
Wilderness Survival 02

"Che….What does that mean?" Tieta said, completely unperturbed.

The time stealthily flew by. Sasuke and Tieta had finished eating, and were now preparing to rest.

"Hey, where should I sleep?" Liang Xiaole asked with difficulty.

Sasuke pointed at a large tree not too far away and said, "Go rest on top of that tree. That way, even if magical beasts try to attack in the middle of the night, you won't be harmed."

"Ah, magical beasts still attack during the night?" Liang Xiaole's face turned ashen at these words. Her eyes were filled with fear, and her whole body began to tremble.

"Then what about you guys? Where would you guys go? You can't just leave me behind alone, otherwise I'll definitely be eaten by some savage magical beast," Liang Xiaole asked in a panicked tone. She nervously glanced at Sasuke and Tieta, as if afraid for her life if they ran away and abandoned her.

Sasuke internally sighed. He really couldn't do anything about the cowardly Liang Xiaole. People like her who had been born and raised in noble families as a precious little girl had never experienced the stormy sea. From birth, she had grown up into a sheltered environment, so encountering any danger drove her heart and mind into disarray.

"We won't go far. We're just going to rest in the other tree over there," Sasuke said.

Liang Xiaole felt slightly comforted after hearing these words. However, traces of fear still remained in her heart, refusing to go away.

"That damned school, that damned headmaster! Why do they have to force everyone to attend this type of event for no reason at all? Isn't this just deliberately trying to send us to our deaths?" Whenever she thought about how she had gotten into her current situation, Liang Xiaole could not help but start cursing in anger. Eventually her words gradually began to turn into sobs.

During the night, Sasuke and Tieta sat under a tree cultivating. The torch by their side had long since burned out, and in a tree branch 5 or 6 meters above them, was Liang Xiaole. She nervously looked around whenever she heard the howl of a magical beast in the night, she wasn't able to sleep at all.

Liang Xiaole's bright eyes looked down at the cultivating pair, Sasuke and Tieta, as if she was monitoring them. In her eyes, this was a matter of life or death. She did not want to see the two people she had found, after a long time of searching, to abandon her and lose her only type of protection.

At that moment, a light breeze blew through the forest and through the tall grass. Meanwhile, the cross-legged Sasuke suddenly opened his eyes. Immediately, his eyes grew bright as he stared deep into the tallgrass, before standing up onto the ground with the iron rod in his hand.

Liang Xiaole was confused as she watched Sasuke stand up. Not knowing what was happening, her heart was suddenly very agitated.

"Hey, what's happening?" Liang Xiaole whispered carefully. In this situation, she didn't dare use a loud voice to speak, for fear of attracting another magical beast.

Sasuke didn't answer her and instead turned to the still cultivating Tieta. "Tieta, wake up, some magical beasts are attacking."

"Ah, what did you say? Magical beasts are attacking?" Liang Xiaole became frightened, her face instantly draining of color. Thinking about what was about to happen, her whole body began to shake in fear.

While Tieta was cultivating, he didn't dare immerse himself completely, so he still remained on guard while cultivating. Thus, when Sasuke called for him, Tieta immediately woke from his cultivation state and stood up with his battle axe rested against his shoulder.

"Shangyang Xiang Tian, where are the monsters?" He asked as he looked around. He couldn't see any footprints around them, or even hear a single sound.

Sasuke slowly turned his head as he looked around, "Tieta, this time, be careful. This time it isn't a single magical beast, but a group of them."

"A group!" Tieta's face immediately changed from careless to surprise, then it hardened into a ready expression.

"Ah! What! A group! It can't be! Hey guys, please don't scare me like that." Hiding in the trees, Liang Xiaole pleaded with them. She would have rather heard a threat from Sasuke than this.

Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed together before commanding the crying Liang Xiaole in a low voice, "Be quiet. Do you want to attract magical beasts from all over?"

Sasuke's command proved to be extremely useful, as Liang Xiaole immediately used her hand to clamp her mouth shut to make sure she didn't say anything.

"Shangyang Xiang Tian, how many magical beasts do you think there are?" Tieta asked.

"I'd say around 10. They have surrounded us and will attack soon." Sasuke's face was frighteningly calm.

Tieta's expression grew hard as he heard Sasuke. If it was just one magical beast, he wouldn't have been worried, three magical beasts and the both of them combined could take them on. But now that there were at least 10 of them; Tieta didn't dare to have a swelled head now.

When Liang Xiaole had heard Sasuke, her already pale face had turned even paler, and her mind was wracked with fear. Only one thought was occurring in her head, "It's over, we're screwed! We're not going to survive this…"

The tall grass began to sway as a cyan colored light appeared in front of them. There was one in every direction, with no less than 50 points of origin. As Sasuke and Tieta looked on amazed, they realized the bright spots of light were actually the eyes of magical beasts, and there were at the very least 20 of them.

"This is a Class 1 Magical Beast Blue Wolf. Tieta, if you want to live, hurry and climb up a tree now," Sasuke said as he looked at the 20 Blue Wolves from all 4 directions.

Tieta glared in anger before brandishing his battleaxe, with a heroic voice he said, "Don't worry. Shangyang Xiang Tian, there are only 20 Class 1 Magical Beasts, I guarantee they won't take us down."

The moment she heard that there were 20 wolves invading, Liang Xiaole was practically scared to death. At this time, even if she believed in Sasuke's and Tieta's strengths before, she would never believe that their strengths would be able to beat 20 magical beasts, as they hadn't even reached Sainthood yet. Unless one of the school teachers were to come save them now, they wouldn't be able to escape alive.

"Teacher, where are you? Please come save us…" Liang Xiaole looked around in all directions as she pleaded for a teacher to come. She could only trust that the teachers would come to save them now, but it was a shame that there were so many magical beasts, so she was too scared to cry out too loudly. Just in case the magical beasts focused on her.

