
Uncanny X-men: Elemental Trio.

Cyclops breaks off and forms his own school for mutants to realize his revolution. He seeks out three brothers with the power to help him realize his vision. Blaize! Tremor! Rain!

Thomas_Hodge · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs


" Do you feel it brothers?"

Blaize asked as he opened his eyes.

" Hahaha! Yes, brother the winds of our sister are blowing again."

Rain states

" She calls us back to the world that took her."

Tremor growled

" But for what reason? For what purpose? Our people have dwindled down to a handful. Why must we return to the world that cast us out?"

Blaize asked as fire danced around him.

" Do you hear it brother? The world is changing again. Mutants are being born again. It's amazing the waters of the rainforest speak to me clearly."

Rain stated.

" Yes, our numbers are returning, perhaps that is why our sister calls us back."

Tremor declared.

" Perhaps."

Blaize said in agreement.

" Let us wait a little longer my brothers. Let's see if one whose will is strong enough, will call upon our help."

Rain explained

" Agreed!"

Rains two other brothers said in agreement as they returned to their slumber.

" Scott, I found three more mutants."

Emma stated as she got up from cerebra.

" Where are they?"

Scott asked.

" The Maya Rainforest, located in Guatemala."

Emma replied.

" How strong are they?"

Scott asked

" I don't know."

Emma replied again.

" Okay, we'll stop at the school first and then head there."

Scott said to the woman.

" Uhm, what are they talking about?"

Fabio asked.

" Another set of Mutants."

Illyana replied.

" We're going to find more?"

Eva asked

" No, we're going to drop you all off first and then we're going somewhere else."

Illyana replied.

" Oh, so descriptive."

Christopher responded.

" Problem Chris?"

Illyana asked as she flashed her blade.

" No ma'am."

Chris quickly sank back into his seat.

Scott, Emma and Illyana dropped the newly born mutants at their Alaskan base and made their way to Xaviers institute to recruit more members. There after saying his piece Scott and the others were joined by the step ford sisters, Emma's three daughters, and Warren, angel.

" Thank you all for joining us."

Scott said to the four new recruits.

" It is a pleasure Mr. Summers!"

The three sisters spoke at once.

" Same here Scott. But if you don't mind me asking, where are we going now?"

Warren asked.

" To pay a visit to three other Mutants."

Scott replied.

" Three others?"

Warren asked

" Yeah, apparently, they're elementals. At least that's what cerebra said. Right Emma?"

Scott asked as he explained to the man the three others.

" Yes, Daniel, Blake, and Justin. The three don't have last names. But they are all brothers. Triplets in fact. Each brother controls a different element. Daniel controls the element of fire. Blake controls the element of earth. And Justin controls water. A formidable combination for any group."

Emma explained as she gave the others all the information that Cerebra could attain.

' Triplets, like us. This should be fun.'

Celeste said to her two sisters telepathically.

" That is quite the combination. Are you sure it's wise to go looking for them?"

Warren asked in uncertainty.

" We have to try at least. If we can get them on our side that will give us quite the boost in raw firepower."

Scott replied as the jet soared through the air.

After a while the jet reached its destination.

" We're here."

Emma said as she got up from her chair.

Scott landed the jet in a nearby clearing and the group made their way towards the location of the three brothers.

" Someone's here brothers."

Blaize said as he opened his eyes again.

" Well, then let's go greet our guests, shall we?"

Rain asked as he stood up from his chair.

" Why not. It's been boring around here recently. This should be a good change of pace."

Tremor stated as he got up as well.

" Hmph! Let's go."

Blaize said as he got to his feet.

The three brothers quickly activated their powers, and their attires began to change

Tremors arms became as solid as a rock, his attire was that of a ninja, but colored Brown. He adorned a rock face mask and rock gauntlets covering his hands. His eyes were solid yellow

Rains attire changed to match that of Tremors but instead of brown it was purple. His eyes changed to a hazy purple.

Blaize like his brothers dawned a ninja outfit. His was red. His eyes glowed red matching the element he controlled.

" Now let's see if the world is ready for us to join the frontlines."

Blaize said as he led his two brothers out of their hiding spot.

Outside, Scott's group had made their way through the rainforest and arrived at the entrance to the brother's lair.

" There's no one here. And there's no way to move past this point. What do we do now?"

Warren asked

" Calm down, we'll figure things out. We'll find them."

Scott replied

" Or we'll find you first!"

Blaize's voice rang out.


The group all said in unison as they turned to look for the voice.

" Where are you looking?"

Tremor asked in his deep voice.

" We're over here."

Rain called out in his kind and gentle voice.

