
Ultimate Exp Farming System

One day, Mark downloaded a random mobile game from the play store to pass his time. But who would have thought, a random game he downloaded would change his entire life. After making a character for himself, Mark walked out of his room to get some water; but unfortunately, he died falling from the stairs. However, as luck would have it, he got reincarnated in the game (World) he downloaded; with the character he created. But soon he lost everything in his new life when he was ambushed by humans and had to burn his Ki and Bloodline to escape.

Flamy_ · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Humans Schemes

Three thousand years ago, when all races of the continent were at war with each other; humans were considered the weakest race, and also known as livestock. At that time humans were enslaved by Beast-Men, Demons, Orcs, and Spirit Race.

Orcs subjected humans to their lust, while demons torture humans to harvest their negative emotions for power. Spirit race used humans as experiments subjects, and to Beast-Men humans were the cheapest hard work slaves to be found on the market.

The war continued for hundreds of years until a peace treaty took place. And finally, the 4 great Empires of the Holy Spirit continent calmed down and started recuperating.

In this time humans started growing at neck-breaking speed. No one knew the reason for humans' explosive growth, some say it was because humans were never able to recognize their talent because of the ongoing war, while some say it was due to humans summoning a Saint from another world; to help them.

No, one knew what happened, but in less than 100 years humans were able to produce 3 Divine Rank powerhouses. Right after that humans demanded the 4 races to free all their brethren.

At that time, the foundation of 4 Empires was severely damaged, and they were in no condition to withstand the combined attack of three Divine Rank powerhouses; thus all enslaved humans were released.

But more than 80% of humans had their bloodline mixed in with Beast-Men, Orcs, Demons, and Spirit race. And thus they were able to learn Battle Aura, Magic Cultivation methods of all races on the Holy spirit continent.

But there was a major flaw in cultivating the cultivation of other races, they can't reach Divine Rank. It was because forbidden chapters of other races' Cultivation systems were closely related to their Bloodline inheritance.

All humans who tried to break through to Divine Rank using the forbidden chapters of other races' cultivation system would either die or gain power far greater than any normal Divine Rank Powerhouse.

It was all a gamble with a very high death rate.

Although peak-level Holy Knights and Arch-Mages weren't as powerful as Divine Rank powerhouses, they weren't that far off either. If using the right strategy, 10 peak-level Holy Knights and Arch-Mages can fight a Divine Rank powerhouse to a standstill.

So peak-level Holy Knights and Arch-Mages we're sometimes valued more than Divine Rank Powerhouses; because Divine Rank powerhouses rarely fought.

Although there were hundreds of Holy Knights and Arch-Mages in three Holy Lands, only 5 were qualified to be called peak-level fighters. Three we're in Radiant Knights Holy Land and 2 in Dragon Might Holy Land.

"Then why did you try to abduct the successor of Lion House." Asked Elsen because he felt there was something Evan hadn't told them yet.

"Indeed, I can't guarantee that they can reach Divine Rank after gaining the forbidden chapters of Sacred Lion Battle Aura Manual, but what if I told you one of them has pure sacred lion blood running through his veins." As Evan talked a smirk appeared on his face.

"Are you for real!" Finally, they understand the reason behind Evan's actions. For a person with a pure sacred lion bloodline, forbidden chapters of Sacred Lion Battle Aura Manual are like a holy text, and his ticket to enter the Divine Rank.

"But for one Divine Rank powerhouse, I don't think becoming the enemies of the whole Beast-Men Empire is a wise choice." Elsen paused as he looked at both Halt and Evan before continuing, "But I am not saying we should completely give up on trying to get the forbidden chapters of the Sacred Lion Battle Aura Manual. Although we can't use force to get those forbidden chapters, there are still many other ways we can get our hands on them."

"Like what?" Evan asked because he too didn't want to become enemies of Beast-Men Empire for just the forbidden chapters of Sacred Lion Battle Aura Manual.

"Eh…. How about a marriage. What if the current successor of the Lion House married a human woman. And if that woman gets pregnant with his son, wouldn't getting the forbidden chapters of Sacred Lion Battle Aura be an easy thing.

All direct line descendants of the Lion house know the forbidden chapters, it's just they have taken an oath not to spread them.

But the successor of the Lion house doesn't have to take such an oath and he can freely pass the forbidden chapters to someone else." Halt explained his rough plan.

"You mean to say, we have to make the half-human child of the current successor of Lion House's the next successor." A dangerous light flashes through Elsen's eyes as he says that.

"But how would we find a lady that is willing and beautiful enough to be the wife of the Lion house's successor," Evan asked as he felt this plan was full of loopholes.

"Leave everything to me, in 20 years you would have your forbidden chapters of Sacred Lion Battle Aura Manual." Halt said as he started licking his lips.

"All this aside, how are the young heroes we summoned?" Elsen asked because recently he hasn't heard of any big sensation caused by the heroes they summoned from a different World.

"As always they were too confident in their abilities and challenged a Demon Commander. Instead of sweet victory, they got their butts handed to them; since then they are training like madmen to get their revenge." Halt spoke, as a sweet smile bloomed on his face. It's only been half a year since they summoned these heroes and they were already capable of fighting against 10 High-Level Demons at the same time.

None of the Senior Mages and Knights stand a change in the fight against heroes. Even Senior Knights and Mages from the 3 Holy Lands we're a match of the heroes.

"At the rate they are growing, in 4-5 years they should be able to reach Divine Rank. But heroes can't stay in our World for more than 10 years. After 10 years, we will be once again forced into the corner by Demons and Orcs combined forces.

So I think Halt you have to get the forbidden chapters of Sacred Lion Battle Aura Manual before Heroes leave our world. We need another Divin Rank powerhouses amongst our ranks." Evan said to Halt as he stood up and went out of the meeting room.