
Boy that reeks of Death

Among the clouds of Mt. Olympus lays the University of Olympus where the children imbued with the power of the gods come to learn how to control their powers.

At the entrance a lone boy about the age of 18 stood gloomily, he stood at about 6' with dark beady eyes, short obsidian hair, but most eye catching of all his pale white skin that almost looks of that of a corpse , as he walks it seems that as if a sea of people parts before him, as he walks forward murmurs could be heard, "I heard he is the sole vessel for Hades" whispered a girl.

" I also heard that he killed his own mother" whispered another one.

Suddenly a tall blonde boy stepped out of the crowd.

"Look at you centre of the attention each time your somewhere new, I bet you enjoy the attention you get each time" smeared the boy

"Everyone this guy your all scared of..." he walks forward to him and as soon as he comes face to face with him *smack* he slaps the boy making him fall down, " he is powerless... he has never been able to use his powers, the only thing scary on him is the incessant stink of death around him, just like his DADDY,HAHAHAHA!" he announced maniacally he gave the boy a spit in the face as he left, the crowed look changed from fear from disgust and laughter.

"Can't believe we were scared of this weakling!" Whispered another

"Yoo I caught this on video, this gonna get so much hits" exclaimed another.

As the crowd dispersed the boy stood up and walked towards the building, but one can feel the rage that emanates within him, each step he took, grass withered... but no one was there to witness it...