The 20 Blue Wolves slowly walked towards Sasuke and Tieta, their oily gazes staring attentively at them. It was only when their distance was less than 5 meters away that they stopped moving.

Sasuke and Tieta grabbed onto their respective weapons. Although they were surrounded by 20 magical beasts, neither of the two had a single expression of fear..


Suddenly, a Blue Wolf started to cry out into the sky. Immediately afterwards, the 20 wolves surrounding them started to howl as well. Their howls filled the air as they began to overlap with each other, before turning into a large soundwave that targeted a wide area.

Hearing the wolves howl, Liang Xiaole's entire body slipped. Her body fell to the ground as she started to tremble. At this point, her face was entirely drained of blood, and had become a deathly pale shade.

5 kilometers away from Sasuke, a middle aged male dropped down onto a tree branch. When he heard the howls, his face changed. His previously closed eyes opened as he stared off towards the direction of the sound.

"Not good, that's a pack of Blue Wolves. Judging by the howls there are at least 10 of them. It looks like someone has met up with danger then." The middle aged man's face grew solemn as his hands touched the tree he was standing on. He jumped down from the tree before sprinting off towards the direction of the howls without stopping.

"I hope that I can make it." The middle aged man was anxious, but he was already going at the fastest speed he could possibly go at. The magical beasts in the 2nd area weren't that strong, but the opponents Sasuke and Tieta were facing were Class 1 Magical Beast Blue Wolves; their chances of success weren't looking well.

At the same time, in 3 different places, 3 different people all heard the yell before putting down whatever was in their hands and quickly started to run towards the howl.

The wolves' howl was the signal for the wolves to attack, as the 20 wolves suddenly rushed at Sasuke and Tieta.

"Go die!" Tieta snarled as he brought his battle axe up in preparation to strike. He swiped at a nearby wolf with his axe, slamming the axe into its stomach. The wolf cried out with an ear-piercing shriek.

The Blue Wolf that charged at Tieta was immediately cut down by his battleaxe's powerful attack, and it now sported a giant wound on its wolf was sent flying away from the mighty swing; despite it being a Class 1 Magical Beast, it was no match for Tieta's strength.

Tieta brandished his 100 pound battleaxe with ease as if it wasn't heavy at all. Whenever a Blue Wolf approached, he would send it flying away. Thus, any wolf that got too close to him was sent flying, with a new wound on its body. However, the skin of a Blue Wolf was tough, so even Tieta couldn't kill one with ease.

As the wolves approached him at the same time, Sasuke's eyes instantly grew cold as he dashed forward. In a flash, he brought the sharpened iron rod through the throat of a nearby wolf, and activated his Sharingan.

With some resistance, the iron rod finally pierced through the wolf's hide and bore through the wolf's throat. He took out the rod and tilted his body to the side to dodge the attack of another wolf who jumped at him.

The wolf who had its throat pierced by Sasuke fell helplessly to the ground, as its four legs spasmed in its final death throes. It couldn't stand up on its legs no matter how much it tried, as bright red blood leaked out from its wound.

The throat was the weak-point for almost every single living thing, and magical beasts were no exception. Right now, since the Blue Wolf had its throat skewered, its life was quickly fading. Even though it was trying to avoid the temptation of death, its struggle would not last long.

Sasuke relied on the nimbleness of his body to weave in and out of the pack of wolves, and he used his iron rod to leave behind stab wounds wherever he attacked. Despite being surrounded by 10 wolves, Sasuke had used his strange but unpredictable style of movement to dodge with ease. The sharp teeth and the claws of the wolves couldn't touch him at all, and whenever it had seemed like the wolves would be able to get him, Sasuke moved out of the way just in time, as the Sharingan helped him accurately predict enemy movements.

The battle hadn't even lasted for more than a few deep breaths before 3 of the wolves had their throats pierced by Sasuke. As the wolves lost blood, they stumbled to the ground in a final struggle to live, but after one final breath, they died on the ground. Many of the wolves had suffered from multiple wounds, but none of them were fatal, and were focused on the joints of the beasts.

Sasuke proceeded to travel in between the wolves as the iron rod in his hand continued to stab at them. Not only were his movements swift, but there was a certain grace to them; it was almost as if he was dancing instead of fighting for his life.

On the other side, Tieta let loose a snarl and brought his 100 pound battleaxe down through the air, producing an after image thanks to the speed. The few wolves surrounding him were continuously sent flying through the air with exceptionally terrifying wounds. Although the wounds were from Tieta's sharp battleaxe, to the Blue Wolves, these injuries would not threaten their lives at all.

Although Tieta was looking quite powerful and majestic at this moment, he was not invincible. And with Sasuke's success so far, Tieta's own achievements were nothing much. After all, ever since the start of the battle, Tieta had not yet been able to kill a single Blue Wolf.

A mere few seconds passed. Another wolf died by Sasuke's hands, while countless others were being injured.

The cowering Liang Xiaole didn't hear Tieta's or Sasuke's screams of pain at all. All she could hear was the howling of the Blue Wolves mixed in with whimpers. Because of her curiosity, she fought her fear and looked down on the ground, and her eyes grew wide in shock. She couldn't believe that Sasuke and Tieta were still fighting the Blue Wolves, and she was shocked speechless.

Every single swing from Tieta's axe was capable of smashing a wolf into the air with ease. No wolf was able to get close to him because of that, and most of the Blue Wolves were covered with frightening wounds that had covered their entire bodies with blood. Sasuke, on the other hand, was moving rapidly between the wolves and attacking them from every direction. Whenever he thrusted his iron rod forward, another wolf would be riddled with wounds. His movements were too fast for Liang Xiaole to follow; the only thing she could see was a constant blurs.

