

"When will we tell him the truth father?" Veronica asked his father. King Vladimir sips his tea before he threw a glance to his daughter.

"Your brother should forget the painful memory. He will be a monster if he finds out that his daughter was killed by the Winstons. Aurora was putting up a good act as of now because of the amnesia she had,but he must not know she's a vampire and she didn't die." The king exhales harshly. It's a wholesome stress for him. He needs to protect Vildred by any means. Winstons wants the throne to kill human kind and he won't let them.

The only thing that could stop the Winstons is Vildred and his bloodline. But they killed the baby in Aurora's womb that almost made Vildred a monster. King Vladimir won't let it happen ever again.

He will not lose his son again. He maybe selfish but it's for his own son's good. He must protect the two who will be the next crowned King and Queen.

"You think you could really protect me?Us?" a baritone voice asked as it enters the dining hall.

"Vildred let me explain my side,son." Vladimir stood up.

"For what? Another set of lies? Why can't my wife remember me huh? Tell me." The king remained silent. His son was crying infront of him. Almost begging to give his wife's memory back.

"Father, please? I'm begging you,bring my wife back."Vildred kneeled infront of his father. God knows how much he missed his wife.

"Only your wife can decide weather she'll take the memories back or bury it alive." Veronica snapped. That snap brought back his father to senses.

"Do you still want to proceed with your plan father?" the young lady asked her father. The king sighed and said "I don't know, I don't know."


"You want ice cream?"Mavis offered her ice cream to the prince. The prince smiled and shrugged. "Nope, its all yours."

"You know what?People who keeps being serious with things can die easily." She looks at him and smile sheepishly. "Woman, I am no human." He snorted.


"I said I'm no human.I'm a monster."He smiled.

"Maybe you're a monster inside but deep down there is a soft Vildred."Mavis smiled at the lad. He chuckled and messes her hair.

"Only if they didn't killed my wife. Maybe I can still be happy. But my wife died and reincarnated but doesn't remember me. How painful could that be?" He spoke bitterly. He wants to get revenge for his wife. He promise to himself to get rid of the Winstons. Only God knows how much he hate the family who caused the death of his wife.

"I will make them pay."Vildred balls his hand into fist and grits his teeth. And didn't realize what he told her.

"WAIT HOLD UP!You mean your wife reincarnated and you are still fucking alive?"Mavis' eyes grew wide. If his wife reincarnated after dying,why does he look young and shit?Is he perhaps an immortal?Omg?!Vampire?Werewolf?

He chuckled upon hearing her thoughts. "Its for me to keep and for you to find out."

"Wait wait!Can I ask?I was dead seriously curious about this."She held his wrist and smiled to him awkwardly.

"Why is your food different from me?Are you allergic to foods we normally eat??" She asked him in a serious tone.

"I-i can't digest human food Mavis." He looked the other way to avoid her gaze and her tempting delicious lips. He's obviously fighting the urge to kiss her.

"What food can you eat then?"She interrogated. He let out a soft chuckle and messes her hair.

"I can digest vegetables,Mavy. Why?"She pouted and chew her lower lip."I was afraid you'll get skinny."

"Aww,that's so cute of you."He pinched her right cheek. In which she turned into a tomato. Vildred imediately pulled back his hand and apologized.

"I'm sorry,I was so agressive."He apologized. Mavis shook her head and give him a smile.

"No!You're not.I actually think we'll get along easily."she confidently said that confused Vildred.


"I thought you're cold and bossy. But you're actually a good person."Mavis showed her cheeky soft smile that imediately melted Vildred's heart for the nth time.

A sudden explosion startled the two as they look up on a colorful sky,the fireworks show from the mall already started.

Beautiful. That's how they describe it.

"Mavis?"Vildred called Mavis' attention.


"I missed you."as their eyes met the fire between them suddenly shoots up like a rocket.

The enchanted feeling that only their hearts know from before returned .

"I-i miss you too,Vildred."