
Until i fall inlove again

UNTIL I FALL INLOVE AGAIN Romance, Comedy, Drama, Modern (Graphic Warning: With Mature Content) SYNOPSIS: Laurice Ledesma Azul Had an artistic temperament. A shrewd femme d'affaires. With a sheltered past. A broken home. Thwarted passion. She possessed an unrivalved beauty that is envied by women and coveted by men. An exquisite woman of her youth with a vulnerable character. ... With her sanity on the line, will Laurice eventually succumb to the temptation of the gorgeous stranger with a son playing as his wingman? Sid Walsh was relentless. Another Walsh however came in play. Laurice's interest is perked up. Will there be rivalry between brothers? An old flame returned as well. It was the most disturbing one. But if an ex-boyfriend's appearance wasn't chaotic enough, a tenacious fiance revealed himself claiming his rights as the future husband! The battle among lovers is on! Laurice was somehow caught in between. But she still had a missing person to find and a career to foster. Will she ever find the courage to be free from all control, abandon herself to her desires without reserve and trust wherever fate leads her to be? ... 20th of March, Year 20XX At that serendipitous moment, Laurice was certain she saw something in his cognac eyes - something akin to love. ... Extra Scene: "I like you." The man was still lost in his thoughts when he heard the words. It was almost inaudible. Like a careless whisper. "Y-you like me?" He uttered. "W-well, i don't h-hate you." Laurice stammered. The man arched his eyebrows in amusement. He grinned at the woman who was being defensive. A playful glint flashed past his eyes. "Can i kiss you, then?" Sid asked. Laurice: " ...???!!! " A kiss?

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90 Chs

Chapter 75: Meeting the Ledesma Clan (1)

Walking along the pathway heading straight to the main door of the grand villa, Laurice's gaze narrowed as she eyed the woman who seemed to have aged a little but still looking quite immaculate and elegant in her all black separates. The woman was wearing a structured pencil skirt and a peplum top.

How long has it been already since she last saw that face? Was it, five or six years ago? She lost count already.

Her mother, however, was still as beautiful as she remembered. The slight wrinkling at the side of her eyes only added to her timeless charm but she was expressionless as she anticipated and was looking a bit cynical with her apparent cold stare. Laurice shivered a little but tried to conceal the fear that was starting to crept inside her heart.

'You'll be fine.' Sid repeatedly told her that before sending her off awhileback. Will she really be alright afterall? Laurice thought it would be the most convenient if she would have travelled alone across this place but, she seems to be now regretting her decision a little.

Laurice straightened her back and composed herself as she walked cautiously afraid that she might invoke pity and worry in someone else's eyes. She must not show any form of weakness or fault today. Especially not today, not here in fact. She knew exactly that she was an outsider and clearly had no place in this home, but she couldn't just allow herself to bare her soul before the people she would be meeting later who are basically strangers to her. She must restrain herself so as to not be crude and vulgar in any way. However, she can't be faint-hearted as well. Offending this family may not be an option for her, but she refused to be offended herself. No one was allowed to hurt her. Laurice had long decided on that before leaving the states. But, had she prepared well enough for today's encounter, she wonder.


Now faced with the person she had been avoiding for days, Laurice fell gravely silent as she halted in her steps. Tilting her head down slightly in courtesy, she pursed her lips and reluctantly expressed her greetings.


Laurice did not met her own mother's eyes when she spoke without a tinge of affection in her tone, failing to witness the glint that flashes across her mother's usual sultry gaze and lethal side-eye. It oddly softened a tad bit and glistened for a second but reverted back to it's original state the next when Laurice looked back at her. Her only daughter was looking at her without a sense of familiarity.


Camilla seems perturbed by her own daughter's indifferent approach. Her heart sunk at the mere mention of the word as if it was forced. 'Mother?' She knew herself that she may now be unworthy in Laurice's eyes but she was not expecting that Laurice will be this cold and nonchalant towards her. Her daughter wasn't disrespectful at all as she was expecting, in fact it was quite the opposite. But her behavior was a bit too much as if it was ... rehearsed. 'Did she really have to be this willful?'


Both mother and daughter decidedly remained silent as they stare blankly towards each other. No one dared to bring up whatever matter that caused this momentous event. They've talked about it over the phone for several times already it was getting exhausting and boring for Laurice.

Camilla hesitantly retrieved her gaze first and uttered in a voice that is neither overbearing nor indulging, "Let's head inside first. It's getting dark already."

She was pleased enough that Laurice came early today as promised. Her punctuality may as well invoke a good impression that would reflect on her as her mother.

'But was she that worried that Laurice might embarrass herself in front of her own kin?' Camilla was worried sick alright not for herself but towards her own daughter's sake. She hoped for Laurice to be treated fairly today but she was no fool to expect that much.

"Yes." Laurice replied simply and nodded politely.

Her mother was amused by her sudden complete change of demeanor. It was such a relief that Laurice wasn't wearing her usual rash attitude. This would likely helped them both to achieved their goal today.

As she led Laurice inside the magnificent grandeur of the old residence, a pair of maid-servants suddenly approached them and invited them both to gather already in the dining hall.

'So soon? It was not even seven yet.' Camilla pondered as she glimpsed down at her wristwatch rather inconspicuously. Her mother, Adelina, was always precise and strict towards time and house rules. How strange.

Laurice turned even more vigilant when she noticed the odd atmosphere grew thicker around her but followed her mother all the way through the dining area without saying a word.

As soon as they've reached hall, the supposed seats of all family members were already occupied, only theirs on the far east-side remained empty.

Camilla did not show any unusual response as if she wasn't surprise at all. There was no mistaking that this was all her mother's doing. Deliberately summoning the rest of the family earlier than scheduled, only she wasn't informed though.

The two of them waited for their presence to be known and acknowledged by the host who was none other than Adelina Ledesma herself before stepping a foot forward. The mother and daughter pair dared not act without any sense of propriety.

When the old madam, who were sitting at the end of the table sipping gracefully on her tea noticed the disturbance, she raised her head in a condescending manner as if showing her full authority as the host and master of the clan and glanced at the two person standing before her rather apathetically. Clearly without any interest and intention to acknowledge the other person besides her daughter.


Laurice however remained unfazed under the old woman's frosty glare but a sense of oppression suddenly grew within her.

'What the? Weren't she the one who summoned me here?' She grumbled inside. Her supposed grandmother looked extremely unhappy seeing her in person. Laurice sighed inwardly and helplessly instead, thinking this is going to be her worst dinner meeting ever.