She had never experienced such a hair raising bloody spectacle like the one below, but on the outside, her face had already started to regain some color. However, her body had not yet stopped trembling. After all, it was her first time seeing such a bloody mess, and no matter who it was, a person wouldn't be able to take in a sight like this easily their first time.

At that moment, a Blue Wolf took advantage of Tieta's lack of attention, and jumped at his shoulder. Using its strong teeth, it bit deeply down on his shoulder and blood started to flow freely from the wound.

The acute pain caused Tieta's face to darken as he looked at the Blue Wolf biting at his shoulder. Tieta's eye blinked in pain as he looked at the Blue Wolf with a fierce glare. Dropping his battleaxe, his right hand grabbed onto the wolf's head, and with his monstrous strength, he ripped the wolf off his shoulder, leaving behind deep incisions in his skin.

Tieta grabbed onto the wolf's snout with both hands, and the veins in his arms swelled up with his muscles. With a furious roar, his hands gripped onto the yelping wolf and tore its head from its body. At the same time, blood splattered everywhere onto Tieta, dying him blood red.

Tieta's act of strength caused the surrounding wolves to cower in fear, as they watched Tieta hold onto the two halves of the wolf's carcass.

But Tieta didn't plan to let the wolves get away. Dropping the body, he picked up his battleaxe and sliced down onto another wolf's head.

The wolf tilted its head and dodged Tieta's battleaxe. Bringing its head up towards the sky, it let out a great howl before launching itself at him.

Hearing the howl, all of the wolves had their fear dispelled, as they instantly charged at Tieta.

Tieta sent a kick towards the abdomen of a wolf, sending it flying through the air. The sharp blade of his battleaxe cut into the neck of the wolf. Leaving behind a trail of blood, the wolf flew backwards like a rocket.

After his battleaxe had chopped through the head of a wolf, Tieta stopped where he stood. He brandished his battleaxe in a menacing way for the other wolves to see.

A wolf was too late in dodging and was hit by Tieta's battleaxe. The wolf was split in two as it gave one last final howl.

After being injured, it looked as if Tieta became even stronger. In a flash, he had already killed 2 wolves.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was still wrestling fiercely with the wolves. Suddenly, a wolf jumped from above, down onto Sasuke.

Sasuke immediately turned around and glared at the incoming wolf with his Sharingan eyes. The iron rod in his hand shot forth like lightning and stabbed deep into the wolf's abdomen, piercing its heart. The moment he felt the rod stop, he immediately pulled it out and then moved away from his position.

The moment he left from his spot, the group of Blue Wolves immediately lunged at him.

The wolf that had been skewered in the heart whimpered as it gave its final breath, and fell down to the ground, spasming before finally becoming still.

The battle persisted for some time, and as time passed, the amount of Blue Wolves that had died by the hands of Sasuke and Tieta grew larger and larger. Gradually, the pressure on the two boys reduced, as the number of Blue Wolves dwindled.

Sasuke pulled out his iron rod from another wolf's throat; he had already killed over 10 Blue Wolves, yet his clothes were relatively unstained by the blood, thanks to the Sharingan and his own rich battle experience.

Sasuke looked to Tieta only to see 7 or 8 Blue Wolves left; however, each of the 8 wolves were already bloody, as if they had been bathed in blood. His already ragged clothing was becoming even worse, and was almost like a strip of cloth now. His clothes were no longer protecting his body, and instead revealed his chest underneath. Even the trousers had rips in parts, with blood dripping from the wounds beneath it. Tieta looked extremely exhausted and tired.

Without any hesitation, Sasuke rushed towards Tieta and immediately started to fight off the 8 wolves with his iron rod.

Because Tieta had gave the wolves many heavy injuries in a long battle, the wolves were all exhausted beyond relief, so Sasuke's job was relatively easy. Without expending much energy, he ended their lives by accurately piercing each of the wolves' throats.

Seeing as the battle was over, he deactivated his Sharingan, as it consumed a lot of Saint Force.

After the invasion of the pack of wolves, even Sasuke couldn't help but breathe hard. Even though he was not weak at all, he had used up a lot of his energy to fight against the pack of wolves.

Tieta let out a long sigh as he looked at the pile of dead bodies around him. On his face was a happy smile; although they had just fought a long and hard battle, he didn't show a single trace of exhaustion. Instead, his fighting spirit was awakened.

"Shangyang Xiang Tian, let's kill the rest of the Class 1 Magical Beasts." Tieta laughed. In his lifetime, he had never killed a Class 1 Magical Beast before, so it was natural that he was excited.

Sasuke looked at Tieta with concern and asked, "You're hurt, how bad is it?"

Tieta looked down on his body to inspect his wounds before saying, "It's no problem. Although the bites hurt, they're mostly superficial wounds. Hehe, my skin has been thick since I was small, so regular beasts could never bite me before."

Sasuke nodded his head in understanding with a thoughtful face. He knew about Tieta's strength and vitality first hand. Tieta was even stronger than a steel bar, so the Blue Wolves must've been ferocious to bite through his skin.

"Ah, that's right, Shangyang Xiang Tian, are you hurt?" Tieta asked with concern as he looked at Sasuke.

Sasuke shook his head, "Don't worry, the wolves didn't hurt me at all."

A few minutes later, the two of them saw four shadows approaching them extremely fast.

When the four shadows reached 2 meters away from Sasuke, they suddenly stopped. Sasuke could finally see their faces clearly; two of them were middle aged men while there was an elder and a 30 year old female. All four of them had a look of astonishment and were stupefied as if they saw an inconceivable event.

"Honorable teachers, so it was you." Tieta finally recognized the four people and cried out in surprise.

The four people quickly regained their composure, but their eyes still revealed traces of shock.

