
UFO Prince, I'm Your Delicious Princess

Miyu Aiuchi, a 15 years old high school student at Earth Tomodachi Academy. She has a normal life, normal friends, and normal dreams. To buy an ideal house where they could live. The aliens visiting Earth, monsters appearing out of nowhere and people being sent to an alternate world didn't matter to her. She wanted to make her dream come true. Will she ever buy a house??? Or does she need to be friends with the alien prince to get one???

GCarre · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


[~Alien Bites Cafe~]

Open: 08:00 a.m.

Close: 10:00 p.m.

Her four hours of part-time work at the cafe was done. Changing back into her uniform made her feel at ease. She wasn't a feminine type of girl and dresses made her feel stiff unlike Emiko, the ten-year-old girl who works with her as a part-time worker at the cafe. The little alien loved to act and dress like a princess. 

Aliens were not restricted by age to work because they were older compared to humans. The planet Saturn completes its revolution slower than Earth. It takes 29 years of the blue planet for the ringed planet to complete 1 year of its travel around the sun. It resulted in confusion in age from the aliens who decided to live on the third planet and so they were given special earrings to make their bodies grow the same age as their world. It slowed down their aging and attained longer life on Earth.

After changing, she sprinted to all the rooms to collect trash. It was assigned to her today and it needed to be gathered at night for the morning collection. She was expecting to smell the rotten piece of meat when she walked into the storage room where it was dumped by Mrs. Fukuhara but it wasn't there. The stinking bacon was gone like someone… "ate it".

She shook her head and dismissed the idea. "Nah… a mouse must have dragged it away."

Carrying the black trash bag, she continued collecting the garbage and set it on the back of the cafe. Before going home, she approached the manager sitting behind the counter.

"Mrs. Fukuhara, would it be okay if I come late for work tomorrow? I have a project at school I need to finish." She asked while checking her bag and seeing the broken device inside.

"You can leave for a day if you want, Miyu. You haven't had a day off since you worked here three months ago." Mrs. Fukuhara approved, flashing a bright face to encourage her.

"It's okay, manager. I only need two hours max. I will ask my parents to let me stay up until ten tomorrow." Her eyes narrowed from her smile.

"Fine. I know you're working hard to save up money." The silver-haired woman withdrew her suggestion. "Oh!?! I almost forgot…" The manager took a white envelope from the register and handed it over to her, "Here, you go. Today's tip."

She raised her brow and opened it. Her eyes sparkled like gems counting the money.

"IT'S 5,000¥!!!" She waved the envelope high with her hands and almost hugged the manager from overwhelming happiness. Her pay as a part-time worker at the cafe was only 1,000¥ per hour and the tip was bigger than her salary for a day.

"Eww… look at her being so happy because of money, what a shameless kid." A little girl mumbled wearing a black bonnet and black dress. The silver hair and purple eyes gave the child a good loli appearance.

"Hey!!! Watch your mouth, Emiko!!! I'm older than you!!!" Her eyes flamed from the little kid's remark.

"I'm older than you. I'm 290 years old." The child countered.

"You're 10 years old here on Earth!!! You're only ⅓ years old in Saturn." She yelled.

"I'M NOT ⅓ YEARS OLD!!! You're dumb calculating my age!!!" Emiko argued.




"YOUR BEST AT BEING DUMB!!!" the kid implied.

\(!!˚☐˚)/  "$#@%&!!!" 

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ "#@&%#@$#!!!"

Mrs. Fukuhara watched as they fought for their seniority. Their bickering wasn't new to the manager. She and Emiko were like cats and dogs since they met at the cafe and the alien woman thinks it's amusing how they fight each other over little things.

The wall clock began its countdown.


And a little canary flapped its wings on the top of the clock.


"Damn it!!! It's nine in the evening already!!! I wasted my time arguing with a brat like you!!!" She blurted and quickly bowed her head to say goodbye to the manager.

"Mom, why can't you just fire her already!!! We don't need humans in this cafe!!!" Emiko scoffed and turned to Mrs. Fukuhara.

She heard the kid's rude remark to the manager but she ignored the cynical attitude. Not every alien liked humans just like not all humans accepted the aliens.

She dashed from the cafe to the bus stop and was glad she was able to catch a ride exactly as she arrived. The place where she lives wasn't far but she would rather ride a bus. She's tired from work and school plus it's free as a student. Saving her energy, time, and money.

They stopped at the next station, with only a few steps until she reached her home, she saw a long line of people wearing grey or white wigs and purple-colored contact lenses. Some even wear fake ears with pointed tips like an elf to make them look exactly like the Saturnalians.

The crowd reminded her of a classmate, Kazuhiko Rise and it made her face disgruntled while raising her fist.

'I'll make that Prince of Thieves pay for stealing my first kiss.' Miyu promised herself.

She passed by the people with a blank face. The long line wasn't new to her, there's a place in their neighborhood where tourists come from all over the world to take a peek of the spot or come to experience being an alien. It's one of its kind as it was the only one allowed by the Earth government and the council of Saturn to operate.

When she turned to the corner, the purple and white lights blinded her sight. The Saturnalian Spaceship's two large headlights illuminated the dark street where the large crowd of people stood in front of a brick fence. The aluminum alloyed aircraft looked like a bug with a large nautilus shell on its back with eight large legs to stand on from the ground. She passed by the crowd and continued to walk. 

When she was at the gate, a man shouted at her. "Hey, little girl!!! Don't cut in line!!!"

The crowd turned their heads on her. Their faces filled with irritation as she stood near the entrance of the gate where the spaceship stood.

"I'M NOT CUTTING IN LINE!!! I LIVE HERE!!!" She screamed.