

I have a dream;

I dreamed about her, she was hugging me tightly, so tight, as if she would never see me again. It was time for class that day and she wouldn't let go of her arms behind my back and she hugged me for at least more than 5 minutes, I shoved her away because it's almost time for our discussion but she doesn't want to let go. I have no idea what's the reason behind that hug she gave and I was shuffled.

I questioned her.

"Are you going somewhere? Why are you hugging me so tightly?" she didn't answer.

I gently forced her hand to let go but she continuously hugged me, and by that, I shoved her away to let go of me because I'm getting late for class. After that, I saw a tear falling in those beautiful eyes of hers and I was shocked.

I asked her again one more time.

"Why?" she didn't answer and she slowly walked away and fades into the light's overlays.

I felt guilty after what I saw because of what I've done to her. After she left, I asked my friends about her, but they say that they didn't know who she was and I was angry. At first I thought they were just joking, but they were serious, because of that day, I realized that I was the only one who remembered her.