have been shouting at me like that in front of everyone. Everyone; The whole class. ' Chanyeol only gasped surprised, other than that, he did not yank away, jerked nor pushed me aside, which he probably should have done by any possible minute by now.

'what did you say?' was only what he asked, further he showed a ease in his judges. 'you weren't hiding it from start. Were you?' he said. I looked back at his sharpen glare which landed obstacle less on mine, when he approached my still arm which tugged at his sleeves, earlier. 'its been weeks, you didn't want to have a word with me, and this was all about my chasing. I wanted you to know and comfort me. Tell me whether you have wanted it, or even thought about it before we proceed. Have you?' I told with my widening eyes ogling into his, other than, focusing on whatever lyrics that felt my tongue, occasionally. He kept his mouth shut, barely looking at me this time, as I thought he yanked my hand away, before pulling me on the edge of the bed with him hovered above me.

'Are you sure? You haven't gone around other men?'

I chuckled at his eruption, I was not going to say something in defense to his these type of harsh comments, to prove myself loyal than what he was trying to get out of me. 'You cannot duck this and breakup with me now. Anyways if I had, I would not be plucky to plead in front of you. And I'm not'

He smiled, he beamed, his crucial anger rushed out, he coughed as he pushed me down to lie on the mattress behind and bent over me. His eyes hooked with mine in seconds, 'you should have told that earlier' he told, right after he began trailing butterfly kisses down my cheekbones, guiding his one hand underneath my neck and one on my hips. He backed up as I groaned when he bit on my jawline, then straightaway he pushed his plump lips into my cold ones, kissing me passionately and with lust.

I was the first to groan, somehow, it always was me when it was about him, to reel in the pleasure of pining and Chanyeol grinned satisfied against my lips before I pull back, we both immediately sucking in the room's air. Chanyeol though shook his head seconds along, yanking me back forward, running his own fingers through my hair, enjoying the softness that touches his fingertips, which I knew was his favorite. I moaned against him, just to ensure that I was feeling cared by his actions, feeling him lead me into his lap, hands trailing down my sides. I circle my limbs around him as he hugged me devotedly. 'I love you' he said, caressing on my hair and kissing it. ' thank you for this all, a lil version of me'

'mmm?' I hummed, relaxing myself between his warmth that wrapped me up. Tangling my fingers between the knots of his hair, I gently blew a kiss on his neck, as I was feeling heavy. 'tired of just shouting at me?' he nudge back, trying to lean me down on his bed. Nevertheless, I refused and pulled him down along with me, and curled into his chest, wrapping my hands around his giant waist. 'what should we name him?' I asked in a fatigued tone, even though I wasn't, I felt a great lump down my throat when the situation had all lessened.

'him?' he repeated right after me, and looked down at me with a brow up. I nodded and grinned slightly, hiding my blush under his chest once again, 'yes, it should be exactly you' I said and closed my eyes. I heard him hum against my forehead and his hand, which wrapped around my shoulder nibbling that spot with his thumb. 'We shall see' he chuckled; I clearly heard his smirk in that too. 'What are you smirking about?' I asked as I fit his chest gently, and playfully. He laughed out and embraced me tight, pecking a kiss on my forehead as he did, 'no, I just wonder, how much I was out of mind. I have done enough to shatter you up, and now this small one—should we get married?'

'What?' I slanted my head up and raised myself up, 'what?' he returned at me. I coughed as I rolled my eyes dramatically, adding an angry pout. 'that was a terrible way for a proposal' I jerked his hand away from the embrace, even though it didn't go as planned, he held me strong, and pulled me back in the previous position. 'so you something extraordinary?' he questioned sternly, when I crawled back into his chest. 'anyways, It doesn't matter how, where, or when, I will accept that' I hugged him tight. 'I sure will return with a wise idea, do not worry' he sighed atop of me. 'I'm going to stay here for tonight then?' 'Sure'. He kissed me once more before I had fallen into sleep.