
Chapter 37

Maxi, who had been busy jotting down Ludis's request, looked up in surprise. Rodrigo stood at the door, looking distressed.

"W-What is it?"

"A man by the name of Rob Midahas is at our gates with thirty knights. He claims to be a nobleman from Southern Livadon but has no identification to prove it."

"R-Rob Midahas?"

Maxi frowned. The name was unfamiliar. Livadon lay to the west and was an ally of Wedon, and as such it was the kingdom that Wedon interacted with the most. But the nobles of Wedon did not necessarily know the names of Livadonian nobles. Maxi, who had led a cloistered life at Croyso Castle, could hardly be expected to know them. She gave Rodrigo an embarrassed look.

"D-Did he say w-why he was h-here?"

"He says he's come all this way to meet the Lord of Anatol and offer his friendship."

"Then c-can't we just l-let him in?"

"My lady, we cannot let armed men into our land without confirming their identity first," Rodrigo said in an unusually stern tone.

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