
Unseverable Bond

Your parents died trying to save you, from your own half-species at the age of four. The only momento you had from them were a couple of memories which you hated and a very reliable book. You continue your life, working hard from village to village with your little twin brother. Life is harsh, but you manage to pull through thanks to your parents. You work hard from village to village, just to get to an academy recommended in your father's diary. You finally enter the academy, but life doesn't get any easier. People hate you for stupid reasons and bully you, but you forget them an plan vengeance for your parents with your only two friends. Before that, you have to grow strong, and growing strong is not an easy task at all, but you endure. A lot happens, and the whole world is after you. What would you do in that situation? Let's find out in this novel: Unseverable Bond!

Tha_Reaper · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


"Jiro! Watch out!" Zoro, Sandy and Klaus said simultaneously as they jumped in front of Jiro to save him from being literally slapped outta the line but ...

The hand phased through them! What?! How?!

"I told you they couldn't touch us. Now, for attempted assault on The Nightmare, your young prince might as well die, that is, if you don't comport yourselves and talk to us like we're humans." Right after Jiro said that, their young prince started to float against his will, and many sharp weapons appeared around him. 🥶This boy was omnipotent! He wasn't joking!

The bodyguards instantly had their guards up. This boy was a space elementalist, they thought. Space elementalists were highly revered since they had the most powerful and scary element. Yep, not darkness, not fire, but space. These guys could just teleport your attacks behind you as long as it's not too powerful. They also travel really easily and had a high income when they teleported someone somewhere far. They were also frightening as hell. Their attacks were also very difficult to sense and dangerous. They could literally just teleport you into the void if you let your guard down and you would have to find your way back. The void was a space all around that void elementalists could use to their advantage. This meant that they didn't actually need their elemental essence to manipulate the void, if their ranks were really high, around the A rank. This was definitely not all. I have totally summarized it.

In summary, They were the most respected, most fearsome and most powerful. And these twats just offended one.

"S-s-sorry young master! Our young Lord commanded us to do it. We will go to the back of the line now. Please don't harm him!." The guard said in panic and fear, realising their mistake. He definitely hadn't heard of this space elemental ability before. This guy was extremely strong! Even B-rankers like them couldn't touch him!

"Good." Zoro said with a smirk which sent a chill down the spines of everyone who saw it and flung their 'young lord' to the back of the line. Luckily, he was caught just in the nick of time.

Soon enough, 'The Nightmare,' Which had now become extremely famous all over the region, was registered. Giro registered with the surname Sako, whiles Tenebris registered with the surname Ryuko. They could now enter the academy and wait three days for the entrance exam. A guide guided them to their places of residence, showed them around a bit and told them what to do in the next few days.

- Three days later -

It was finally time for the entrance exam of Incendium Academy, one of the most anticipated competitions in the whole region. Everyone wanted to see 'The Nightmare' with their own eyes, so the academy arena was extremely full.

The contestants were finally called onto the football pitch sized platform. There were about a thousand seven years olds there! But no one actually cared. All they cared about was seeing the extremely beautiful and powerful 'Nightmare'. Since their leader was shy, they knew he would wear an extremely regal black cloak and looked out for that, and they hit the nail right on the head 'The Nightmare' appeared, and the Arena couldn't hold in the Sonic waves from spreading into the surroundings. It was extremely loud! But that was not the grandest thing about their arrival,...

It was rather them literally phazing through every single individual. It was a wierd feeling so many paved way for them. Eventually, they were left in the spotlight again, to Giro's dismay.

The cheers ended when a large bearded man spoke from the stands into a microphone.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and all those in between, welcome to Incendium Academy's 891st entrance exam. It's a pleasure to meet you all here. Dear contestants, and aspirants to enter Incendium Academy, it's time to see who is worthy to enter our prestigious institution and climb the path to power! There's 1000 of you here now, so we'll begin the weeding with a battle royale. There's only a time limit; thirty minutes. Don't fall off the platform into the sand or else you're disqualified. Also, Don't kill anyone or use any lethal or crippling moves, lest you get disqualified. Fall unconscious or declare to surrender and you will be eliminated and teleported safely out of the battle. The royale begins... now!

Of course, many stupid ones targeted 'The nightmare right from the beginning, which was an act that eliminated many students through unconsciousness.

"Giro, I know you're trying to protect us but I don't want to win this way. Let us fight a bit." Sandy said after receiving some virtual hits and was supported by the others.

"Fine then. Wear these cloaks." Giro said with his sweet voice as beautiful cloaks similar to Giro's appeared around them, just in different colours. Tenebris had a bright white cloak, Klaus' was a bit dark golden, Sandy's was pink, and Zoro wore his deep blue cloak.

Giro deactivated his phazing ability and chaos was ensued. They were all only in the sixth stage of the E rank, But their combat prowess, impeccable!

Tenebris had connected their eyesights so everyone basically had 360° vision. Zoro didn't need this as his eyes of detection could grant him better, but as he didn't want to waste too much chakra, he just allowed the connection to exist.

For some reason, these guys at the sixth stage were having strength of someone near the eighth, and the surrounding enemies had their ranks decreased by two ranks if they were in the seventh rank!

All the competitors on this platform were in at most at the peak of the E rank, the ninth stage, and those at the ninth stage were only a handful, so being in the eighth gave one a fairly higher advantage over the others.

The group of five were surrounded by about twenty people, the rest fighting other people or finding a way to beat the Nightmare and earn some face. five beautiful yin-yang patterns appeared in the air and began shooting out powerful bolts of lightning and beams of fire, which was extremely marvelous everyone could tell it was from the nightmare since the marks on their necks were a bit conspicuous in the leaked video of them turning a royal of a big family into a ragdoll.

Their leader was just standing there, as any enemy or that came too close to him was attacked by the elemental formations and there was an invisible shield all around him about 30cm from him which deflected the debris or shockwaves coming towards him. He truly didn't want to use his most overpowered defence here, but still, on this platform, he was basically invincible.