

I've been here before.

That's the feeling I get whenever I am in this place. I call it a place of dreams because that's how I get there.

No matter how much I push to grab that elusive key to all this madness, I wake to a world I almost believe I don't belong to: Earth.

Even the name sounds foreign in my thoughts.

Stuck in my Palace of dreams which is truly a battleground of an era I would have sworn never existed and in that battle ground I see a captivating warrior struck down over and over again: same spot, different weapon, same cause of death.

Every dawn I wake terrified with the same spot aching.

Tonight, I sleep for the umpteenth time ready to be terrified but it seems the universe has deemed me ready. For what? "Anything but the Palace" I wish.

Well, I shouldn't have.

First time, please be nice.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

IStaciecreators' thoughts