

Telling the story of an half dog, half human in a fantasy world. Also on Wattpad with the same novel name. I apologize for the book-cover, I do not have one yet.

ryuhidetaka · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

One Eyed

The Cursed Spirit is clearly offended by Yagami's insult, and the two stare at each other with intense, seething glares. "A Cyclops?" the Cursed Spirit replies, his single eye narrowing. "Watch your tongue and show some respect, kid." Rather than get intimidated, Yagami just rolls his eyes and takes a more relaxed stance. "Why, because my little insult hit home?" he asks with a nonchalance that is clearly provoking the Cursed Spirit even more. The Cursed Spirit is even more enraged by Yagami's casual and almost mocking attitude. "Watch my tongue?" the Cursed Spirit shouts angrily, taking several steps forward. "Are you joking? You should be glad I don't just crush you right here and now." Yagami remains unmoved and continues to speak with a casual and taunting attitude that is clearly pushing the Cursed Spirit's buttons."You should be the one watching your tongue, one-eye." he says nonchalantly, not taking the Cursed Spirit's warning seriously at all.He is trying to lure me into the forest? Oh? I get it. He wants to make sure I cannot reach anyone if I ever need help. Pffft. As if I would ever need any help. The forest idea will be his downfall. Yagami is well-aware of the Cursed Spirit's intention to lure him deeper into the forest, and he uses the Cursed Spirit's predictable response to try and lure him in return. Seeing that the Cursed Spirit is completely focused on his strategy of drawing him away from any potential witnesses, Yagami uses this to his advantage.He quickly and suddenly lunges forward, tackling the Cursed Spirit before he can react. Catching the Cursed Spirit by surprise, Yagami quickly tackles him, crashing him into the ground with tremendous force. The Cursed Spirit is completely taken off-guard by this sudden advance, and he is sent sprawling down to the ground hard. Yagami follows up his attack with a swift kick to the Cursed Spirit's face, knocking him to the side and sending him rolling across the ground. The Cursed Spirit is sent rolling across the ground, landing with a thump a few meters away. He quickly stands up, his face now bloodied from the attack and he is visibly angered.As he regains his composure, the Cursed Spirit glares at Yagami with a look of pure fury. "You're playing a dangerous game, kid," he sneers, blood dripping from his bruised and bloodied face. "Keep playing like this and you'll get yourself killed before I get a chance to crush you." Yagami remains unphased by the Cursed Spirit's threat, and he just rolls his eyes in response. "Is that supposed to scare me or something?" He says, his tone dripping with condescension and mockery, clearly trying to instigate the Cursed Spirit even further. The Cursed Spirit is infuriated by Yagami's arrogance and lack of fear, and he charges forward with sudden burst of speed. The Cursed Spirit charges forward with a sudden burst of speed, seemingly trying to catch Yagami off-guard. Instead of being caught unaware, Yagami calmly dodges to the side, avoiding the Cursed Spirit's blitzing attack. The Cursed Spirit lands where Yagami just got out from and slams into a tree, sending it crashing down as he crashes into it hard. Yagami snickers at the Cursed Spirit's clumsy crash into the tree, and he mocks him for having only one eye. "Looks like that one-eye of yours is really messing with your depth perception," he jeers, laughter evident in his voice. The Cursed Spirit gets very angry at the mockery and immediately charges forward at a tremendous speed. He covers his entire body with Lightning energy, essentially transforming himself into a lightning bolt and becoming even faster and more powerful. He aims himself for Yagami, moving so quickly that it almost seems like he teleports across the distance between them.If the Cursed Spirit's Lightning speed is high enough, it could potentially out speed Yagami's Orbit technique. The Orbit technique works by manipulating gravitational pull and orbit, causing its targets to spin rapidly around Yagami. However, if the Cursed Spirit's Lightning speed is higher than the pull of the Orbit technique, then he would be able to break free from its effects. However, Yagami is well-aware of this possibility and has developed a contingency plan in case someone attempts to out-speed his Orbit technique. Instead of just focusing on the Cursed Spirit's motion, the Orbit technique can also affect the environment around its target, such as gravity, objects, and even the landscape itself. In this case, Yagami would be able to increase the pull and orbit of the Cursed Spirit's surroundings and the Cursed Spirit himself, making it even harder for the Cursed Spirit to escape. The Cursed Spirit would find it even harder to escape from the Orbit technique if he is trying to move through a dense forest or a mountainous/rocky terrain, as the more objects and obstacles in the environment, the stronger the pull and orbit effect would become. In such circumstances and with Yagami taking advantage of his environment, the Cursed Spirit would have no choice but to try and fight back against the Orbit technique, which would only further increase its pull and orbit effects. This would ultimately result in the Cursed Spirit being trapped in an ever-tightening orbit around Yagami, unable to break free from the technique's effects. The increased pull and orbit effects would continuously damage and fatigue the Cursed Spirit, while Yagami would remain unaffected and could continue to freely manipulate his surroundings as needed. This would eventually lead to the Cursed Spirit being overpowered and defeated.Yagami and Cursed Spirit are engaged in a fierce battle, with both parties attempting to gain the upper hand. The Cursed Spirit is speeding around the area, utilizing his Lightning-enhanced speed to weave in and out of the trees and other natural obstacles, trying to take down Yagami. Yagami remains calm and focused, using his Orbit technique to manipulate the environment around him and the Cursed Spirit himself. He carefully and precisely increases the pull of the gravity around the Cursed Spirit, making it harder for the Cursed Spirit to move and maintain his speed. Eventually, the Cursed Spirit begins to slow down and his movements become weaker and more sluggish as the increased pull of the gravity around him take their toll. Yagami sees this and takes advantage of the situation, increasing the orbit effect even more and constraining the Cursed Spirit even further.Now that the Cursed Spirit is beginning to slow down and is exhausted, Yagami takes the opportunity to explain what he exactly did to the Cursed Spirit."I was constantly increasing the pull and orbit effects in the area around you," he says. "I used your own Lightning speed against you, increasing the pull of the gravity around you every time you sped up." He continues, "Even your enhanced Speed didn't prove to be enough to escape against the pull of the gravity, and your exhaustion allowed me to further increase the orbit effect until you were practically immobile." "In other words," Yagami continues, "I slowly drained your stamina and speed by making you fight against your own energy levels.The Cursed Spirit is completely demoralized and has lost all confidence in his own abilities after realizing that he fell into the exact same trap that Yagami had anticipated even before the fight began. "You were never even a threat to me," Yagami says with a sneer. The Cursed Spirit glares at Yagami with intense anger and hatred, but is too exhausted and beaten to do anything about it. The cursed spirit looks up at Yagami's cocky grin and out of sheer annoyance...

The cursed spirit decides to do an all-out last gambit and puts his hands together for an handsign.

Zone Exclusion: Torrential Thunderclap of Lightning!

All-Out Death Gambit from The Cursed Spirit?

ryuhidetakacreators' thoughts