
Two Hearts & One Soul

They both couldn't clearly remember what happened between them the previous night at the club where they met. In the morning... Emma couldn't explain why she willingly had sex with the strange man she just met while Leo thought it was just a hook-up between two adults... Then they learned they had to get married even though they hated each other. Will their marriage end before it begins? ****************************** “Excuse me! Are you saying I planned to get pregnant and trapped you into marriage!?” Emma asked angrily “Well, nothing could be further from the truth, when you just happened to show up at a private lounge that was only meant for my friends and I that night...” He replied “And out of all the rich men inside that lounge that I could get pregnant by and trapped into marriage, how did I have the misfortune of being stuck with you!?... The one with the puny dick!?” “What!?...” Leo asked with his mouth half-opened. "Puny!?"

Biola_Johnson1207 · Kỳ huyễn
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Leo arrived home looking tired and feeling physically and mentally drained after the event of the day, and the lengthy conversation he had about it with his assistant and friends.

As soon as he stepped into the family living room, he saw his mother seated like a queen and also seated on each side of her, her court ladies, Tola and Fola, his sister and girlfriend.

The three of them were laughing and commenting on a photo on Instagram and they all looked up when they heard his footsteps before he could decide to quietly go back and maybe pass through the back door.

'God! Why? Why? Why?...' He thought to himself and nearly banged his head on the wall with frustration.

'Why does it have to be these three that would be waiting for me today of all days!?' Emma's sister has been screaming in his face all day looking like she wanted to beat him up. He came back home, hoping to rest his tired body and brain, not to meet with more theatrics females that would frustrate the little sanity he had left out of him.

'I can't fucking deal with this right now!' He thought to himself with frustration as he walked further towards where they were all seated

"Good evening mom!" He greeted only his mom without slowing down his strides, walking on towards the stairs.

"Leo! What sort of disrespect is this!? Is this a new style of greeting? You no longer know how to properly greet your mother again or what!?..." Leo stopped and almost threw his hands in the air out of frustration.

'Couldn't she see that I'm tired!?' Leo thought to himself but stop out of respect anyway so he could listen to what she has to say.

"I've been calling you all day, why haven't you been picking my calls? Besides didn't you see Fola sitting beside me? Can you not at least say hello to her!?..." His mom demanded and finally stopped talking, looking like she was waiting for an apology from him.

'Is that all she wanted to say!?' Leo thought angrily. He's been working all day, providing for their needs while dealing with his own personal problems. He came back home tired and his own mother couldn't even ask him how his day has been or if he would like to eat something!?

All she was concerned about was him saying hello to somebody he didn't even care about. He promised to put every one of them in their places and God knows the day has finally arrived.

"I have not been picking your calls because you forced my hand into muting my phone after I told you several times I was with a visitor I wanted to attend to... I was at work, meeting with clients and investors all day. Providing for all your unlimited needs, while you all just seat on your asses doing nothing but talk about unnecessary things!?" Leo replied his mom sarcastically.

Lara was surprised and just sat frozen in place with shock apparent on her face. 'Has my son gone mad!?' That was the first thought that came to her mind when she heard what Leo said to her.

Leo has never talked to her like that, what has come over him!? She wondered to herself. She admitted he was right about some things he said but does that give him the right to talk to his mother like that?

"Leo how could you talk to mom like that, have you gone mad!?" Tola screamed and was about to stand when Leo directed his gaze towards her. Immediately she saw the look on his face, she panicked and quickly sat back down when she saw the ferociousness his eyes were displaying towards her.

"One more word out of your mouth over there, and I'm going to lock you up in the help's quarter with just a tin bucket to relieve yourself in..." Leo said coldly making Tola shrank back into her chair with fear. 'What came over him?' She asked herself, holding tightly to their mother's arm

"What the fuck is the matter with you!? Don't you have a brain to think with!?... You are twenty-nine years old for goodness sake! Isn't it time for you to get a life!?... Go get a job!... A boyfriend!... Just get something doing instead of gossiping and posting pictures on Instagram all day!

A twenty-year-old final-year student came to the Empire for an internship interview today. With what she has achieved as young as she is, Tola you should go dig a ground somewhere and bury your empty head out of shame..." Leo spoke like a proud dad as if the girl he was talking about was his daughter.

Starting from Monday, I'm getting you a job anywhere but the Empire. I don't care if your 1.0 GPA, D grade certificate could only get you a cleaner's position. All I know is, it's either you get a job, get married, or get the fuck out of this mansion! Go get your own apartment, you're certainly old enough. I hope I made myself clear? He asked without waiting for an answer before turning to Fola.

"And you... I'm getting married soon. If you've not gotten the memo, well now you know, so please move on!" He finished what he was saying and finally walked out of their presence.

He was climbing up the stairs when he was met on the way by his youngest sister Titi

"Welcome big bro! How was your day?" Titi asked with a bright smile on her face. She was the only sensible female and the only one he was close to in the family.

"Hey, cutie..." Leo answers her with a tight hug. "My day was hectic, which means I am very tired!"

"Yeah, I can see tiredness written all over you. So sorry that you have to work so hard..." Tola said with a worried expression on her face. "But I'll soon graduate so I can help you out. It won't be just only you working your ass out then."

"Yeah, I heard you!... Watch your mouth though!

"What!? I'm twenty-one and you're telling me to watch my mouth cos I said 'ass'? What if I used the f words then?"

"Then I'll wash your mouth out with soap and water," Leo jokingly threatened and laughed.

"Yeah right!..." Titi said and rolled her eyes at him. "You don't have to come down for dinner. Why don't you go shower first and I'll bring you your dinner after twenty minutes? Is that okay by you?"

"Yeah sure cutie, thanks," Leo said and smiled, ruffling her hair in the process.

"Geez, big bro! Not the hair... Stop doing that, I'm not a baby anymore!... It took me a while to get this style done and now you've scattered it"

"Well, it's almost time for bed... You'll redo it tomorrow morning anyway" He said and ruffled her hair all over again after she has tried to smoothen it back with her hands.

"God I hate you!" Titi said with mock annoyance and a slight smile on her face

"Yeah, I love you too cutie." He laughed, moving further up the stairs.

All through his conversation with Titi, Leo didn't hear any sound from the trio he just left downstairs. He should have done this a long time ago, he should have put everybody in their places. He should have let his mother understand that because he loves her doesn't mean she can manipulate him however she likes.