"Shangyang Xiang Tian, no wonder there are rumors about you being able to beat a Saint. I didn't think too much about it at first, but after seeing this, the rumors have to have some sort of truth to them. For a single person to use a corroded iron rod to kill dozens of Class 1 Magical beasts, even Saints who condensed their Saint Weapons wouldn't be able to replicate this easily." The elder said with a laugh as he praised Sasuke, referring to the scene of carnage around them.

Sasuke smirked and said, "My strength isn't as strong as you think; the wolves may have been Class 1 Magical Beasts, but their attack power wasn't that high. If I had came across a stronger Class 1 Magical Beast, then I'm afraid I would've struggled a lot more."

Hearing this, the elder looked at Sasuke appreciatively before looking at Tieta with a laugh, "Tieta, your strength is also very strong, it's no wonder the headmaster noticed you and took you in as an apprentice."

Tia Ta scratched his head with a modest smile, but he didn't know what to say in response to that.

"Elder Yun, it would appear that we came here for nothing. These two are absolutely abnormal in strength, nothing in the 2nd region would be a match for them." Said the 30 year old woman.

The other 3 bitterly smiled as they listened to they had heard the howls of the wolves, they naturally knew that a student was in danger. For that reason alone they had all rushed towards the howls at the fastest speed possible to rescue them. On the way, each one of them prayed that the students would be able to hold on for as long as possible, but when they had arrived, they were subjected to an inconceivable sight. Two students who weren't at the Saint level had been able to fend off 20 or so Blue Wolves without trouble. In the end, they had been able to slaughter all 20 of them, and none of the 4 could believe their eyes at this end result.

The elder then paused before saying, "Since you students aren't in any danger, then we'll take our leave now, after all, there are still students to save." Although the elder had said that, he looked as if he was reluctant to leave.

"Wait a moment." Sasuke suddenly spoke out towards the four teachers. Pointing at Liang Xiaole who was still hiding in the tree, he said, "Could you help escort this student out? She doesn't have the courage to stay here any longer."

The teacher frowned as he thought about it, "This won't be a problem, but even if she hands over two Class 1 Monster Cores, this will still be considered as a loss. After all, she didn't stay here for all 3 days."

"No, I won't leave, I'll definitely stay here for all 3 days." Liang Xiaole said from the treetop as she dropped 5 or 6 meters down onto the ground. In one long stride she went over to where Sasuke was.

"Hey, these four teachers can take you out of this forest so you won't have to worry about magical beasts hurting you. Why don't you want to go home?" Tieta was rather discontent, since Liang Xiaole was really too cowardly. The moment she saw a magical beast she cried out loud; this really annoyed Tia Ta…

Liang Xiaole looked at Tieta timidly and whispered, "I don't want to go."

"Could it be you're no longer afraid of magical beasts?" Tieta asked curiously.

"I am!"

"So you're scared after all, then why don't you want to get out of here?"

"Because you two are still here."

With such a straightforward answer, Tieta couldn't find a response.

Sasuke looked at Liang Xiaole helplessly before trying to persuade her, "Liang Xiaole, you should go with the teachers, the magical beasts in this forest are many, and so there's no guarantee that we can protect you."

Liang Xiaole's face became miserable as she realized that she would need to depend on Sasuke. Imploring, she said, "Senior, please let me go with you, this was my first time seeing a magical beast and the first time I've been here. That's why I was scared initially. But I guarantee you, the next time we come across a magical beast, I won't cry out loud." After experiencing Sasuke's and Tieta's strengths, Liang Xiaole wouldn't have to worry about getting into any trouble with those two around. Plus, Liang Xiaole had clearly that the four teachers all said that the 2nd region of the forest had nothing that they couldn't handle. So with such good protection, there was no way she would give up that easily.

Sasuke suddenly felt a headache coming. Liang Xiaole was a pampered noble since birth, so she would definitely be a burden to them. When they battled any magical beasts in the future, they would have to look after her as well.

"Shangyang Xiang Tian, with you and Tieta, there are no magical beasts in the 2nd region that can pose a threat to you. so you might as well take her along. Students should look out for one another. And besides, for you two, this shouldn't even be considered a test anymore." Laughed the middle-aged woman.

Sasuke inwardly sighed in annoyance. Since even the teachers wanted Liang Xiaole to tag along, he couldn't find any reasons to object.

Although Sasuke was giving in, Tieta was still not satisfied, but he didn't say anything. After this first day, he had already started to see Sasuke as the pillar of the team. Whatever his decision was, Tieta would not object to it. Sasuke's mind was better at strategy and he had more experience dealing with beasts than Tieta's. So it could be said that no matter what, Tieta would concede to Sasuke.

After the four teachers left, Sasuke and Tieta didn't pay attention to Liang Xiaole and instead went to the dead bodies of the Blue Wolves. Since it was over 20 Class 1 Monster Cores, they wouldn't dare to squander this.

Because the monster cores of the Blue Wolves were in their heads, Tieta and Sasuke were trying to find a way to extract them. They definitely needed to strike and break at the part of the head where the monster core was, so Liang Xiaole's face went pale as she observed them. Perhaps Liang Xiaole had changed only slightly, it was almost as if she no longer felt out of her league. With great difficulty, she was able to quell the cowardly nature within her, as she diligently watched Sasuke and Tieta work at extracting the cores. It was almost as if she was learning from the experience.

The night passed quickly and peacefully after the initial Blue Wolves raid.

As the dawn sun slowly rose over the edge of the horizon, the cross-legged Sasuke finished his cultivation, and stood up to stretch.

Just as Sasuke stood up, he heard Tieta start to awaken as well. He followed Sasuke up, and although the two were in the middle of cultivating, they were still aware of their surroundings. They had put up a guard while cultivating, and as long as the wind blew through the tall grass, then the pair would be able to track anyone.

