
Unprecedented Love Triangle

Yosiker, hybrid who finds out he has more than one mate.

Wykay · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches are the three main supernatural beings everybody knows. They've been around for a long time. Vampires and Werewolves have been at war with each other for as long as they've existed. Witches occasionally get involved, but not that much, they prefer to mind their business a lot of the time, unless the situation concerns and affects them. The feud between the two species began with an unlawful hatred that they grew for each other.

As much hatred that vampires and werewolves had for each other Samatha, a vampire, and Jordan, a werewolf still fell in love. They tried their best to spend time with each other. When the vampires and werewolves found out about their affection and love for each other they were enraged and were going to kill Samantha and Jordan, until... Samantha announced she was pregnant, this in turn made both sides curious, what would the baby be if it were the child of a vampire and werewolf.

Samantha and Jordan had run away not wanting their child to grow up or be around the bad influence vampires and werewolves were definitely teaching. Once the child was born they knew everything was gonna change, not only did they just know that their child, Jonah, had a good heart and was gonna end the long feud between the two species, but because he was a hybrid, the first in history, both vampire and werewolf.

And that's what Jonah did, he ended the war and long feud. He showed both vampires and werewolves that they could coexist, he showed them that they could even love each other. After all he was literally the result of all that, a child born of both species.