
Unlikely Strangers

Sasuke's life gets flipped upside-down when a dangerous blonde knocks on his door.

Filthlover26 · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs


  Over the course of the week, Sasuke's obsession with the blonde grew. Their meals together became less tense and more normal. Naruto decided to let it go after a while, he knew Sasuke wouldn't say what he did for work. They even spent free time together, whether it be watching movies, gossiping, or the occasional game of shogi. They were in the middle of a horror movie, when Naruto's phone started ringing. Sasuke paused the movie as Naruto picked up the phone to answer. 

  "Hello? What is it?" Naruto's face instantly fell with a mixture of anger and worry. He stood quickly, starting to grab things and throwing them into his suit case while talking fast.

  "Who was with him? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE WAS UNATTENDED?! Listen- I'm getting my things together. I'm getting on the next plane. Dont' you let him fucking die. Do you hear me!"  Naruto hung up, dialing another number before putting the phone to his ear.

  "Gaara, get me on a plane today. I'm almost ready, be here in 15 minutes." Naruto said while throwing the last of his things into his suitcase. Sasuke's heart was racing, his chest was tight. 'What's happening? He's leaving? No. wait. Dont. not yet. Please..' He thought to himself, while waiting for the blonde to explain. While zipping his suitcase Naruto took a deep breath. 

  "My dad is…sick. I have to go back now. I'm sorry" Naruto said, looking at the dark haired man with sad eyes.  Sasuke's stomach twisted, swallowing the lump in his throat, he smiled weakly.

  "It's ok, I understand," He said. Before he knew it Naruto was hugging him tight around the wait, burying his face in Sasuke's neck. Frozen for a moment from the sudden touch, Sasuke smirked, hugging the blonde back.  They stood in one anothers embrace until Gaara knocked on the door. Naruto straightened up before answering the door.

  "Are you ready sir, the plane is ready and waiting." Gaara said calmly. 

  "Yes." Naruto said flatly as Gaara grabbed his suitcase and left for the car. Naruto looked at a confused sasuke, smiling weakly. 

  "Goodbye Sasuke." The blonde said as he left, closing the door behind him. 'Sir? Who was that guy? W-what just happened?' Sasuke thought as he fell on the couch holding his head.  His chest felt like the muscles were tearing around his heart. The pain was almost unbearable. Sasuke started to hyperventilate, gripping his shirt over where his heart was. Tears started to fall from his pale face.

  "No. no. please don't go.."  Sasuke repeated while gripping his hair a little too tight. His head was screaming at him. After what felt like a lifetime of tears, his eyes went dry. He felt as though he was numb. There was nothing in his head. Just darkness. Emptiness. Loneliness. Sasuke's eyes were colder than the deep sea. Standing, he slowly made his way to the bedroom. He decided instead of thinking of the blonde that left, he'd focus on the move coming up in a week 'I- need boxes' Sasuke thought to himself while sitting at his desk. An hour later, Sasuke signed in relief as he sent the last email. All was in order. The last job covered the down payment for his house. He was going to ship his things there a couple days before his flight, movers will handle moving them inside. The day after he lands he has an interview with the Uzumaki clan to be a hit man for them under the name 'Night Stalker'. 'The Uzumaki clan is a family run mafia that runs most of Japan from the shadows. The pay seems to be good and has good benefits too.' Sasuke couldn't help but smile. 'Maybe I'll finally be able to go to school for Herbology~' He thought while humming to himself. He looked at the clock 'It's only 6 pm, I should go get boxes and start packing.' He stood and stretched before slipping on a hoodie and sweats. He walks with a slight limp but nothing he couldn't handle, finally making it to his car he got in. He made the quick trip to the store, getting plenty of different sized boxes before heading back home. After making it back home and making the painful trip back to his apartment, he fell on his bed huffing for a moment. After his leg had stopped throbbing, he sat up looking around his room. He had white bedside tables on each side of his King size bed that had 2 black lamps sitting on them. To the left is his white desk with black accessories, like a penholder, laptop, chair, and a picture frame with a photo of Itachi and him when they were younger.  Deciding to start with the desk and bedside tables, he taped the bottom of a box. Setting the box on the desk as he pulled out his phone. Turning it on the phone, his chest throbbed at the picture of him and Naruto laughing, tears started to well in his eyes. Quickly unlocking his phone, he started to play music before changing his lock screen. Setting down his phone, he took a deep breath before starting to pack. Two hours later he stretched and yawned, looking over the progress he made. He smiled before sitting on the bed. The clock now read 11:30 pm, he decided to call it a night as he got under the covers. Sighing heavily he closed his eyes, but after a moment the blondes face filled the darkness in his mind. He rolled over restlessly, trying to push away the images in his head. After another hour of staring at the ceiling he huffed angrily. He pulled himself out of bed, almost marching to the living room. He paused in the middle of the room, staring at the pillow and blanket that Naruto slept with over the past week. He started to breathe heavily, biting his lip. Without hesitation he laid down on the couch wrapping himself in the blanket. After inhaling the wonderful smell, he signed with a small moan following. Sleep soon took over as he flooded his senses with Naruto's scent. 


