
Unscientific Asgardian of Marvel

Alex transmigrates into mcu as an asgardian. He finds himself many years before plot starts. Fortunately like any other transmigrator he also has a GENE SYSTEM. But wait, it doesn't work on himself. Instead he can grant other people abilities of different animal-life forms similar to human beast form of devil fruit in one piece, with full loyalty and he can extract one ability from everyone without changing his human *Asgardian* form, for his own use. But the catch is that every time he uses the system, it requires soul energy which can only be obtained by killing. Follow Alex on his journey in this world full of beauties and danger as he becomes a living legend. Will he be able to conquer this world with the help of system and his friends? #harem #marvel #slightly au # gene system #r18 # yuri harem ( only between his wifus ) * You can support me on Patreon to motivate me and read advance chapters of this one and my other novels. patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

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The decisive battle with Chittauri army

Amidst the shimmering waters of the Bermuda Triangle, the Chitauri battleship loomed ominously. Its sinister presence sent shivers down the spine of onlookers worldwide as they watched the live video transmission. Among those gearing up to face the alien invaders were Loki and Jane, transformed into their combat forms.

As the trio readied themselves, Alex's powerful perceptions pinpointed the exact location of the Chitauri battleship.

"It's the perfect opportunity to try my new abilities. "

Loki's eyes gleamed with determination, the icy aura and immense strength of his newfound abilities enveloping him as he twisted his neck viciously and placed his hand on the surface of the ocean.

"Ice Age. "

Following that the whole ocean of a few kilometers was frozen.

"So this is the Chittauri main battleship. "

Jane, now transformed into a werewolf Fenrir, exuded a primal energy, her silver grey fur glistening under the sun as she swallowed her saliva in part nervousness and part excitement.

"Alright guys, the plan is simple. The earth has already seen the power and cruelty of the Chittauri army. Now all we have to do is defeat them with crushing strength and take over the control of Earth taking advantage of the turmoil. "

Alex said light heartedly like he was talking about playing football after the school time.

Next Alex took lead as he stepped forward calmly with lightning sparks appearing all over his body and formed an armor. At the same time, the Strange metallic wings appeared behind his back slowly as he unfurled them with a shock and flew into the air.

Following behind him, Loki also thumped his chest like Hulk and jumped out like a self propelled missile along with a strong impact and left behind a cold trail.

Meanwhile Jane also took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, there was an extra silvery cold hue in them and after a loud howl, Jane also rushed towards the battleship at supersonic speed leaving behind afterimages.

The Chittauri army was also alerted by their intrusion the moment Loki froze the surrounding sea area and under some sort of command, hundreds of Chittauri soldiers gushed out of the battleship.

Alex simply flew past them gracefully leaving behind the brutally cut apart pieces of corpses in path. As for those that were some distance away from him, they either exploded directly due to the lightning field accompanying Alex or if they were farther away, they were electrocuted to death.

As a matter of fact, Alex was just casually roaming the battlefield to control the situation and wasn't really trying his best. This was Loki and Jane's battle. He was here just to show his face and make the finishing blow.

As Alex continued to display his devastating powers, Loki and Jane engaged the Chitauri soldiers with finesse and ferocity.

Loki's giant Hulk physique granted him unparalleled strength and resilience. He effortlessly tore through groups of Chitauri, freezing some with his ice control powers and smashing others with his brute force. Each strike sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, leaving a trail of frozen and shattered foes. In just a short period of time, Loki has adapted to his new battle style. Freezing his opponents into icicles and shattering them to pieces with a punch. Moreover, he didn't have the weakness of long range attacks like hulk either as he easily hurled ice spikes onto a dense crowd of Chittauri soldiers, impaling them to death.

Jane proved to be a force of nature herself. Her Beast God physique granted her exceptional speed, agility, and reflexes. The silver claws on her hands, empowered with the legendary God-killing energy of Fenrir, sliced through not only the Chitauri soldiers with ruthless precision but also left behind deep gashes on the battleship. The soldiers barely had time to react before falling to her onslaught.

Of course, her combat style is more effective against single opponents. Only then can her God killing energy show it's true strength. As for these Chittauri soldiers, even without the god killing energy, her claws alone were sharp enough to shred them to pieces.

The Chitauri forces, once confident in their superiority, were now thrown into disarray. They struggled to comprehend the power and fury of their opponents. Despite their advanced weaponry and technology, they were no match for the combined might of Loki and Jane. Not to mention Alex who seemed to be taking a stroll in a park.

In the midst of the chaos, Loki's Power of Anger intensified, fueling his rage and boosting his abilities even further. His icy control became more potent, freezing entire groups of Chitauri in place. He unleashed frosty whirlwinds that swept through the enemy ranks, immobilizing them in ice prisons.

Jane's wolf-like instincts and heightened senses allowed her to predict her foes' movements with uncanny accuracy. She gracefully evaded attacks, seemingly dancing through the battlefield, and delivered precise strikes that incapacitated the Chitauri with minimal effort.

As the battle raged on, the Chitauri commander, witnessing the devastation caused by the trio, decided to make a last-ditch effort to turn the tide. He activated all the remaining Leviathans as about fifty of them soared into the sky towards the three of them.

Seeing the group of Leviathans approaching her, Jane took a deep breath and unleashed the Wolf God's howl. As the mental wave spread with her as the centre, the miscellaneous Chittauri soldiers simply short circuited on the spot and fell down in files. Meanwhile the Leviathans also slowed down a little and howled irritability. Taking advantage of this moment, Jane jumped high into the air using the battleship floor as leverage and appeared between the confused Leviathans. While in mid air , she channelled all her power into her claws and started spinning like a top. Soon, a silver colored tornado formed with Jane as centre and the Leviathans who didn't even have the time to react were pulled inside it. Once engulfed by the tornado, a net of air slashes landed on their body. Normally it wouldn't have been so easy to break their defenses but unluckily for them, these slashes were laced with God killing power. Under the constant onslaught, soon only debris was left of the Leviathans.

After completing all this, Jane landed back on the battleship and observed the destruction caused by her.

Looking from a distance, Alex also nodded appreciatively.

"This looks like a cool move. If I embue my wings with God killing power and try to copy it, the tornado formed should only be stronger than this. "

And just after saying this, Alex unceremoniously plagiarized Jane's move.

Meanwhile Loki also wasn't one to be left behind.

As he jumped on the head of a Leviathan, after just a few punches, he made it dive into the ocean. Immediately after entering the ocean, Loki enleashed the Ice ability freezing the Leviathan under the sea.

When he came out again, Loki used Ice ability to conjure a few giant birds like Aokiji as they crashed into the Leviathans while he himself summoned two huge dual swords made of ice and a ice crystal armor.

"This suits the image of God better. Come on you lowly reptiles. See the might of this God. Hahaha. "

Loki dashed towards the Leviathans while laughing maniacally.

You can support me on Patreon to motivate me and read advance chapters of this one and my other novels.


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