"Tieta, go find some dry branches for the fire. I'll go fetch the magical beast meat; it's about time we prepare some breakfast," Sasuke said.

"Oh!" Without any objects, Tieta turned around and entered the forest to search for some dry firewood.

Soon after, Tieta carried over a pile of dry firewood. At the same time, Sasuke had prepared a huge chunk of bloody magical beast meat from the Blue Wolves that had been killed by them last night.

Since there were no sources of water in the area, the magical beast meat was not washed. Instead, it was directly skewered with some sticks, and was placed above the bonfire to begin roasting.

Not long after, the roasted magical beast meat began to emit a fragrant aroma. Although it did not have any spices, the quality of the magical beast meat was originally high. Moreover, the higher the class of the magical beast, the more delicious its meat would taste, and the more beneficial it was to the body. It was said that a Class 5 Magical Beast's meat could even boost one's strength.

Perhaps because she could smell the magical beast meat's fragrance, Liang Xiaole awoke from her nap on top of the tree, and jumped down. The 5-6 meter height was nothing to Liang Xiaole, who had reached the 8th Saint Force layer.

"Wa…it smells so good." Liang Xiaole bounced over to the bonfire, and seeing the golden magical beast meat dripping in rich oils, she could not help but swallow hard. Although she had eaten many exotic delicacies, she had never eaten wild game like this before. After all, eating the same type of meat for so long, one would obviously think of anything else as more appetizing, even if it was just some cabbage.

Tieta shot a dissatisfied glance at Liang Xiaole, and murmured in a quiet voice, "Last night you were crying so loudly; now you've forgotten about it all so quickly. I hope that when we encounter more magical beasts later, you won't start wailing again."

Tieta's voice was extremely soft and unclear. Most likely, aside from himself, nobody would have been able to clearly hear what he had whispered, even Sasuke.

Liang Xiaole looked at Tieta in curiosity, "Tieta, what are you saying?" Last night, the four teachers had called out Sasuke's and Tieta's names, so Liang Xiaole had already learned their identities.

"Ah, nothing." Tieta waved his hands as if he was feeling guilty for something.

Liang Xiaole didn't pay any mind to it. She gazed at Sasuke and Tieta and smiled, "No wonder you two are so powerful that you can kill 20 Class 1 Magical Beasts. It turns out that you two are actually Tieta and Shangyang Xiang Tian. The fact that I was able to meet you two was really great luck." The current Liang Xiaole seemed to be an entirely different person from the person yesterday evening. After only a single night, she seemed to already have pushed yesterday's events to the back of her mind. Now, her face didn't show a single trace of fear and dread from the thought of magical beasts.

Sasuke lifted the well cooked magical beast meat, and then ripped of a section, throwing it over to Liang Xiaole, asking, "There are a lot of magical beasts in this forest. Moreover, if we don't stay for 3 more days, then we definitely cannot leave. Aren't you afraid?"

Liang Xiaole accepted the piece of magical beast meat, and while she lightly chewed it, she said, "Although I'm still scared, I believe that I will eventually get used to it. In addition , the two of you are not much older than me, yet you both faced those fierce Blue Wolves last night without a trace of fear. The two of you even managed to slaughter all of them. This is much more impressive than those other boys. Hmph, those boys were so useless; the five of them together couldn't defeat a single magical beast. In the end, their incompetence forced me to get separated from my sisters."

Liang Xiaole suddenly stood up, and loudly declared, "I've decided now. I will definitely use these next two days to properly learn from you two seniors."

Hearing this, Sasuke inwardly nodded to himself. Liang Xiaole's statement had already gained Sasuke's approval. Although she was timid, and was extremely afraid of magical beasts, that wasn't important. The most important factor was she was willing to change her ways, and to learn more.

The Uchiha admired that in a person.

After all, nobody was born with the ability do and understand everything. All knowledge retained is a result of one going out to learn it.

Of course, Sasuke was an exception.

On the other hand, Liang Xiaole was born as the eldest daughter in a noble household. She had been spoiled since she was young, and had grown up in a sheltered environment. Obviously, she had never experienced any hardships. Thus, it was to be expected that she would inevitably be frightened during her first encounter with a savage magical beast. After all, this was the equivalent to an average person meeting a ghost for the first time; anyone would feel fear.

After eating breakfast, Sasuke and Tieta both grabbed their respective weapons before continuing on with their journey. However, trailing behind them was the dainty Liang Xiaole, who was empty handed. She looked around herself carefully due to her own weapon being long gone after she had been separated from her group and chased through the forest.

Tieta lifted his battleaxe; his clothes were already swapped out. This time, he was wearing Blue Wolf leather along with some grassroot to hold it together. His academy uniform was long since torn apart from yesterday's battle to the point where he couldn't wear it anymore.

In the blink of an eye, another day came and went. By looking at the profits, they weren't as good as the first day, but they weren't bad either. In total, they had killed 70 magical beasts, making Liang Xiaole feel shocked.

On this second day, Liang Xiaole went through a major change. Ever since the spectacle with the Blue Wolves, her entire personality had transformed. At the very least, whenever she saw a magical beast, she wouldn't scream in terror anymore. And whenever Tieta and Sasuke would slaughter any enemy magical beast, she didn't even flinch at the sight of the blood. She was slowly starting to adapt to her situation..

Not only that, but in the same day, she had unexpectedly learned much about the dangers of the forest and gained knowledge pertaining to them. Her capacity for learning was extremely high, and even Sasuke couldn't help but admire it. Of course, what was important was looking at her talent for cultivation, since in the Tian Yuan continent, one's own strength was what dictated who they were over everything else.

Liang Xiaole was also extraordinarily smart. Although she wasn't very strong, she definitely didn't cause trouble for Tieta or Sasuke, nor was she a burden like the two had previously thought she would be. She would stay behind the two, and whenever the two fought against a magical beast, she would stand far away so that she wouldn't get caught up in it.