  Sasuke was speaking with the shipping people on the phone, when he heard a knock at the door. When he answered the door a delivery man was holding a package in his arms. 

"Package for Sasuke." The man said with a small smile. 'I didn't order anything that's weird.' Sasuke thought as he took the box from the man, thanking him before closing the door. Setting the box on the table, he continued his call. 

  "Yes, tomorrow at 9am works for me." Sasuke said flatly. 

  "Okay, seeing you guys then. Bye" Saskue hung up the phone, eyeballing the box. He looked to see who it was from, no name. 

  "Hmmm" Sasuke hummed as he went to the counter to grab a knife. When he came back, he carefully opened the box. Sitting on top of something black there was a letter. Opening the letter, his heart beat fast as he read. 


' Hello Love

I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly. My dad had an accident that resulted in me having to take over the family business. I hope you are doing well. Are you eating properly? Sleeping enough? I know that this gift won't make you forgive me, but I thought it was a good start. After things settle here, I'd love to come visit again! Only if you want me to though. If you ever have anything you need, I'm only a call away. Oh yea, you need my number! I'll include it at the end. I'm going to be honest. I've missed you. Our movie nights. Hell, I even miss you beating me at Shogi somehow. I miss your cooking. Don't tell Gaara but you might be better than him! I have to cut this short, since work is calling for me. I hope you enjoy your gift.<3< strong>

From Naruto 

P.s. You're gorgeous, never got the chance to say it while I was there. 

P.p.s Here's my number - (xxx)-xxx-xxxx Text me sometime! '

  Sasuke's face was beat read as he held the paper close to his chest. Biting his lip, he carefully pulled the gift out of the box examining it for a moment. Running to his room quickly, gripping the clothing. He threw off his shirt as he put the vest on. The front was embroidered with red and gray on a black base, small chains ran across the stomach area. Noticing the strings in the back, he pulled them tight. It narrowed his waist, making his chest puff up a bit at the top. Tying it carefully, Sasuke looked at himself in the mirror, deciding it needed better pants as he ran to the closet. Pulling on his nicest dress pants and shoes, he stepped back in front of the mirror smiling. Slowly tracing his hand down the corset vest decorated in chains, he felt powerful. This feeling made him stand a little straighter before taking a photo. He spent the next 2 hours just admiring the embroidering on the vest smiling ear to ear. 'A gift from him~ I'll have to let him know I'm moving so he comes to the right place next time. Next time~' Sasuke was brimming with excitement at the fact that the blonde had reached out. 

  "I should thank him~" Sasuke said to himself while grabbing the note and his phone. Saving Naruto's number he went to start a message but froze. 'What do I say..' he thought while biting his thumb, after typing and deleting the message for about an hour. Finally he decided to just send the message. 

