
Ultimate Summoning System

A novel that revolves around being transported to another world with an operating system. The MC spends his day chasing skirts and doing missions to level up. A standard journey to the top with lots of girls from various anime and games with a touch of that game feel (hunting mobs, doing quests).

Lord_Blacke · Tranh châm biếm
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25 Chs

CHAPTER 14: With a sister like that, being stressed is normal

"Say Virgil-kun…"

Virgil almost choked to death when he heard Hinagiku.

His eyes are still glued to the book, but his reading speed has clearly slowed down. He told her directly.

"You can call me Virgil, just don't add a kun at the end. We in the United States do not use suffixes in people's names."

"Oh? Hmm, it seems so, I heard that foreigners like to be called by their first names. So I guess I'll call you Virgil and you can just call me Hinagiku."

Putting aside her previous pain with him, she smiled at him. She just thought he was surprisingly easy to get along with when you spent time with him.

He nodded nonchalantly, the two didn't notice, but in Japan, calling each other by their first names is something only those very close to each other would do. For example, those who spend all their time together, childhood friends or couples, to name just a few.

And here we have two people who met no more than an hour ago and are already on first name terms.

The two don't particularly care about it. He doesn't care because in his country even his rivals call each other that. Meanwhile, she's just being casual as usual without realizing it. Even in the original work, when she met Hayate, she called him Hayate-kun too.

And through their conversations, time passed slowly. After an hour, he finally managed to finish the last book.

Going through the contents of his head once more, he nodded satisfactorily. He closed the book and stretched his back.

She is truly shocked by this scene.

"Did you...did you finish?"

"Yes I finished! Even if I haven't finished it, I won't read it because it's been an hour."

Completely losing track of time, she smiled awkwardly. But, it's been a while, now she's really curious.

"Did you really finish all the books? And I mean, all of them!"

What she didn't realize was that during that hour she did nothing but talk to him, and he responded to her as he read. She didn't realize it before, but now she felt that what he was saying was incomprehensible.

Can a person really remember dozens of books 2 to 5 cm thick in an hour while talking to another person? If it were you, would you do it?

He doesn't know about other people, but he's sure she wouldn't believe him.

"Okay, I remember them all!"

He was amused by her face, which looked like she had just seen a ghost. Of course he was talking to her during the study session just now, but compare- wait, scratch that, there's no need for comparison beforehand. With 'Impeccable Memory' he only needs one glance to remember the text. So he is not feeling any pressure.

"Don't lie to me, if you can't pass the test later, you will lose to me. Although I haven't thought of what to make you do."

She is feeling guilty for diverting his attention while he was reading, even though she didn't do it on purpose. If he had mentioned it as an excuse, she would have accepted it.

He kept insisting that he had accomplished the task, so she began to doubt him.

"I know you won't believe me, the book is right here, why don't you pick a few questions and fire away?"

Patting his chest, he looked completely confident.

Curling her lips, she picked up a book and randomly chose questions from a few pages. His original indifferent facial expression slowly turned into one of astonishment.

For 5 minutes, she kept changing the subject, but he still answered her questions with ease.

She began to feel numb at his response.

Putting down the book, she lowered her head in dismay.

"It's my loss…"

"But the test hasn't started yet, has it? Why admit defeat now?"

Feeling very happy, he felt invigorated by playing with a 2D shoujo, but most importantly because of the sweet favor he gained from her.

Although he acted a bit like a sore loser, she protested loudly.

"You've already memorized everything, do we really need to guess what the test result is?"

「Oh? So now you believe I can pass the exam?」

"Yes, I know, who knew you were a genius, no, a monster, you managed to retain so much content in one hour. I really wonder what your brain is made of."

Laughing bitterly, he replied.

"What's with the genius and the monster, I just have a good memory, does that really justify being called a genius?"

"Good memory? That's not just good, it's super good, ridiculously good, breaking the world record is kind of good, isn't that still monstrous?"

She just rolled her eyes at him, almost causing him to go into cardiac arrest.

Kaichou-sama's charm cannot be underestimated...

At that moment, he just waved his hands to dismiss the matter.

"If you can bet you can afford it, say, what do you want me to do?"

She looked at him, setting him in place.

Although he wants to make her do this and that, he is sure that if he says these things, she will bring him down where he stands.

Laughing bitterly, he changed the subject.

"Maa, I don't know yet, but if I decide I'll tell you."

She just tilted her head to the side and waved her hands.

"Well, consider it as I owe you a favor, after you think of something, come find me."

"Of course, of course…"

Shrugging his shoulders, he just nodded.

"Then let's look for a teacher to teach the entrance exam, with your skills it should be a breeze."


He nodded enthusiastically, he is tired of school life. But not this time, besides the missions, this is the legendary Hakuo Academy, and this is a world within a 2D anime. In this noble academy, he can certainly enjoy a wonderful lifestyle like no other….

