15 Originally

Present Time: Thurs, April 16, 2011 7:02AM


Once again I woke up in a dark place. But instead of a flame covering me, replacing it was a green light. I'm scared. I don't want to do this again. Please, please. I really do not want to go through this again. No, no -hic- Why am I crying? I-I have to do this! I have to! Even if I'm shaking and feel like I'm going to die! I started walking and nothing happened. I walked for hours and hours and hours, but it didn't seem that anything wanted to harm me. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm still afraid. I'm hungry though, and it doesn't seem like there is anything to eat. I have to keep going. I must.

Present Time: Sat, April 18, 2011 10:00PM

Finally. I found it. I quickly repeated the same process from before. The green light that was once covering me and protecting me was suddenly replaced by a lava. As it was covering me, my hunger disappeared. I now felt strong, and full of power. And obviously something decided to knock me out again. 

Present Time: Thur, April 23, 2011 2:07PM

I have no idea why I woke up talking, but I did

"Kell, that...ugh my head hurts so much! Ah, right, Laci!"

 I opened my eyes to Laci kneeling on the floor with his arms crossed on top of my legs. All he said was


"You idiot."

I told him

"Making me go through all that!"

"I'm sorry. I really don't know why I did that."

He said apologetically

"Yeah, well, neither did sleeping-not-so-much-of-a-beauty when she woke up a hundred hears later"

"It's only been a few days."

Just then I heard another familiar voice, Kell.

"Took you a whole week and a half for you to be able to complete that mission."

I felt the need to reply to that remark

"Well, it ain't feel like that over there. Have you filled Laci in?"

"Yep, and I ain't left nothin out."


I looked over to Laci, and shame filled his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. Im fine. See?"

He looked over at me and I realized that he had tears in his eyes while he said 

"You're not fine."

I tried to brush it off as if it was nothing


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