  Sasuke: Hey. Thank you for the gift. It's a beautiful vest. I'm moving soon but I'd still love for you to visit again after I get settled. 

  Tossing his phone to the side he sighs, covering his blushing face. 

  "Fuck!" Sasuke said while getting up to finally take off the corset. After it was off, he placed it delicately into a box in his room. Seeing it was now dark, he pushed the blonde out of his head. 'I've got a busy next few days' he thought to himself while yawning, laying down with the blanket that has Naruto's faint smell still on it.

  The next few days stressed Sasuke out beyond belief. The movers were all incompetent, they ended up dinging his furniture on the walls as they moved. Sleeping without a bed was not working for him, causing him to be sleep deprived while on his way to the airport. Parking his car he sighed heavily, grabbing his suitcase and his carry on. He handed the keys to the man that will be getting his car to japan by ship. 

  "I'll kill you if there's any mark on her when I get her." Sasuke threatened as he walked by him. 

  After he made it through inspection, he went to the nearest coffee shop. Getting black coffee and a muffin, he went to his terminal to wait to board. 'Man, I need to sleep badly' he thought as he checked his phone. Naruto had finally responded, a smile instantly made its way to Sasuke's face. 

    Naruto: I'm glad you like it! I'm sure it looks great on you. I hope the move goes well, just let me know where you're moving and I'll be there! <3< strong>

  Sasuke: I'm moving to Japan, I'm actually boarding my plane right now. I'll text when I can. 

  Along with his message, he sent the photo he took while he was in the vest. Trying to suppress the redness on his face, while making his way onto the plane. A kind flight attendant greeted me as I found my seat, after sitting down he put his phone on airplane mode. Sasuke tried to sleep during the flight, but that proved to be hard since he can't seem to relax. So, instead he gazed out the window at the beautiful sight of the sun barely shining over a blanket of white fluffy clouds. He took out his phone and snapped a picture, 'I bet Naruto would love this.' 

  He smiled while looking through the photos that he had taken of Naruto during his stay. He kept going back to a photo of Naruto sleeping peacefully on the couch, his arms were sprawled out across the couch and his legs were hanging off. Giggling to himself, he set it as his lockscreen thinking to himself 'That dope~.' The flight was unbearingly long. By the time the plane landed, his back was as stiff as a board. Groaning as he stood up, he popped his back before getting off the plane. 

  "Finally" he signed in relief.

  Retrieving his bags from the bag retrieval, he made his way outside. The sun was starting to set behind the buildings that towered around him. Pulling out his phone to open google translate before flagging down a taxi, 'I'm going to get a tutor to learn Japanese when I can' he thought while sighing heavily. After asking the driver to take him to his address, he gazed out the window trying to get familiar with the new area. Before he knew it, the driver had stopped in front of the house Sasuke was renting. Stepping out of the car, he stood on the path to his new home smiling slightly. Directly in front of him there are two big double doors, to the left there was a driveway for his car. To the right of the porch there was a flower bed that was surprisingly empty. Sasuke smiled knowing he was going to fill it with beautiful plants. Pulling out his key he unlocked the door, slowly pushing his way inside. Stopping at the area to take off your shoes, he looked down the hall that went through the house. Sighing in relief as he took off his shoes, stepping on to the sparkling hardwood floor. The wood floor felt cold through his black ankle socks, to his left was a doorway that led into the living room where his furniture and boxes littered the floor.  On the right there was a door that led to a medium sized room. Examining the room, he decided this would be his office. Going down the hall a little further, another doorway to his left led to the kitchen that was connected to the living room, with an island in the center, he chuckled. 

  "Good thing the dining table wasn't mine, but I will have to get a few stools" he said to himself. 

