
Surprising Start (Prologue)

"WHAAAAATTTT????" A young man's Shout

"wait..wait what, why this guys are surrounding me?? what with those hellish swords?? Man looks dumb." The thought's of the young man.

The young man's name is Uno, a former addicted "gamer" but overtime got bored because of the monotonous experience and predictive ending or result. Uno also read light novels related to video games to spice things out and not get bored.

~ Before the reincarnation ~

"Ahhhhh..... too hot...heeh too easy" Uno muttered

Uno is playing a type of MOBA ( Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). He won the game too many times and that makes him expert in the game but it makes him bored overtime and lose motivation to play that type of game.

"Games nowadays are too boring and childish, Ahhhh...survival games still holding up for me but other genres are repetitive. Ah no survival games kind of the same though...but yea they kind of sucks now... There is no thrill anymore except the trashtalking HAHAHHAHAH!!!! but things will be interesting if somethings thrilling was gonna happen hehe." Uno's thoughts ( Psycho much ???)

"gruuhgg..grgh." Uno's stomach sound. Thus, Uno stand up and walk to his room to get something to eat. On his way, " i don't feel good, my head hurts... ARGGGHH AW!!!" then he passed out

Yes that is what happen he passed out but i mean he dead dead. (Uno's family found out and the reason of his death is Organ failure)

Uno sees blackness a total blackness. Then there is a blinding light with smokes slowly spreading.

Uno slowly open his eyes.. (very slowly because he's lazy) He saw trees with a height of a house, sounds of the nature such as crickets, leaf's collisions and the good old wind.

"Woah.. is this reincarnation?? wait but i do not remember anything like those light novels?? Wait this sucks no information right at the start..God hate me for being bored..come on now..." Uno's thoughts

Uno is frustrated and felt joy

" NO INFO!! that is mental how will i survive in this kind of concept GOD!!!??" Uno shouted

"oh wait but that makes it interesting..ah no that makes me a weirdo...na na na wait why this body is on the forest?" Uno said

Uno checks his body and what he sees is blood everywhere

"WOAAAHHH!!" Uno shouted

"Ah yea i assumed that this body died, that's why i got here.. HAHAH see that GOD I am really smart hehe." Uno said

Then someone suddenly shout with a rough voice "Boss! Boss! He's Alive Freaking ALIVE! HOW?"

A group of rough looking man with damaged swords suddenly pop-out of the bushes.

The man with the face of a ape and has a sturdy body, height about 6 feet said "Yeah..how?? how you are alive Fragile Mercenary Uno? but first Iron Mercenary! surround him." The man points at Uno and the Iron Mercenary trapped him in a circle formation.

My first novel so please help me for improvement such as storytelling or techniques to give out more info about the characters

Shockromcreators' thoughts