
Chapter 09 -"Hi, my name is Alice"

"Oh, I'm Ethan, nice to meet you", he replies, shaking the girl's hand.

"Are you a new student? Haven't seen you here before," Alice asked, tucking her hair over her ear.

"Yes, I arrived yesterday. I didn't see you here", he replied, with a smile on his face.

"Oh, yeah…", she stopped a little thoughtful. "My family had to visit a relative yesterday, so it turned out that we couldn't come to class," she added, but she seemed to be making up some excuse.

"Oh, yes, and is he okay?", Ethan asked, already guessing that they missed it because yesterday was a very sunny day.

"Who?" Alice narrowed her eyelashes doubtfully.

"Uh, the relative you went to visit," Ethan realized that she wasn't very good at lying.

"Ah, it's okay yes", she said a bit confused.

Then an inspector passes by them and says almost shouting:

"Now for your classes, what are you waiting for?".

Alice gave a little jump at the inspector's shout, making the two laugh and walk towards the classrooms.

"What do you have class on now?", Ethan asked her, who was walking with a small smile on her face.

"Biology class, how about you?" she asked, looking up into his face with those bright eyes.

"Oh, me too," he smiled at her.

"Look at that, it seems like fate", she chuckled, lowering her head.

"Thank you universe," he raised his arms and said, flirting with her.

They walked into the biology room. Alice stopped in front of the teacher and said:

"Good morning, Mr. Molina", with a gentle smile and walked to one of the tables at the back of the room.

Ethan stopped shortly after and greeted the teacher, who looked ahead as he didn't recognize the voice.

"Oh, you must be Mr. Coleman, right? Welcome to my class. Have a seat," he said, looking back at the paperwork on the table.

Ethan nodded and walked over to the table where Alice was sitting. She flashed a sweet smile at Ethan, who sat down next to her.

Ethan looked up and noticed that Mike was walking into his class accompanied by Bella. He introduced the girl to the teacher and then went to sit down.

In a dramatic and strange scene, Bella stopped in front of the fan after greeting Mr. Molina for a few minutes and started to stare at Edward trying to make a sexy look, after noticing his presence, who was coincidentally sitting in the front rows.

Which didn't seem to make sense for the fan to be on, since everyone there was wearing sweaters. If it were to ventilate the classroom, the most logical thing would be to open one of the windows.

Edward began to squirm on the table and stare at Bella with a disgusted expression, holding his nose, as if he was having an orgasm and, at the same time, feeling a horrible smell, which clearly made her uncomfortable with the situation.

- Oh, she's menstruating, isn't she? I guess that's why - Ethan thought, as he watched it.

The wind from the fan didn't reach the last few rows, which perhaps prevented Alice from making the same face because of Bella's smell.

"Miss Swan?", the teacher said confused, staring at the girl standing in front of the fan.

"Oh yes, I'm coming," Bella replied, ducking her head in disappointed but surprised.

Ethan looked to the side and saw Mike sitting on the other side trying to get his attention.

"What is? What's up?" Ethan said, trying to understand what Mike wanted, while he surreptitiously pointed at Alice and made obscene gestures. Indicating that Ethan was lucky to sit with the pretty girl.

"Be quiet," Ethan said as he waved his hand and tried to block Mike from Alice's view.

"So is that your boyfriend over there? I saw you guys sitting together in the cafeteria", Ethan asked even though he already knew the answer, as he stretched out on the desk covering Mike.

"Who? Edward? No no. He is like a brother to me. I don't have anyone right now", Alice said looking into Ethan's eyes. "And you? Are you with anyone?" she asked back.

Ethan was attracted to Jessica and her affectionate ways, but it wasn't serious. They hadn't even dated or flirted properly yet.

"Nah, I'm not with anyone. No one has caught my eye yet… Just one person", he said trying to pique Alice's interest.

"Hm, and who is it?", she asked.

"One day I'll tell you," Ethan replied as he pulled a notebook out of his backpack.

"Guys, today we are going to observe the behavior of flatworms aka worms. The book needs to be opened on page 15… Be careful, please", Professor Molina said as he passed by the students handing out small jars of glass to everyone.

Alice took one of the small jars and placed it under the microscope. Ethan couldn't stop thinking about Alice and paying attention in class. She was beautiful and delicate. Everything she did seemed incredible, even though she was holding a small glass jar with worms inside, Ethan seemed delighted with the girl's beauty, but he just avoided staring at the girl, because if he looked 3 rows ahead of them, he I could see Edward staring bizarrely at Bella the entire class without even blinking. It was like there was a giant red arrow on Edward's head that said "Don't Be Like That".

The class went by and as soon as the bell rang, Edward got up and ran out of the classroom, as if he urgently needed to go to the bathroom.

Ethan turned to Alice, who was looking at Edward with a strange expression and asked "Is your almost brother okay?".

"I have no idea. I think I better go talk to him", she said getting up. "Well, will I see you tomorrow?" she asked.

"Sure, see you tomorrow," he said. "Oh wait. Can I have your number?", Ethan asked taking his cell phone out of his pocket and handing it to Alice.

"Yes, of course", Alice replied blushing, as she took the cell phone from Ethan's hand. "Done, here it is", Alice said handing over the cell phone and touching their hands. Ethan felt his body go cold and he didn't understand why this was happening.

- Looks like it's the first girl I've talked to in my life. What's happening to me, man? It stays normal - he thought, while pretending that nothing happened.

He leaves the room and sees Angela and Jessica standing outside the school. Jessica spots Ethan and immediately gives him a gentle smile, which he instantly responds to.

"Hi Ethan, what are you doing today?", she asks, holding the boy's arm gently.

"Probably nothing, are you guys planning on going out later?", Ethan replies, fixing Jessica's headband, which blushes.

"We wanted to go to a cafe later with the boys. Come with us!", Angela replied while pulling Eric by the arm.

"Okay, I guess I'll come by later. Send me the address on my number later," he handed the phone to Jessica, who hurried to save her number and write down the boy's number.

Ethan walked back home as he reflected on what had happened that day. As he walked, he felt his cell phone vibrating and there was a message from 'Jessica <3'.

Ethan smiled at the phone, thinking it was cute how Jessica had saved her own name, until he scrolled up the contact list a bit and saw Alice's name saved as well.

Ethan immediately remembered Alice's bright yellow eyes and had a huge smile on his face, like a silly and in love boy. Until he suddenly stops halfway home:

- I imprinted on Alice - Ethan thought, frowning in doubt - But… I'm also attracted to Jessica -


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