  A bathroom was adjacent to the kitchen door, it had a huge soaker tub and a tiled bench to clean oneself before soaking in the water. Sasuke almost drooled at the thought of a bath after a long day. Next to the bathroom, there was a closet with shelves for bathroom towels and other toiletries. Pushing on at the end of the hall, there was a paper sliding door dyed deep red that led to the master bedroom. Slowly opening the sliding door, he was met with a very open area with boxes, his mattress, and bed frame. The wall adjacent to the door was mostly composed of wide windows. To his right was a walk-in closet, while to his left was a door that led to his personal bathroom. Inside his private bathroom was a room that consisted of a sink, toilet, and stand up shower that also had a bench inside of it. He smiled contently, leaving his suitcases in the doorway, he made his way to his bed frame that was in 9 pieces. Standing in front of the frame, he sighed heavily. Slowly he moved the frame against the wall covered in windows and began assembling. An hour later, he huffed as he gazed over his beautiful bed frame, it was all solid oak wood stained black while the headboard was covered in black leather with cushioning underneath it. Finally getting the box spring and mattress in place, he made his way to the living room to find the bedding. Coming back 15 minutes later with his silk sheets and pillowcases that matched the black bed frame. After the sheet was on, Sasuke collapsed on his bed passing out almost instantly. 


  Sasuke woke up with a jolt, breathing heavily as he looked around him. He relaxed when he realized everything was safe. Groaning, he sat up rubbing his eyes. Seeing that the sun was up, he searched for his phone. 'What time is it?' he thought to himself, while standing to stretch.  After searching for a moment, he found his phone on the kitchen counter. When his screen lit up he saw he had 3 text messages from Naruto, he smiled to himself as he opened them. 




  Naruto:You gotta tell me what part of Japan! This is great! Oh! And the vest looks fantastic on you!!!


  Sasuke's heart started to race as he squealed, holding his phone to his chest.  Looking at his phone again, he typed out a message this time with more confidence. 

  Sasuke: OMG! WHAT?! 

  Sasuke: I DIDN'T KNOW THAT! Why didn't I mention it??? 

  Sasuke:That's great! We should definitely meet up next time we both have free time! :D <3< strong>

  'It's 9 am, my interview isn't until 11pm tonight. Perfect.' Sasuke thought to himself, while stepping into the living room. He took a deep breath, determined to finish unpacking before his interview. When he was almost done, he only had the tedious task of putting the wisteria on his bedroom ceiling. He looked at the clock on his bedside table. 'Damn it's already 4pm, I should eat something' Sasuke thought while going to the kitchen. Only after he opened the fridge did he remember that he needed to go grocery shopping. He huffed as he ordered a pizza on his phone, heading back to the bedroom to do the finishing touches while he waited. He was halfway done hanging the flowers, when he heard the doorbell. His stomach growled as he headed for the door.  He quickly paid the man and stood at the kitchen counter while he scarfed down a few pieces. The clock read 6 pm. Eating one more piece, he put the rest of the pizza in the fridge before going back to continue to finish his bedroom.  He finally finished hanging the wisteria around 7:30 pm, and went to start the bath that he desperately needed. While his bath filled, he went to his closet to decide what to wear. After a moment he settled on his black dress pants, shoes, button up, along with the corset Naruto got him for luck. He gently laid the clothes out on his bed, and then made his way back to the bath. He grabbed a towel from the closet, setting it on the hook that hung on the back of the door. Soon he undressed, as he sat on the smooth tiled bench nearby he washed his pale body, afterwards he got into the bath. Sinking deeper as he sighed heavily while closing his eyes. He soaked in the tub, peacefully entranced by the steam coming off his cold pale skin. A smile made its way on Sasuke's face as Naruto invaded his thoughts. He hugged himself as he thought about the blonde relaxing in the bath with him. 'His spiky blonde hair would be hanging in front of his flushed face, his warm body against mine while the steam made our bodies even hotter.~' These thoughts made his adams apple bounce up and then settle as he swallowed hard, sweat running down his smooth neck. After his member calmed down, Sasuke reluctantly got out of the warm water. Wrapping a towel around his waist as he opened the door into the cold hallway. He shivered as he made the short walk to his room, he grabbed his phone to check the time. 