After that day, both Sasuke or Tieta had a new levels of respect for Liang Xiaole, and no longer belittled her in their hearts.

Later that night, the three of them sat by the campfire to count the pile of monster cores.

"Dear seniors, have you two really not condensed your Saint Weapons and become Saints yet?" Liang Xiaole asked as she stared at them with her bright eyes. What a strange question. Her clothes were already filled with holes from the trees and thorns that stabbed and cut into her, and her pretty face resembled a kitty from the whisker like cuts. Since there were no water sources, she had to rely on drinking the blood of the magical beasts in order to stave off the thirst, and so there was no way she could wash off the filth on her face.

"If we were Saints, why would I be using this axe?" Tieta looked at his bundled up and heavily nicked battleaxe with no small amount of dissatisfaction.

After continued usage with Tieta's strength, the giant battleaxe had finally worn out; the previously sharp edge was now becoming blunt after use. Even the previously sharp point on Sasuke's corroded iron rod had nearly become flat.

Liang Xiaole's face was full of admiration as she stared at the two, "You two are really amazing; you're not even at the Saint level yet and you can easily kill Class 1 Magical Beasts. In my opinion, once you reach the Saint level, you will be able to kill Class 2 Magical Beasts with ease."

Sasuke shook his head, "How would it be easy? These are magical beasts that were bred by the academy, so they have weak attack power. When we meet magical beasts with a stronger attack, then we will definitely have a harder time with it."

Liang Xiaole nodded her head and said grimly, "That's right. I've heard my dad say before that there are some amazing Class 1 Magical Beasts that can spit out some low level spells with a high amount of attack power. They're so strong, that some normal Saints aren't powerful enough to beat them."

Sasuke looked at Tieta, who was focusing on the campfire, "Tieta, right now there isn't anything in the 2nd region that could stand a chance against us, so I want to move to the 3rd region. How do you feel about that?"

Tieta gave it some thought before saying, "Right, the 2nd region is already very easy for us since there isn't a challenge anymore. Okay then, Shangyang Xiang Tian, I'll enter the 3rd region with you. It's time to see how strong the Class 2 Magical Beasts really are."

Hearing the two talk, Liang Xiaole who was sitting nearby said, "It can't be, you two haven't reached the Saint level and you still want to enter the 3rd region to fight Class 2 Magical Beasts? Without a Saint Weapon, there's no guarantee of survival, and the skin of a Class 2 Magical Beast is stronger than that of Class 1 Magical Beasts, so it's even tougher. You two only have a worn battleaxe and corroded iron rod, so that'll make killing even harder. Not only that, but the environment in the 3rd region isn't good at all; I've heard that there's even a marsh filled with poisonous vipers inside. There's a high chance you of losing your lives in the dangerous 3rd region."

Tieta laughed as he looked at my weapon, "That's right, Shangyang Xiang Tian, over these past 2 days, our weapons have been in constant use, and my battleaxe has lost its sharpness. Even your own iron rod is almost flat, so it would be hard to kill Class 2 Magical Beasts."

Sasuke laughed, "There's no rush, there are still plenty of students in the 2nd region. We still haven't met with other students because we're still far away from them. We should return tomorrow, and exchange monster cores for weapons, since the students would be definitely interested."

"Yea, that's a good idea," Tieta nodded in agreement.

Sasuke continued, "Liang Xiaole, let's split up tomorrow. If you're with other students, then you should be able to safely pass through your last day. After all, anyone who has been able to endure 2 days here must have some real skills."

Liang Xiaole nodded wordlessly. Her expression was a bit disappointed; after all, she also knew of the 3rd region's dangers. She was unsure if Sasuke and Tieta would be able to go against those magical beasts. If she continued along with them, even if Sasuke and Tieta agreed to let her accompany them, she would only be a baggage that would hold them down.

The night passed without incident. Soon, the sky began to brighten. Sasuke and Tieta finished their night of cultivation, and began to prepare breakfast.

After the three of them had finished eating, the sun had already gradually began to rise into the sky. They continued on their way; however, this time, they had begun walking back in the direction they had come from.

After two days of battles, the two boys had already become extremely skilled at sensing and avoiding danger, so it didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination.

Under a large tree, nine students in tattered clothing were tiredly sitting underneath, catching their breaths. They were a group of commoners mixed with some nobles. At the moment, their clothes were ripped all over the place, with some dried out bloodstains covering them as well. They also sported injuries on their bodies, and not far from them was a carcass of a magical beast lying on the ground.

"Everyone, hold on for just a bit longer. This is already the last day. After this day ends, we can leave," a commoner student breathlessly said.

"It's unfortunate that we don't have enough Magic Stones yet, we still need five more. It looks like we still have to slaughter five more magical beasts to pass." said a young noble. Originally, the nobles hadn't been willing to stay together with the commoners, but after encountering the savage magical beast, they were immediately scared out of their wits. Faced with life or death, who would care about people's statuses? Protecting oneself was the greater priority. Thus, the few nobles had gradually decided to join the commoner students. After all, everyone knew there was strength in numbers. In addition, perhaps because the commoners had been raised in harsher environments, they did not show any signs of retreating when faced with savage magical beasts. This changed the arrogant nobles' views of the commoners. Eventually, they had all slowly become friends.

Moreover, after constantly fighting against magical beasts, the nine of them had become more comfortable working together. Eventually, they had formed an unexpected bond that held all of them together with close relationships.

At that moment, there was a movement in the grass off in the distance.

"Everyone, be careful. A magical beast is attacking." A student immediately reacted and loudly warned the others. Instantly, the nine of them stood up and stared with wary expressions towards the direction the sound had come from.

