
Untamed: Forbidden Mates

What happens when you are a werewolf and you are mated to another from a race known to be your natural-born enemy, a vampire? This was what happened between Auriana, a Werewolf Princess and Lyrus, the Vampire King. They never thought that fate would play such a game on them after centuries of their races being rivals, yet here they were, mated and none could reject the other despite knowing the odds against them. Despite knowing that the likeliness of their bond being accepted by either side was less than slim, they indulged themselves in this forbidden love. Will their bond be strong enough to rival the opinions of their people and win? Or will their duties and responsibilities as leaders keep them apart? ***** Meet the human Princess, Astrid. A young woman set on defying the norm of her race and kingdom and creating a path for herself and others like her. Rejecting an arranged marriage and deciding to join the court, these two reasons were already seen as insults to the kingdom but she was determined. In a kingdom were women were only meant to be married off and bear children to increase the population, Astrid's decision was looked down upon by all, men and women alike. life had never been easy but it became worse after she met Roman Blackburn. A shamelessly persistent vampire. Or in her words, an annoying vampire, who was set on winning her heart. What will happen to these couple? Read more to find out!!

Precious_1 · Kỳ huyễn
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84 Chs

Now, it's my turn

Edgar walked to the north wing of the castle where Auriana's room was. Drawing closer and knowing how late it was, the fact that they had barely rested the following day, he stopped to think if it was right to go to her now.

Taking a deep breath, he released it slowly and then proceeded to the room. He knocked, but there was no response, so he assumed she must have gone to sleep already. "Sleep well, my princess," he whispered before turning around and returning to his wing. He looked around, and the guards that were stationed at the wing were all present. He was certain nothing would happen while they were around.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Auriana sat on the balcony, staring at the moon. She heard the knock on the door and got a bit startled, especially after identifying who knocked through his scent. Auriana sighed in relief when he. She didn't want to talk to any one of her parents right now.