  "9:15 pm. The interview is 35 minutes away. I'm doing good on time" Sasuke said to his empty house. Slipping on bright orange boxers, he went to bed examining his outfit before giving a nod of approval. After staring at the outfit for a moment, he pulled on the dress pants that hugged his cheeks in just the right way. He slipped on his shirt, tucking in into his pants before he put on his leather belt. He bit his lip, tracing his hand across the corset. He gracefully slipped on the corset before tightening it enough to look elegant, but loose enough so he could fight if needed.  The clock read 10 pm as he put on his socks. While putting on his silver wrist watch, he stepped in front of the mirror. He straightened his corset before smiling, pleased with how he looked. He combed his hand through his unkempt hair. Sighing, he decided to put his hair up into a messy bun with his curtin bangs framing his face. He grabbed his phone, placing it in his pocket, before heading to the living room. After searching for a moment, he found his face covering and put it around his neck. He made his way to the door as the clock read 10:10 pm. After slipping on his dress shoes, he stepped outside into the brisk air. His car wouldn't get there for another week, so he called for a taxi. After giving the driver the address, he sat back taking a deep breath before his face went stone cold. The drive felt like it lasted forever, soon the car came to a halt in front of a mansion. Taking another deep breath, he slipped the face covering over his nose as he stepped out of the car. He checked his phone '10:45pm. Perfect' Sasuke thought as he walked up to the intercom at the front gate. He rang the doorbell, and after a moment a voice rang through the intercom. 

  "Yes? Who is it?" the man asked with a slight drag in his voice.

  "NightStalker sir. I'm here for an interview with Mr. Uzumaki." Sasuke said calmly. 

  "Ah yes, come right in" The man said, soon after the gate started to open. 

  Sasuke walked up to the front door, waiting patiently. The door was opened wide by a butler who looked extremely tired.

  "Right this way" the man said, gesturing with his arm further into the house. 

  As Sasuke was led further inside, he couldn't help but admire the huge chandelier made of gold that shone brightly in the entryway. He soon was led into a room with two leather chairs placed in front of a large wooden desk. There were papers spread about on the desk, along with a pencil holder and a lamp made of welded metal pipes. A circular symbol was branded on the front of the desk, Sasuke couldn't place it but he knows he has seen the symbol before. A tall chair sat behind the desk that was deep red and looked like velvet. 

  "Master Uzumaki will be with you shortly." The man said before leaving, closing the door behind him. 

  Sasuke glanced around the room while he waited for the interview to begin. There was a much smaller chandelier in the room that seemed to be made of glass. 'I wonder what Naruto is doing. I should have texted him before coming,' Sasuke thought to himself with a small sigh. Suddenly the door burst open, making Sasuke tense a little bit. A familiar scent hit his nose as the two men passed by him. None other than Naruto sat down in the velvet chair, looking at the papers spread out on the desk in front of him. Sasuke's eyes widened as his heart started to race, thankfully the face covering hid his blushing face.  Sasuke made eye contact with the man standing to the side, 'that's ummm ...Gaara! Isn't it?' Gaara's eyes widened as he recognized the raven haired man. When Sasuke looked back over to Naruto, he was met with piercing gray eyes staring intently at his face. Sasuke tensed a little under the glare, trying to control his breathing he bit his lip. 

  "That's a nice vest, where'd you get it?" Naruto asked coldly, eyes turning red as he stood up.

  "A uh..A friend gave it to me as a gift." Sasuke said as Naruto walked closer. Naruto was now standing maybe 2 feet away, Sasuke was fighting every muscle in his body not to jump on the blonde. Naruto reached his hand up, hooking his pointer finger around the face covering resting on Sasuke's cheek. His cheek felt like electricity surged through the part that the blonde was touching. 

  "A friend huh." Naruto said flatly as he slowly pulled down the face covering. After Sasuke's face was completely exposed, Naruto's eyes began to widen. His eyes faded from a burning red to a deep shade of blue.

  "S-sasuke?" Naruto said with a confused look.