The grass swayed vigorously. Eventually, they saw a figure wearing beast leather swinging a large hatchet around, cutting down the weeds in his way. Right after the group noticed him, they saw that there were two other figures following behind him as well. Although their clothes were tattered, it was obvious that they were all wearing the Kargath Academy uniforms.

Perhaps because they had been traveling through the lush forest for so long, but their faces were dark, and they had random twigs in their hair. Only their general facial structures could be seen; their appearances were already indistinguishable.

Realizing that the figures were people and not magical beasts, the nine students immediately sighed in relief, and smiles slowly spread across their faces. At this point, if they could get those new people to join them, then the overall strength of their group would definitely rise. Hunting magical beasts would be much easier. In addition, all of them were smart enough to realize that these people who had stayed here for 3 days must be quite powerful.

Of course, these three people were Sasuke, Tieta, and Liang Xiaole. After backtracking for half a day, they had finally discovered a group of people.

Since it was already the last of the three days, there weren't many people remaining in the forest. Most of them had already ran away, and so there were very few students that were still here.

When Liang Xiaole's gaze rested on a gorgeous girl standing amongst the group of nine, she showed a pleasantly surprised expression.

"Ah! Lisha!" Liang Xiaole shouted out with an extremely excited voice, as she immediately flew towards the gorgeous girl.

Hearing a slightly familiar voice, the girl blinked her large, shining eyes, and gazed at Liang Xiaole, who was running towards her, in slight confusion. Currently, Liang Xiaole's face was covered with quite a bit of dirt, making her look like a calico cat. Even if this girl called Lisha did know Liang Xiaole well, it was difficult for her to recognize Liang Xiaole with her current appearance.

Liang Xiaole rushed to the girl, and excitedly hugged her tightly. In a tone filled with joy, she said, "Lisha, I hadn't imagined that I would've been able to see you again here. I thought you had already left the forest."

Hearing the overly familiar voice, the girl named Lisha finally recognized who Liang Xiaole was. Pleasantly surprised, she said, "You…you're Xiaole."

"That's right, Lisha. I'm Xiao Le," Liang Xiaole spoke, her voice dripping with emotion as she confirmed her friend's words.

"Xiaole, it really is you, that's great! I thought that you had already escaped from this place, I never would've imagined that I would see you here." Lisha, the girl in front of Liang Xiaole, was just as happy, and continued to hug her once-thought-to-be-lost friend.

The two girls joined in a tight embrace, Lisha was laughing out loud. "Liang Xiaole, I didn't think we'd be able to meet again after losing each other in the forest This really makes me happy!"

"Hello," said a youth wearing clothing as tattered as the other two." I'm so glad to have met the two of you here. Um… How should I put this? I'm not sure if you want, but would you be willing to join our group? If you do, I can certainly guarantee that together our group will be much stronger and consequently will make hunting magical beasts a lot easier. And besides, danger lurks around every corner in these woods, it'd be better if we worked together." His tone was first likeable as he walked up to Sasuke and Tieta, but as soon as he saw that Sasuke's clothes were entirely crimson with fresh blood, he couldn't help but express shock. The youth seriously doubted that the blood was all from Sasuke, because anyone who lost that much blood would definitely be beyond weak. There was no way such a person could firmly stand there, with such a sharp look.

Sasuke shook his head, refusing, "We were just planning to leave this place, so we cannot join your group."

The youth had an expression of regret on his face; however, he still reconciled, "My two fellow students, although the magical beasts here are quite formidable, we have strength in numbers. As long as everyone is willing to work together, even if we meet two magical beasts at once, they definitely won't pose any threat. If everyone hands over two Class 1 Magic Stones, I believe that we will soon gather enough." The youth continued to press the issue. His gaze was quite sharp, and it was obvious that he had already realized that Sasuke's and Tieta's strengths were above average.

"We really do not have any other options. The two of us have already decided to leave here, so we cannot join your group." In order to reciprocate the formal request, Sasuke's tone was just as amiable.

Hearing that Sasuke and Tieta were set on leaving, the youth could not help but be disappointed. He really could not understand why, although only one out of the three days was remaining, the two people refused to stay. As long as they paid up two Class 1 Magic Stones, they'd be able to successfully join. Yet, Sasuke and Tieta still chose to leave the area. Could it be that the two of them really wanted to pass up such an opportunity?

The youth thought that Sasuke and Tieta had given up and wanted to leave the forest. He couldn't have ever imagined that their "leaving" actually meant leaving the second region to enter the third region, not actually leaving the forest.

At that moment, Tieta glanced at the battleaxe that one of the students was holding. His eyes lit up in happiness, and he directly walked over to the student with an intrepid air, and asked in a muffled voice, "Hey, if I give you two Class 1 Magic Stones, will you trade your battleaxe for them?" Asking this, Tieta pulled out the battleaxe on his back with one hand, and used his other hand to retrieve from his Space Belt, two Class 1 Magic Stones that were still covered in fresh blood.

It was at that moment that the group of people realized that the large battleaxe in Tieta's hands was covered in fresh blood. The entire surface had been dyed crimson. The appearance alone was beyond shocking; it looked as if was a murder weapon that had been constantly doused by blood. What was even more disbelieving was that the battleaxe made of firm metal as hard as steel, had already been completely riddled with cracks. Moreover, some parts of the blade were even bent.

Most people would not be able to believe this sight; they had all assumed that when Tieta had chosen his weapon, it had been like this from the beginning. There was no way they could've imagined that all of the axe's damages had been caused by Tieta himself.

The student with the intrepid air looked at the beaten up axe in front of him, which was so red that it looked like it had been made from blood, and was at a loss for a moment. When the other students heard Tieta's request, their eyes immediately lit up, and looked at the intrepid student with looks of envy, as if they were about to offer up their own weapons to trade with Tieta.

"My fellow student, I can exchange this sword of mine with you." A student carrying a giant one-handed sword walked over to Tia Ta and said with a smile.

