
Ranking Day

Shrouded by darkness, only the moonlight that leaked from the window highlighted Seth's face. He knelt at his mother's bedside, grasping onto her cold hand as she lied ill in bed.

"I promise, tomorrow I'll become an adventurer and I'll free you and Celeste from this life."

She slowly turned towards him, placing her other hand on top of his.

"Yes, tomorrow will be the day that you save us and help this family prosper. You becoming an adventurer will cure me and allow our family to live the lavish life I've always wished for."

Seth gripped her hand harder, knowing that his mother would not last much longer. His only hope was to become a strong adventurer so he could afford to pay for her to be healed. He lowered his head onto her hand as they both drifted to sleep.

Seth's family was incredibly poor. After his father died on an adventure, they no longer had a stable source of income and had to move to the outskirts of the city into an old shack that could barely hold itself up. Soon after, his mother fell ill, which only made things harder. Seth promised himself he would become a strong adventurer and save his family from the poverty that they were stricken with. Above all else, Seth had a strong will and would give everything in order to help others. Tomorrow would be the day that changed Seth's life forever.

"Seth! Seth wake up! Everyone's waiting outside!"

Celeste, Seth's younger sister, bursted into their mother's room. She rushed over to him and shook him with authority.

"Hey! Okay! I'm up, I'm up! Celeste!"

Once she was finally done assaulting him with her barrage of shakes, Seth steadied himself and made his way outside where his friends awaited him. Today was the day. Ranking Day. The day where he and his friends will have their magic points (MP) measured. This would place them into a specific rank, ranging from E-rank to SSS-rank.

Seth was confident enough to believe he'd at least be a C-rank. However, out of each of his friends, Kip, Theo, Faye, and Mika, Theo was the most promising. He was a natural leader and everyone within the group looked up to him. On top of that, he had a natural ability with a sword. No one could see him being anything less than A-rank.

"Come on, Seth, by the time we get there it'll be over!" Kip bellowed.

Seth smiled. Kip was always overly energetic. No one was able to match his endurance. Everyone suspected him to make a great tank once he became an adventurer.

"Don't be so restless, Kip, there will still be plenty of people for you to embarrass yourself in front of. " Faye snickered.

Faye was a very intelligent girl, although very outgoing, she spent a lot of time researching magic and runes and would most likely become a mage.

"Embarrass myself? I'll show you! I'll be an A-rank right from the start! And that's being modest."

" I'm sure we will all do great," Mika muttered in a soft voice.

Mika was mostly reserved to herself and whenever she did speak she always had a soft, soothing voice. Despite how shy she was, she had a strong will to protect those dear to her, although not much with a sword and not having much knowledge of magic, she had the makings of an amazing healer.

"Well then, shall we make our way to the adventurer's guild?" Theo proclaimed.

"Yeah!" They all screamed in anticipation.

In this world, every year, the adventurers guild holds a Ranking Day, where new adventures go to get ranked. The ranks are based off of how high your magic points are. In each rank their are classes ranging from third class to first class. For example, 1-50 MP would give someone E-rank third class, 50-100 MP, E-rank second class, 100-150 MP E-rank first class, and so on, so forth.

Once they have their ranks they receive their adventurers license that allows them to enter dungeons and take quests that are of their rank or below. However, not all ranks are suited for dungeons, or even quests. While C-rank and above take jobs in dungeons or quests to defeat wondering beasts and monsters, D-rank adventurers are usually given simple jobs such as escorts for merchants or serve as security around the cities and E-rank adventurers usually become farmers or work for merchants. Some even decide to serve as bait while in dungeons, although they don't last to long, it pays more than being a farmer or working for merchants.

The group finally arrived at the adventurers guild stopping in front of the building, taking a deep breath to settle their nerves. Seth closed his eyes and remembered the promise he made to his mother the night before. Once settled, they made there first steps into the building and were greeted by a crowd of new adventurers waiting to be assessed. The guild workers stood near three magic circles that were used to analyze the adventurers abilities and measure their magic points.

"C-rank second class!" "D-rank first class!" " C-rank third class!"

Ranks and classes were being shouted out left and right as the group of friends awaited there turn to be assessed. Finally after many C and D ranks and a few B ranks, it was Seth and his friends' turn to get assessed. First up was Faye.

"Well guys, wish me luck."

She stepped up into the magic circle. Blue rings began to surround her and move up and down. Numbers began to formulate on a paper that the worker was holding. Once the rings stopped moving, the worker took a moment to look over the information.

"B-rank first class!"

The worker handed her the paper and Faye went back to her friends. She turned to Kip.

"Beat that."

"Alright. I will."

They both stuck their tongues out at each other before Kip turned and stepped into the circle. The same process occurred.

"A-rank third class!"

"Ha! I told you I'd be A-rank!"

Faye scowled, folding her arms and turning away.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just don't let it get to your head."

At this point the attention turned to Seth's group of friends. It was very rare for new adventurer's to be given an A-rank. As a crowd started to form around them, Mika stepped into the circle.

" Oh my!" The worker exclaimed.

"D-Did I do something wrong?" Mika nervously questioned.

"Oh no, not at all. It's just this is rare. Especially two in a row. A-rank second class!"

The crowd began to chatter amongst themselves. Having two A-ranks announced one after the other was almost unheard of.

"What? How is she above me!" proclaimed Kip.

"Oh shut up, Kip. Way to go, Mika!" Faye said clinging on to Mika.

Just then Theo came up to both of them, placing his hand on Mika's head.

"Congratulations, Mika. Though it's to be expected. You're nothing short of amazing."

"T-Thank you." Mika said blushing and burrowing her head into Faye.

"Hey, why didn't you compliment me like that?" Kip said mockingly.

"Oh is little kippy jealous?"

"Don't patronize me."

Theo giggled and turned to walk up to the magic circle. By now everyone's attention was on this particular group of friends. Assuming they would form a party after becoming adventurers, they could be one of the strongest teams in the country. The circle began to analyze him. Once done, again the worker looked over the paper.

"T-this is impossible! This never happened before"

"Let me guess, another A-rank. Geez, why am I the only B-rank in the friend group?" Faye scowled.

"S-rank first class!"

The crowd went wild. This was the first time a new adventurer was named S-rank. Theo stepped back to his friends. Kip put his arm up on his shoulder.

"Of course. Leave it to Theo to show us all up and become an S-rank."

"I'm as shocked as all of you, but we still have someone who needs to go."

"Oh yeah." Kip turned to Seth. "Go on, Seth."


Everyone's eyes fell on Seth. Although he wasn't the tallest or the strongest, everyone thought the same thing. Based on the previous results, he has to be an A-rank or at least a B-rank. Seth was even naive enough to believe the very same thing. Once again the rings began to move up and down. The crowd fell silent, waiting for the results. The worker began to analyze the paper. After a few moments, the crowd began to wonder why she hadn't said anything.

" uhm."

The worker couldn't believe what was on the paper. She then called the other workers over. They gathered around the paper and muttered to each other before breaking apart. The worker that analyzed Seth stepped forward with the paper.

"So, well, according to this..."

The crowd was sitting in anticipation. Was Seth even stronger than an S-rank?

"Well, It would seem that you are, unranked."

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