The second part of adventures of a slightly deranged kunoichi. Hi once again to you all! If your brain survived through the first part of this story, then I'm sure you couldn't wait for this part. The story continues about two years after the last chapter from Uchiha's Butterfly. Now, to all new readers - to understand what the heck is going on, you have to read the first part (123 chapters). Our favorite crazy mc didn't make many changes in the known Naruto's history, but they're still massive. You can find more info in the "Introduction" chapter. The image for this novel was taken from [Woman photo created by javi_indy - with a little red edit from my side, if you Mr. javi_indy want me to change it, just inform me :-).] And for all of you my dear readers, if you didn't know - Naruto's Universum is STILL a property of Masashi Kishimoto :-) P.S. I'm trying my best, but I am NOT a native English speaker. If you can find ANY mistakes on my part please inform me in the comments section :-).
Hi and welcome back my dear readers!
To all new readers, please, to understand where we're at, you need to take a step back and read my previous work, a prequel to this story. Now that this was said, I wanted to apologize for the long wait - I had some problems in RL that had to be dealt with posthaste. Luckily, everything is good and dandy now :-)
The following chapters will as always be roughly based on Kishimoto's story, but this time you can expect me to divert away much more rapidly from it. I have the beginning and the end planned out, I'm still deliberating on how to fill the time in between those events and how to connect it to my next story :-P
For your ease my dear reader:
<Jutsu: ...>
[Author's Note]
Now some heads up - I'm NOT NATIVE English speaker, I am trying my best here :-), so if YOU, my reader, see any mistake, problem, or anything else that I f'd up, please inform me. I'm using Grammarly to catch most of the spelling/grammar mistakes, but neither it nor I'm perfect :-(. I'm planning on updating this story with at least a chapter per week, we will see if I can manage that :-). I'm writing this fan-fic for fun, but I can promise you, if or when I catch "writer's block" I will inform you - I always did. About your comments, I will gladly read them all. But please, head my warning, I'm doing it non-profit and for fun, I won't put writing this story before my family, work, nor life (always in this order). If you want to criticize this story please feel free to do it, I will gladly read all constructive criticism - they're frequently more helpful than all "I like!" five stars. If you want to just put a one-star saying BS like: "i dunt lik3" // "H4REM or I quit" then whatever rocks your world, I don't care :-). And to all of you that read to this point, Have fun!
And by the way, if you didn't know - Naruto is Masashi Kishimoto's story. So I don't own anything ... for now *wink-wink* :-).