The three turned to see the solid wall that had been blocking them before start to shift. As it lowered the Group could see the glowing eyes of the brothers moving in the dark.

" It's been a long time since we've had visitors."

Tremor stated to the group.

" Yes, it has brother. But the question is."

Blaize stated in his calm voice

" Are you friend?"

Rain asked in his gentle voice.

" Or foe!?"

The three brothers asked all in anger as they eyed the strangers in front of them.

" We come as friends. We are mutants like you all, we came to offer you a place amongst us. As I'm sure you know our people were reduced to a small handful. But thanks to a miracle our people are beginning to swell again, and this will not go unabated. Enemies of mutants everywhere will begin to hunt our people to extremes once again. We are building a force to fight against this threat."

Scott explained to the three brothers his intentions to fight against the coming battle. To prepare the next generation of mutants for the future.

" This is our chance at finding true peace. A revolution for mutants. Will you join us in our fight?"

Scott asked the three brothers to join his side in the coming war.

" He speaks truth brothers."

Tremor said as he monitored the man's heart beat the entire time.

" I see. They come to us asking for our help in ensuring a better future not for themselves but for all of our people."

Blaize stated to his brothers.

" An Admirable cause indeed. One befitting our support."

Rain stated.

" But what sacrifices are you willing to make to ensure such a future possible?"

Tremor asked

" We have been alone for seventeen long years. All we've known is our family and battle."

Blaize stated to the group

" Are you willing to kill those you deem enemies to ensure this future you dream of?"

Rain asked.

" I have been making sacrifices my entire life to work towards this dream. Now, I firmly believe it is within our grasp. All I ask is you give us a chance.

The three brothers looked at each other momentarily before nodding.

" Hmph, seems they're dead-set on getting us to help them brothers."

Tremor crossed his arms and spoke.

" Hahaha! Indeed Brother. Though is such persistence a bad thing? After all aren't you so insistent on being such a mean guy?"

Rain asked as he laughed at his brother.

" Hmph, very well I believe my brothers and I are in agreement. We'll join your fight."

Blaize said to the man in front of him.

The three brothers crossed their arms and powered down, revealing their features to the others. They all had similar facial structures, they were all the same height, and all had the same haircut. Their hair was short and hung down just above their eyebrows. The only difference was the color of their hair. Blaize had bright red hair. Rain had cool ocean blue. And Tremor was regular brown.

" Daniel, Blake, Justin! It's a pleasure to have you with us."

Scott said as he welcomed the three boys. However, they did not appreciate the sudden drop of their real names.

" It is not your fault for knowing. And we do not blame you for it. But never use those names again."

Blaize made sure the man understood he was not playing games.

" With a burning heart of fire. I am Blaize he who rises with the sun."

Blaize said to the group as fire danced around him.

" As fluent as the sea. I am rain he who rises with the moon."

Rain said to the group as water flowed around him

" As strong as a mountain. I am Tremor he who rises with the earth"

Tremor stated as the earth shook below him.

The three brothers declared their names to the group and did so while displaying their powers.

" Well then, Blaize, Rain, Tremor thank you for joining us. Now then, follow us it is time to return to base."

Scott said as he turned to lead the group back towards the jet.

As they walked the three brothers noticed the gazes of the three triplets behind them but chose to ignore them.

" So, you said join us. Is this all of us or is there more?"

Rain asked as he and the others boarded the jet.

" There are others waiting at the school. We're heading there now."

Emma replied

" Others, what are they like?"

Tremor asked.

" Awkward teenagers."

Illyana replied.

" Is that right?"

Blaize asked.

" Yes."

Scott simply stated

" Hm!"

Blaize hummed as he sat back into his chair.

" Don't be like that brother. How about we introduce ourselves to our new comrades? Hello ladies It's nice to meet you."

Rain said to the triplets.

" Hello, Rain. It is a pleasure. We are the step ford sisters. Celeste. Phoebe. And Mindee."

The girls introduced themselves one by one raising their hands as they did so to let the boys know who was who.

" The pleasure is ours. Right brothers?"

Rain asked

" Yeah. A real pleasure."

Tremor stated bluntly.

Blaize looked at the girls and nodded before going back to sleep.

" Don't mind him, he's always like that."

Rain said to the girls.

" What about you birdie?"

Tremor asked Warren.

" Warren."

Was all he responded with.

" Quite the ensemble we have huh Scott?"

Illyana asked the man.

" Quite."

Scott replied as the jet raced towards their base.

The three brothers began their journey once again ready to face the dangers the world will throw at them. How will the other new mutants react to this trio? Find out in the next issue of the Uncanny X-Men: Elemental Trio!