Hearing, Tieta looked down at the battleaxe that was in his grip, shook his head and spoke, "No need, I still prefer to use the battleaxe."

Hearing this, the male suddenly had a face full of disappointment. At this moment, getting two Class 1 Magics Stones was more important than anything else. Not to mention him, if the others could, they would also be willing to trade their weapons to Tieta for two Class 1 Magic Stones. Even if their weapons were worth more than two Class 1 Magic Stones, they would still not hesitate.

The tall and sturdy male was not dumb. After considering it for a bit, he happily handed over his battleaxe to fulfill the exchange. Who would be willing to refuse such a profitable exchange?

After the exchange was completed, the group of people began to look at Tieta with a different light. A few of the smarter students had already connected the battleaxe's battered state to the possibility that Tieta had caused it. From this point, they could directly confirm Tieta's extraordinary strength. Otherwise, why else would he just casually hand over two Class 1 Magic Stones? This place wasn't like outside; before entering the forest, the school administration had already confiscated any devices the students had. They had even patted the student's bodies down to thoroughly check. There was absolutely no way the Magic Stone could've been brought in from the outside. The only way that Magic Stones could be gained inside the forest was to hunt magical beasts.

However, there was just one thing the people couldn't understand. If Tieta and Sasuke had the strengths to hunt magical beasts, why didn't they want to stay in the forest for all 3 days? After all, the academy's rules clearly dictated that they could only pass if they stayed for 3 days and paid up two Class 1 Magic Stones. If only one was fulfilled, they wouldn't pass.

"Could it be that they don't care about the rewards? Or perhaps they had lied about leaving, and actually just didn't want to kill magical beasts together with the few of us?" Everyone could not help but think of these possibilities. When considering these thoughts, a few of the people immediately began to gaze at Sasuke and Tieta with expressions of discontent.

Sasuke did not pay any mind to their expressions. He looked at the Liang Xiaole and the girl she was hugging, and said, "Liang Xiaole, since you've found your friend now, why don't you just stick with this group? They have more people too."

Liang Xiaole slowly separated from the girl, and looked back at Sasuke and Tieta. She nodded, "Then you two have to be careful."

Afterwards, Tieta and Sasuke didn't bother wasting any time, and immediately left the area.

After the two of them had left, the girl called Lisha asked in a resentful tone, "Xiaole, who are they? They're so arrogant that they don't even think they should be with us."

"Lisha, you're mistaken. It's not that they don't want to be together with you guys; they really do want to leave here." Liang Xiaole explained.

"That can't be!" Lisha exclaimed in disbelief. "Lisha, the fact that they could casually give away a Class 1 Magic Stone means that the two of them have the strength to kill magical beasts. Plus, when they were trading the two magical stones away for the weapon, it was obvious that they were planning on continuing to fight. How could they possible be leaving this place?"

"That's right, Xiaole, you've been tricked by them." A youth standing on the side added.

Liang Xiaole smiled, "They're definitely leaving this place, but they didn't explain it clearly to you guys. They want to leave the second region, and move on to the third region to hunt the Class 2 Magical Beasts."

"What! Liang Xiaole, what kind of joke are you trying to pull? It's impossible for the two of them to go to the third region to hunt Class 2 Magical Beasts!"

"Could it be that their strengths have already reached Saint level? But that can't be right either. If they had reached the Saint level, then there would be no need to change weapons."

"Those two are really reckless, to want to go to the third region."

"They're definitely seeking death."

Immediately following Liang Xiaole's words, the group of people immediately broke into chaos as they began to discuss in a frenzy amongst each other. None of them thought that Sasuke and Tieta would be able to survive the third region.

Lisha pulled at Liang Xiaole's hands, and in a clearly disbelieving tone, she asked, "Xiaole, they aren't really crazy enough to run over to the third region, right?"

Liang Xiaole nodded, "That's right, they really did go to the third region. Lisha, you cannot underestimate the two of them, they're really formidable." Liang Xiaole said with conviction.

"Could it be that the two of them really are Saints?" Li Sha asked in shock. The school administration had clearly declared that all students that were Saints had to enter the third region. There was no way they could've appeared in the second region.

Liang Xiaole shook her head, "No, their powers haven't reached Saint level yet, because they still haven't condensed their Saint Weapons."

Hearing this, Li Sha's shock grew even more pronounced. Without reaching Saint level, surviving in the second region was already difficult enough, let alone being in the third region. After all, the magical beasts in the third region were Class 2 Magical Beasts, which weren't any small amount stronger than Class 1 Magical Beasts. The two classes could not even be compared.

Lisha and Liang Xiaole were close friends. Therefore, Liang Xiaole didn't feel the need to hide anything from Lisha. In a soft voice, she said, "Lisha, I'll just tell you this. Yesterday, I personally witnessed the two of them kill 70+ magical beasts by themselves."

Lisha was beyond shocked by this, as she exclaimed, "What! Xiaole, are you joking? The two of them killed 70+ magical beasts by themselves in one day?" Lisha was so astonished that she couldn't contain her voice. She had gradually become louder and louder, until the other 8 people were able to hear her quite clearly. In that instant, all of their expressions changed at the thought of Sasuke and Tieta achieving what Liang Xiaole had said, and their expressions were beyond disbelief.

"Lisha, what did you say? Which two people were able to kill 70+ Class 1 Magical Beasts in a day?" A youth asked. He could not accept the possibility that "the two people" were actually Sasuke and Tieta, whom they had just met.

Lisha tried to calm her breathing, and grasped at her chest before pointing to Liang Xiaole. In a trembling voice, she said, "Xiaole said that she personally witnessed the two people just now kill 70+ magical beasts in one day." Lisha's tone reflected the fact that she thought such a possibility was inconceivable.

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