He's already starting to cheer up.

Looking at the excited guy, she nodded in satisfaction.

"Come on, I'm going to take you to a teacher, oh, just so you know, she's my sister."

He became as rigid as stone.

Oh fuck….

I forgot about her...

"What is the problem?"

Noticing a change in his face, she questioned him.

He rolled his eyes and replied awkwardly.

"If it's the gate teacher you're talking about, I think I've already met her, so you don't need to introduce her to me."

She suddenly remembered this.

"Right, it's her turn to guard the gate today, so she should be there."

Probably because she saw how weird he was being, she pursued him even more.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

Pursing his lips, he just gave a fake smile.

"Hmm… how should I say it, because her sister has a personality like…. like a little eccentric. She came to me without giving me a chance to explain and she wouldn't listen, she kept chasing me, you see, so I…"

A sense of foreboding came over her.

"What happened…?"

Sighing, he continued.

"I tied her up and left her there!"


Facepalming she showed a tired expression.

"Urgh… My sister is still the same…"

He remained speechless except for a few dry laughs.



At the gate, the two look at the ground. He is trying to maintain his composure with his lips pursed as she shows a '井' character on her temples, her veins are bulging, signaling that she is very close to exploding.

On the floor, Yukijji is sleeping in the position he last left her in. A map stuffed in his mouth, tied to a sushi roll. Except his eyes were tightly closed and there was a bubble of mucus increasing and decreasing in size according to her breathing.

Even though she has her eyes closed and gagged. From her face, you can tell that she is actually smiling...

That piece of...she's actually sleeping...and she's having a really nice dream at the same time too...

Hinagiku's '井' characters grew much larger and her veins began to throb. Inhaling deeply, she clenched her fist.

Feeling a scream, he quickly retreated to the bank and blocked his ears. This is to avoid being dragged into the upcoming beating.



With a loud explosion, followed by another loud bang and a suppressed scream, a bunch of noise continued echoing from Hakuo's gate. This scared the people who were planning to watch.

He looked at this pitiful scene and drew a cross inside her heart.

God bless your soul, crazy sister….

Why draw a cross inside the heart and not use your hand? Nonsense, his hand is still blocking her ears…

After turning the place upside down, everything was peaceful once again….

"Manna! When will you get yourself together, please, for the love of God, change your character!

Impatiently, she begs Yukiji, who has bun-shaped bruises all over his head.

"But… someone tied me up… I tried to call for help with all my strength. And it was so boring, so… I decided to take a nap…."

Looking wronged, she complained, if someone ignored the bruises on her head maybe they could feel sympathy for her.

"Who told you to scare people away without properly asking their purpose. You call that a doorman?"

Resisting the urge to unleash her fury once more, she can't help but become furious once more.

Sighing, she said to her helplessly.

"Sis, the guy just came here to sign up. Furthermore, Hakuo has very tight security, how could it be so easy to infiltrate? Except for those who target students, there is really no good reason to infiltrate."

"Nobody knows for sure!"

She protested.

"If he used enrollment as an excuse to enter school, what would happen? Won't my salary be reduced yet?"

"That doesn't mean you can just attack without trying to talk…"

She roared back at her.

"I don't give a damn, as long as there's a risk of it affecting my salary, I'll finish them off!"

Her rage meter spiked and she attacked.

"You better watch!"

Her body jolted and her eyes began to turn into circles.

She just breathed and barked at her.

"Right now, this person is here to enroll, so start preparing for the enrollment test right now!"

She could only nod dumbfoundedly with her body still shaking. He wondered if she actually registered what Hinagiku said.

Calming herself, she turned and brought her sister to him. Yukiji could only follow her dejectedly.

Looking at this scene where the usual role is reversed, he can't help but sigh for her.

It must have been difficult for you, Hinagiku. With a sister like that, feeling stressed is very normal!

(End of chapter)


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[A/N: My previous proposal is still standing, but now it will be until next Friday, until next Friday this fic reaches 200 power stones I will release two extra chapters🤜🤛]


[A/N: For those who are wondering, yes I decided to make my fics a daily update here on webnovel while on Patreon it's more or less the same thing, the Patreon update schedule It's further down, take a look...]

Monday : 9 chapters of WDTAHAS + 3 chapters of USS;

Tuesday : 9 chapters of WDTAHAS + 3 chapters of USS;

Wednesday : 9 chapters of WDTAHAS + 3 chapters of USS;

Thursday : 9 chapters of IJWTLALL + 3 chapters of USS;

Friday : 9 chapters of IJWTLALL + 3 chapters of USS;

Saturday : 9 chapters of IJWTLALL + 3 chapters of USS;

Sunday: 9 chapters of USS.

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